Falcon Family Newsletter
October, 2024
Falcon Families,
Fall is here and we are looking forward to some cooler temperatures and student activities in full swing. Last month we had our first dance of the year and over 700 students attended. Students were able to play games, play on inflatables and most importantly-DANCE! We had a great group of students in the MP Room dancing all afternoon long and having a great time. Our Volleyball and Cross Country teams are in full swing and experiencing success. We also had over 350 family members join us for Falcon Family Lunches. We are fortunate to have so many opportunities for our students and families to get involved.
Please know that safety is always our number one concern for your students. Should an incident occur that affects the student body, we would be contacting you as soon as possible so that you are aware. Please ensure that your primary phone number and email address is updated. This can be done through ParentVue.
As we settle into our drop off and pick up routines, please keep safety at the forefront as we go about each day. Please use caution and look out for students and staff that may be crossing to get to/from school. Please ensure that you are following all traffic rules, especially when parking and waiting. Under no circumstances should you park in a driving/passing lane and exit/leave your vehicle. We need to ensure that emergency vehicles can get where they need should a situation arise needing their assistance.
As October 11th marks the end of Quarter 1, this is a good time to check in with your child.
October 11th marks the end of the first quarter. Please consider working with your student to go over any area of improvement heading into quarter 2. Counselors will meet with students who earn an F grade in their quarter 1 final grade report. These conversations are to help motivate students and find strategies that will help them find more success here at school.
Finally, I will be including a short educational article each month at the end of the newsletter. This month's article is a summary of an article about tips for how to ensure healthy cellphone and screen time habits. Many of you are already employing some of them, but I hope you find something helpful in each months article.
Please read through the rest of this newsletter to see updates from the start of school as well as opportunities and events coming up!
Chris Rauschenfels
KAMS Principal
Upcoming Events
Picture Retakes
Wednesday, Oct. 2
Friday, October 11
Minimum Day- School Dismissed at 1:10pm
Falcon Family Lunch
Tuesday, October 15
8th Grade PSAT
Wednesday, October 16
Minimum Day- School Dismissed at 1:10pm
Falcon Family Lunch
Friday, October 18
Monday, October 21-Wednesday, October 23
8th Grade Basketball Tryouts
Thursday, October 24
AVID Family Night
Friday, October 25
Career Fair Day
During Student Lunches
Tuesday, October 29
Minimum Day- School Dismissed at 1:10pm
Friday, October 11
Click on schedule for full list of KAMS Bell Schedules
Wednesday, October 16
Click on schedule for full list of KAMS Bell Schedules
Tuesday, October 29
Click on schedule for full list of KAMS Bell Schedules
Retake/Make Up Pictures
Retake/Make Up Picture Day is Wednesday, October 2nd, on the MP Stage.
- 7th Grade will take pictures during 1st period.
- 8th Grade will take pictures during 2nd period.
Students who were absent on Picture Day (8/15 & 8/16) or are new students will be allowed to take Make Up pictures.
Other than being absent or being a new student, you can only take Retake Pictures if:
- If you purchased photos and you did not like them. Bring back those photos or you will not be able to take them.
- If you want to purchase them and you forgot to purchase them.
Drop Off & Pick Up
Pleaser remember, with over 1,400 students at KAMS and over 2,500 at our neighboring PGHS, mornings and afternoons are very busy times with a lot of cars! While drop off and pick up traffic is so busy, we appreciate your patience and helping to keep the lines moving as steadily as possible. When staff are out and helping, please do your best to follow any prompts as staff tries to get everyone in and out as quickly and safely as possible. To see a video highlighting best practices, please click HERE.
Parking is also extremely limited based on our staff size and limited spaces. Please go slow, give space, and act safely! Our students' and staff's safety depend on it.
- Please stay in line and do not pull around another car and get back in line to drop off your student.
- Traffic moves slowly, BUT steadily if all drivers pay attention and act safely.
- The inner loop (left lane) is not to be used for drop off or pick up. Please drop off and pick up all students along the Drop Off Curb.
- Once your student has exited/entered the car, it is safe to pull away from the curb and proceed to exit if other cars are aware.
- Please use your signal lights!
- Please follow the directions of any staff member directing traffic in the crosswalk and be aware of pedestrians!
- Under no circumstances park and block traffic/parking spots/emergency lanes and leave your car unattended.
Educational Benefits Form
Please remember to fill out your Educational Benefits application in ParentVue or in our school office. (One application per family) This form helps our school secure crucial funding to help with many areas beyond just school meals. It provides additional support for counselors and wellness providers, helps to lower the cost of transportation, helps to purchase school equipment and supplies, and funds tutoring and enrichment programs.
Accurate income information ensures we can continue to offer free and reduced-priced meals to eligible students. All information provided is confidential and used solely for funding purposes. Your privacy is our priority, and the date is securely managed according to all regulations.
Forms are simple to fill out and are available on ParentVue. When logging into ParentVue, you will be prompted to answer a few simple questions regarding your household size and income range.
For information on filling out the form and the benefits from completed forms, please click HERE.
Falcon Family Lunch
This month, our Falcon Family Lunch days will be on Tuesday October 15 and Friday October 18. As always, please sign in at the table when entering through the gate. In the event of inclement weather, we will send out a message that morning if we have to cancel the event.
