Mustangs News
August 2024
Greetings Glenridge Family!
It is with great pleasure and excitement that I welcome you all back to the 2024-2025 school year! This year we will continue to build on the many great things that we engaged in last year. I look forward to working with all families to ensure that all students and families have an enjoyable educational experience at Glenridge this school year. Please take the time to come out to our monthly parent workshops and events this school year and get to know your school community! Each event is planned to support our families!
This year as a school community we will continue to operate in excellence. Excellence for Glenridge means we all work together to ensure both staff and students operate in excellence daily. In order to do that I will need all of my students and families to work with me. You can support the success of your child and Glenridge by doing these few things every day:
- Send your child to school in uniform every day because attendance matters!
- Ensure your child stays at school for the entire school day. Every minute counts towards student success!
- Ensure your child gets a good night's sleep so that he/she is ready to succeed at school
- Encourage your child(ren) to try his/her best everyday.
This year I look forward to increasing parent participation at Glenridge. I am hoping all parents are ready to support the school in many ways this year. We will be establishing a Parent Advisory Committee with the assistance of Ms. Chica our Parent Engagement Assistant. Be on the look out for communication from her. I encourage all families to be part of this very important committee to allow your voice to be heard.
In alignment with the priorities of Prince George's County, Glenridge will focus on School Climate and Culture, Accelerating Achievement in Mathematics, and Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health. We will do this by working in Excellence Every Day in Every Way!
Support our efforts by staying informed. All parents are asked to get connected to our communication platforms. Be sure to sign up and/or follow us on the following platforms:
- Class dojo ( you will receive an invite from your child's teacher)
- X (previously known as Twitter) @MustangPride
- Facebook Glenridge Elementary School
The first day of school for all students is Monday, August 26, 2024. This year school will operate on a new bell schedule. The new school hours for Glenridge are 7:30 a.m. - 1:40 p.m. We can receive students at school no earlier than 7:20 a.m. Please do not leave students at school prior to 7:20 a.m. because they will not be supervised and we want to ensure all student safety. If your student is a bus rider please monitor your mail for bus information that will be shared from the transportation office. You may also refer to StopFinder mobile app for your child's bus stop and information. Students that walk to school can arrive at 7:20 am. Students should not arrive prior to 7:20 am. On the first day of school, the Glenridge staff will be ready to meet and greet all of our Mustangs. Each grade level has a designated door to enter, please be sure to have students enter school daily ontime at the assigned grade level door. We look forward to receiving all students on the first day!
If you need any assistance you can always reach out to the school. Please call the main office and our team will direct you to the staff member to best assist you. You can call the main office at 301-918-8740.
Please take the time to read the information below regarding, uniforms, meals, school supplies, and other important information to help you prepare for a successful school year. I am looking forward to working as ONE as we strengthen our foundation ONE step at a time!
In Partnership,
Dr. Sharone Anderson-Davis, Principal
Get Connected and Stay Informed
How We Connect to Our Community
Class Dojo - Administration and teachers will utilize Class Dojo to communicate with families. Each teacher will have an established ClassDojo account. Teachers use ClassDojo to share classroom information, instructional updates, give individual students updates, and share schoolwide information. All new and returning parents will receive an email from the classroom teacher to sign up for Glenridge Class Dojo.
School Messenger - All parents with a valid email and phone number in Synergy, our new district data base will receive updates from the school by email, text, or phone call. We use this system to share important county and schoolwide information. Please ensure all of your information in Synergy is accurate and up to date so you don't miss any information.
Twitter & Facebook - Glenridge ES has both a X (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook accounts. These social media platforms will be used to share information and updates about events and activities happening at our school. We are excited to share all of the great things that will be happening this school year.
- twitter @_MustangPride
- Facebook Glenridge Elementary School
Annual Back to School Bazaar!
All families are asked to join us on Saturday, August 17, 2024, from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm for our Annual Back to School Bazaar! At this time families are invited to come out and learn about the school and some of the programs and activities that will be offered for the school year. Students will receive free backpacks and school materials for the school year. We will also have several other surprises and treats for our families. More details will be shared on social media once vendors are confirmed. We look forward to seeing all of our families!
Come out and join us for some fun and an opportunity to engage with the Glenridge Community!
School Hours
The school day for the 2024-2025 School Year:
7:30 a.m. - 1:40 p.m.
Student arrival begins at 7:15 a.m.
Students are late at 7:30 a.m.
Early dismissal ends at 1:00 p.m.
Remember: No Shots, No School! Make an appointment for routine immunizations today! Kindergarteners in the state are required to get a second dose of the chickenpox vaccine, while students in the seventh grade must get the vaccination for Meningococcal and Tdap, which protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.
School Visitors/Volunteers
Safety! Safety! Safety! Prince George’s County Public Schools are open for visitors, volunteers, and one-time volunteers. Visitors and one-time volunteers must have a scheduled appointment due to the requirement of being escorted and supervised by PGCPS employees at all times. Please visit the VISITOR SCREENING PAGE on the PGCPS website to begin your approval process. https://www.pgcps.org/offices/humanresources/fingerprinting
Student Supply List
Glenridge School Supply Lists 24-25 school supply lists
School Meals
All students of Glenridge Elementary School are able to receive free breakfast and lunch daily. Each student has a pin number that willbe used daily to pick up daily meals. Please help your child learn his/her pin number. Your child's pin number will be the same as long as they attend a Prince George's County School.
For more information about school lunch please visit
Student Orientation
Glenridge’s cellphone policy aligns with the policy established by PGCPS. While students are allowed to bring cell phones to school, they must remain turned off and stored away during school hours. If students need to contact their parents, phones are available for their use. The presence and potential misuse of cell phones can significantly disrupt the instructional environment, making it crucial to monitor student usage. We respectfully ask parents to support our no-phone-in-the-classroom expectation to ensure a focused and productive learning experience for all students.
Classroom Teacher Assignments
Mandatory School Uniform Policy 2024-2025
The Mandatory Uniform Policy at Glenridge Elementary School is based on the Board of Education Policy 0600 regarding school uniforms. All students must be in full uniform each day. When shopping for school uniforms, shoes, and accessories, please adhere to the guidelines below. Students will have opportunities to dress down and show their individualism on specific days of the year, however, it is imperative that students follow the guidelines daily. The uniform consists of the following: Light Blue Polo or button-down shirts; Navy Blue Slacks/Pants; Skirts or Jumpers; Navy Blue or Light Blue Sweaters/ Cardigans (No Hoodies). No jeans, cargo pants, yoga pants, or leggings. All black shoes are preferred, but students can wear sneakers, or boots. No light-up shoes or shoes with wheels.
Optional School Mask
Bus Rider APP - Download StopFinder Now!
School Messenger
Glenridge Elementary School
Email: s.andersondavis@pgcps.org
Website: https://schools.pgcps.org/glenridge/
Location: 7200 Gallatin St. Landover Hills, MD 20784
Phone: 301-918-8740
Facebook: facebook.com/GlenridgeElementarSchool
Twitter: @MustangPride