Glocester Libraries e-Newsletter
February 2025
Children Programs
Harmony and Glocester Manton Libraries’ Craft Tables
February 1 through February 28, during library hours
Harmony Library and Glocester Manton Library
Age Level: All Ages - No registration required.
Youth of all ages, discover the indoor craft table at both libraries. Each library is different, so be sure to visit both places.
Weekly Take and Make Crafts
February 1 through February 28, during library hours
Harmony Library and Glocester Manton Library
Age Level: All Ages - No registration required.
Children of all ages, visit both libraries weekly to pick up a craft! Craft kits will be different at each location. Some kits may require help for younger crafters.
Blown Tree Silhouette on Canvas
Tuesday, February 4, 5 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
Age Level: Ages 5 and up
We will be painting blown Tree Silhouettes on canvas. This children’s program will get a little messy so please dress appropriately.
Valentine’s Day Slime
Saturday, February 8, 10:30 to 2 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
Age Level: All Ages – No registration required.
Valentine’s Day Slime! We will be making slime with fun Valentine’s Day add-ins. Stop in anytime during the program hours.
I’ll Owl-ways Love You Owls
Wednesday, February 12, 5 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
Age Level: Ages 3 and up
Join us to paint a ceramic Valentine’s Day owl! A perfect gift for your valentine.
Xen’s Critters: Creepy Crawlies Reptile
Thursday, February 20, 1 p.m.
Harmony Library
Age Level: All Ages
Xen will be joining us with an assortment of reptiles. This hands-on program is sure to be a ton of fun. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures with reptiles.
LEGO Club – Can you build a snow monster?
Tuesday, February 25, 5 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
Age Level: Ages 5 and up
We will give children the opportunity to get creative and building anything that they choose with LOTS of LEGOs! In February, they can build a snow monster or their own creation, or build as a team. We will then display your creations in the library.
Tween/Teen Program
Teen Paint Night
Monday, February 10, 5 p.m.
Harmony Library
Age Level: Ages 11 and up
Join us for a paint night!
Adult Programs
Tuesday Movie Matinees
Tuesday, February 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
No registration required
Each Tuesday Movie Matinee offers a new release on the big screen and light refreshments. Bring a friend and enjoy a movie and a snack. Visit the libraries’ website, glocesterlibraries.org, for movie titles.
Cookbook Club
Monday, February 3, 6 p.m.
Harmony Library
Our cookbook for February is Cool Beans: The Ultimate Guide to Cooking with the World's Most Versatile Plant-Based Protein, with 125 Recipes by Joe Yonan.
This is how the club works: every month, members pick up a copy of that month's cookbook selection at the library and choose a recipe to make and prepare for the next month's meeting. We will sample each other's dishes and discuss our cooking experiences.
Note: Because of limited space, there will now be a waiting list for new members. If you would like to join the Cookbook Club, contact Brenda Fecteau directly at harmonyreference@gmail.com or call the Harmony Library at 949-2850.
Winter Sowing Native Plants
Tuesday, February 4, 6 p.m.
Harmony Library
Interested in learning how to grow your own native plants? Master Gardeners Betsy Lennon and Susan Ricercato will provide gardeners with the materials and information need to winter sow native plants. Gardeners will sow seeds into a gallon milk jug and will be provided with instructions for winter care, transplanting, summer care, and fall planting. Gardeners will be provided with seeds to take home for additional sowing. Come with your questions!
Vintage Paper Sweethearts
Monday, February 10, 2 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
We will craft a standing paper heart decoration using vintage paper, a branch slice, and a dowel. Each participant will have materials for three standing hearts.
Fearless Art
Wednesday, February 12 and February 28
2 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
No registration required.
This art club is guided by the likes and interests of its members. In the past, we have explored graphite, charcoal, colored pencils, and watercolor. In February, we will continue with watercolor and begin to focus more closely on botanical watercolor projects. You will find the Fearless Folks to be creative, supportive, and kind.
Writers’ Group
Thursday, February 13, 6 p.m.
Harmony Library
No registration required
Share your writing with your peers! The Harmony Library Writers’ Group is open to writers in all genres and forms, including poetry. Bring a sample of your work to read and get feedback from fellow writers. For information, phone Pat Kenny, Reference and Technology Librarian, at 949-2850. Note: The group begins with a social half-hour at 6 p.m., before meeting formally at 6:30 p.m.
Birds Nest Pendants
Tuesday, February 25, 6 p.m. and Wednesday, February 26, 10:30 a.m., HL
Participants will work with wire and beads to fashion a pendant that looks like a birds nest. We will have extra material to create smaller nests for earrings as well. Note: Participants should register for ONE class only. Registration opens on Tuesday, February 11, at 6 p.m.
Book Discussion Groups
Glocester Senior Center Book Discussion
Wednesday, February 12, 1 p.m.
Glocester Senior Center
Join us for a discussion of The Blessing Way by Tony Hillerman. Copies of the book are available at the Harmony Library. Note: Registration is not necessary, but if you have never attended the group before, contact Brenda at the Harmony Library (949-2850) so that you can be notified of any changes to our schedule. New members are welcome.
Second Thursday Book Discussion
Thursday, February 13, 1:30 p.m.
Harmony Library
Enjoy a lively talk about the novel, Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. Copies of the book are available at the Harmony Library.
Fantasy Book Club
Tuesday, February 18, 6 p.m.
Glocester Manton Library
Join us for our monthly Fantasy Book Club. We will be discussing the novel The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna. Copies of the book are available at the Glocester Manton Library.
Mystery Book Discussion
Thursday, February 27 1:30 p.m.
Harmony Library
Discuss the mystery, The Right Sort of Man by Allison Montclair.