BCIT A,B,C Schedule
July 22
What is an A,B,C Schedule and how does it work?
In an effort to transition students back into the building the district has designed a schedule that meets the requirements set forth by the state. The students will be divided into three groups (A,B,C) and assigned days to physically attend school and work synchronously from home on the other days. Student groups were developed based on alphabet and in some instances geographic location with siblings attending on the same day. Additionally, we will follow a half-day schedule with dismissal at 12:32 pm. Sealed school lunch meals will be made available to those who are interested during their 4th block class for students to take home. We have provided a sample schedule below to help clarify.
How long will the A, B, C Schedule be implemented?
At the current time, the BCIT A, B, C Schedule will be utilized to start the school year and will run until further guidelines are provided. This is a fluid process as the Governor and the Department of Health are frequently adjusting their guidance according to the status of the pandemic. Below you will find a projected schedule for September, October and November for your planning purposes.
***Please note, the district will continue to follow the directives of our state and local officials and the advice of our local health experts. Although we only have the A, B, C rotation for Marking Period 1 below, please know this is a fluid situation and is subject to change at any time.
What do I do when I am not in school the other two days?
With lessons learned from last school year we felt the need to provide structure and a routine to assist students with maintaining their focus and for continuity of instruction. As such, students will be required to follow their assigned schedule remotely from home. Teachers will lead classes by utilizing various technology applications. As is with traditional schooling, student attendance is required with our attendance policy in effect.
What if we need additional support?
Students will have the ability to remotely attend various support programs in the afternoons once classes are finished for the day. The support are as follows:
Teacher Office Hours
Social Emotional Learning Activities/Projects
Guidance & CST Services
Student Activities & Clubs
Academic Remediation and Interventions
Will we have a day to work on projects and get additional support from teachers beyond the afternoon?
Yes! Every other Friday students will not be required to attend on campus or remote classes in order to work on school work and/or projects as well as to receive any additional services or support they may need. We learned during the spring remote learning, that both students and teachers need additional time to complete and ensure that all required work was submitted and that timelines were being met.
September through November A,B,C Rotation
Sample Schedule Following the A,B,C Plan
What if my assigned day falls on a holiday?
In order to keep the three day rotation in place and maintain the every other Friday Project/Support Day pattern, if your assigned day falls on a holiday or another day the district is closed, we will skip the assigned day and go to the next day in the rotation. This will allow for students and parents to have continuity with their scheduled time in the building knowing which days they are required to be in the building during the two week rotation. This also allows teachers to effectively plan knowing which students will be in their classrooms each week.
See October 12th above for an example. It is an assigned "C" day but due to the holiday, we skip the "C" day and go right to an "A" day on Tuesday.
How will transportation work?
Every student will receive information from their sending district similar to years past. Each sending district will be provided with class rosters indicating the assigned days, bus routes will be planned accordingly. Additionally, each bussing provider will have their own protocols regarding the bussing process, but for the most part they will be fairly consistent:
1) Masks required
2) Screening Process
3) Assigned seating to ensure social distancing.
The BCIT A,B,C Schedule is designed to decrease the amount of students in school and on the busses each day to ensure everyone's safety!
As you are aware, BCIT does not control the individual bus runs which are provided by your sending district, but due to the pandemic there has been an increased level of communication between BCIT and the sending districts.