Ranger Report
August 2024
Welcome Back!
Ice Cream Social
We have nearly 600 students enrolled at Elk Ridge! In order to ensure a successful event on the evening of August 29th we are breaking the Ice Cream Social up to help with parking, crowding, and face time with your child's teacher. Families with the last name beginning with A-M are invited to come from 4:00-4:30 and families with the last name beginning with N-Z are invited to come from 4:30-5:00.
4th and 5th graders interested in Choir can sign up with Mr. Leppanen during the Ice Cream Social. Our Elk Ridge Choir will have the honor of performing the National Anthem on Sunday, September 22nd at a Tacoma Rainiers game so we would like to have our Choir up and running as soon as we can!
First Day Logistics
We will allow parents to walk students in on the first day of school (or the first day of Kindergarten). After that, it is important for students to walk on their own, with their peers, or with siblings. Thank you for your understanding!
School Hours:
Tuesday-Friday- 9:00-3:25
Monday (Late Start)- 10:00-3:25
Below I have included information about arrival and dismissal. During the first few days, this is a lengthy process as we get into the swing of things. Please be patient and follow our expectations.
Thank you, Ranger Families! I am looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Arrival/Dismissal Routines
Arrival Information
- Our drop off area is for drop off only. If you would like to wait with your child please park and then walk with them.
- If you are dropping off and need to assist your child with getting out of their car seat, please pull all the way forward.
- Please be a good neighbor! We have neighborhoods on either side of us and lots of kids walking from both Copperwynd and Heather Lane. Be mindful of students and safe during arrival and dismissal times!
- Parking is not allowed on Heather Lane.
- Please do not drop your child off unsupervised prior to 8:45. We do not have supervision in the front of the building prior to this.
Dismissal Information
- Please contact our office before 3:00pm if there are any changes to your child's end-of-day transportation plans. The end of the day is a busy time for us and we cannot ensure transportation changes after 3:00pm.
- If you are picking up your child in the car, please follow our loop. We will have one teacher designated to ask parents daily who you are picking up and they will direct you to a colored curb along our sidewalk (red, orange, green, blue, or purple). When you get to that section another teacher will help escort your child in the car.
- If you are walking home with your child via Copperwynd, please wait for them on the other side of the crosswalk. If you are walking home via Heather Lane, please wait for them at the designated area behind the bike rack. Our staging area for students in the pick up line needs to be clear for students and staff only.
- We will not be dismissing students across the parking lot to parents as it is a safety concern.
- The bus loop is for buses only. Please do not park behind the bus loop either.
- Kindergarteners-2nd Graders will be dismissed at 3:20. 3rd-5th Graders will be dismissed at 3:25.
Upcoming Events
August 26th: Cost Free Immunization Clinic at Glacier Middle School, 11am-2pm
August 29th: Ice Cream Social, 4:00-5:00
August 30th: Kindergarten Meet and Greet, 3:00-4:00
September 3rd: First Day of School
September 3rd-5th: Family Connection Meetings for Preschool, Early Kindergarten, and Kindergarten Families
September 6th: First Day of Kindergarten
September 9th: Late Start Monday, School begins at 10:00
Class placement
Last year we started a new process on how we inform families of who their student's teacher will be for the upcoming school year. For the 24-25 school year we have moved to a completely online system.
On August 28th at 4pm, Skyward will open up for families to login and see who their student's teacher is and to fill out Annual Student Info Update. To see your student's teacher please follow the directions below.
1) Go to Elk Ridge's Website, half way down on the right click on the "Family Access" button. It will open up the Skyward login page. The best way to access this information is via a computer/laptop, we don't suggest using smartphones as it doesn't load correctly.
2) When the Skyward login page opens, enter your login information. If you have forgotten your login information, click on the Forgot your Login/Password? hyperlink.
3) Once you are logged into Skyward please click on the "Annual Student Info Update" button on the left. Every year we ask that families fill out this important information for each student as it's imperative for communication from the district and building to have correct phone numbers, and emails. We are also asking that you update health information, housing information and more.
4) After you have filled out the Annual Student Info Update it should return you to the home page. Click on the "Schedule" button on the left to show your student's teacher. If you have multiple students in the district all of their schedules will show here. To narrow it down to one student, click on the drop down button next to "All Students" at the top of the page.
Class lists will also be posted in the building for our Ice Cream Social on August 29th from 4-5pm.
We know this is a new process but at the secondary level Skyward is used exclusively and we want our families to be comfortable using this system. Skyward gives you access to your student's attendance, grades, food service balance, and a lot more. If you need help please reach out to the office at 360-829-3354. We are still processing summer enrollment and class rosters are not final as of this moment and will be subject to change until August 28th at 4pm.
The Ranger Way
The Ranger Way
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
Food Service Updates
Pricing for food services is as follows:
- Breakfast $2.25
- Lunch $3.50
Breakfast and lunch menus are available on White River nutrislice under Elk Ridge. If your family needs assistance, please make sure to fill out an application for Free and Reduced Lunch. Applications are available in several ways; at all school offices, are available to print, and securely online through Family Access. You may apply and reapply for benefits any time during the school year.
How do I find out my child’s bus stop information?
How do I find out my child’s bus stop information?
Check out Elink! Elink is a new tool for families to access individual student transportation information. Families will input their address and student grade level to determine bus route number, bus stop location and bus stop times. The WRSD Transportation website includes log in information and other details. Elink is available starting on August 28, 2024
For inclement weather bus routes please visit the WRSD transportation's webpage for more information.
School Supplies
Last year, we announced an exciting new school supply program that benefited all elementary school students in our district. We are happy to say that we will be continuing with this program for our elementary schools and have now extended it to include our middle school. Beginning this fall, we will also provide middle school students with essential items such as pencils, pens, notebooks, crayons, markers, and glue sticks. Middle school students will also continue to be provided with 1:1 devices.
We are excited about the opportunities this program will provide for our elementary and middle school students and its positive impact on their educational experience. To ensure easy access and transparency, we have made information about the program available on each school's website and in the elementary and middle school student handbooks. If you would like to request a backpack and/or water bottle for your child, please contact the main office of your child’s school.
For families with high school students, please be on the lookout for additional information regarding high school students. With 1:1 devices for each student and many different course offerings, applying a universal supply list is difficult. That said, you will be hearing about resources available in our community and updates on course fees.
Are you interested in Volunteering? Please click the link below to fill out your volunteer application online. Approved applications last for 2 years.
Elk Ridge Elementary School
Email: cmarkey@whiteriver.wednet.edu
Website: https://elkridge.whiteriver.wednet.edu/
Location: 340 White River Park Road, Buckley, WA 98321, USA
Phone: 360-829-3354