The Compass
The Compass Sept. 2024

2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Free-Reduced Lunch application & Financial Hardship Waiver
PCSD Device Insurance $20
Please subscribe to our PC Pass Christian Pirates Athletics You Tube Channel:
Football 24-25
MS All State Show Choir
This year we had eleven students attend, including one middle school member and ten high school members. Not only did they participate in the clinic, but they also had a pep rally performance of the national anthem in celebration of being an all A rated district!
Parents, please continue to support your kids’ interests in the arts, especially when it comes to honor choirs; it only builds confidence and so much more!
Athletic Event Tickets
Medical Forms and Medicine Reminders
Our school nurse, Mrs. Paula Rushing will need medication authorization forms for students that require ANY type of medication during the school day.
Action/Management plans are needed as well for diagnosed medical conditions such as; Diabetes, Asthma, etc. Use the link below to visit the school Clinic Webpage.
Students are NOT allowed to carry medicine on campus, including over the counter.
Parents must bring ALL medication to school, including over-the-counter and/or Doctor issued prescriptions and a medical form must be completed.
Please report any COVID diagnosis to the nurse.
Upcoming Events
24-25 School Year Calendar
We are excited to launch our new strategic plan, New Horizons 2030. We would like to thank the more than 80 participants who gave their time and talents to this work effort. Please visit our district's webpage to learn more: www.pc.k12.ms.us
Title I Information
Parent Resources Available for Check Out
Pass Christian High School
Email: tlindmark@pc.k12.ms.us
Website: pchs.pc.k12.ms.us
Location: 720 West North Street, Pass Christian, MS, USA
Phone: 2284522008
Facebook: facebook.com/PassChristianHighSchool
Twitter: @PassHighPirates