7th Grade Lunch: 11:50am - 12:20pm
8th Grade Lunch: 12:50pm - 1:20pm
8th Grade PSAT
Through a unique partnership between the Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) and the College Board, all EGUSD 8th graders will take the Digital Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT 8/9) free of charge. School districts in which the PSAT 8/9 is administered to 8th grade students have experienced significant growth in student achievement, but more importantly, through the PSAT 8/9, the students, themselves, gain valuable academic experience and build important skills for future success.
The PSAT 8/9 will be administered here on campus through students' 8th grade Advocacy classes on Wednesday, October 16th. 8th graders will be on a minimum day testing schedule from 8:45 AM to 1:10 PM and will be with their advocacy teacher the entirety of the day. 7th graders will attend all classes on a shortened minimum day schedule. A detailed schedule will be emailed out to student families in early October.
ELAC Meeting
We have our first ELAC meeting this month on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:00pm. We will be meeting on Zoom so our families from all over the district may attend. At this meeting, we will be discussing the role of ELAC members, reviewing our current LCAP and discussing future meetings.
If you are interested, please click on the link below to join the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 8520 6672
Passcode: ELAC
Career Fair
This year, KAMS will be holding our annual Career Fair on October 25 during student lunches. Presenters from a variety of careers will be setting up booths and showcasing their careers to our students. Many presenters have interactive activities and do giveaways for students. Last year we had 25 presenters and we are hoping to grow this year.
If you are interested in presenting your career to our students, please click HERE or on the link below to sign up to present. Or, if you know someone who would be great to present, please pass the link along to them.
All presenters will be in the quad during both lunches (11:50-12:20pm and 12:50-1:20pm) with gates open as early as 10:50 to set up. You will be provided a table to set up and if you need additional supplies reach out to Meghan Miller at mmmiller@egusd.net.
Thank you!
Lost and Found
Attention Falcon Families, our Lost and Found is full and we will be donating it at the end of the week. If your child is missing a sweatshirt or water bottle, please have them check the area outside of the Student Services building.
Thank you!
Physical Education (PE)
With colder weather (hopefully) on the way, please ensure your student is prepared. If your student wants to wear pants to PE, they need to be athletic pants and preferably in the colors of blue, gray, or navy blue with no large writing or logos. If your student is wearing leggings, please make sure they are thick enough for exercise. PE clothing should always be separate from their school clothing. Students can wear any sweatshirt, but are still required to change and wear their PE shirt underneath the sweatshirt. PE teachers will be asking students to show they are wearing their PE shirt. Failure to have proper PE clothing and shoes will result in a loss of points. Thank you for helping your student be successful in our class.
Hope Squad
As we begin the second year of Hope Squad on campus, we wanted to remind students and families that Hope Squad is an evidence-based, peer-to-peer youth suicide prevention program, dedicated to spreading hope and creating a school culture that promotes connectedness and inclusivity. Hope Squad members are students selected by their peers for their kindness, approachability, and trustworthiness.
This program is dedicated to preventing suicide through public awareness and education, reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide, and serving as a resource to those affected by suicide. Hope Squad members are not expected to take on the responsibilities of a school counselor or other mental health professionals. Instead, members learn the skills needed to spot signs of suicide, intervene, and refer their peers to both local and national mental health resources.
Research shows that young people who might be struggling with their mental health or contemplating suicide are more willing to talk to a peer than a teacher or a coach. Please discuss the benefits of Hope Squad with your student, so they are aware of this wonderful mental wellness resource. For more information, please visit the Hope Squad website.
Hope Squad advisor: Kate Nuttall, School Social Worker, knuttall@egusd.net, (916)686-5210 ext. 30060.
The Falcon Nation Yearbook Staff is excited to offer you the 2025 Yearbook! Just go to yearbookordercenter.com and use school code 16281. (You can also click this link or scan the QR code.) Personalized, engraved nameplates, student dedication ads, and business ads are also available!
Make the yearbook even more special for your student with a yearbook ad. Add your own loving tribute and it will help recognize them forever. Reserve their space today. Click this link https://yearbookordercenter.com/job/16281 to see what options are available for student recognition and business ads.
Still need to order your yearbook? Don't delay! We sell out every year. Use the link above to place your order or to confirm that you already purchased. (Our school code is 16281 if Albiani doesn't come up right away.)
Please contact Mrs. Campbell via TalkingPoints or Synergy with questions about Yearbook or Theatre.
Theatre Arts
We have an active Theatre Arts Program and Drama Club here at KAMS. Students are welcome to participate in a variety of events on the stage (cast) and behind the curtain (crew). Here are some highlights of what we have planned for this year:
- KAMS Advanced Musical Theatre class production - Something Rotten JR - November 8-9, 2024
- Night of the Arts: A Celebration of Semester 1 - December 6, 2024
- Elf The Musical JR - December 13-14, 2024 click HERE for tickets
- Shakespeare In The Quad: Macbeth - April 25, 2025
- TBA - KAMS Advanced Musical Theatre class production - May 9-10, 2025
- Night of the Arts: A Celebration of Semester 2 - May 14, 2025
Please contact Mrs. Campbell via TalkingPoints or Synergy with questions about Yearbook or Theatre.
Something Rotten Jr.
November 8 & 9
Tickets available soon!
Elf Jr. The Musical
December 13 & 14
Get your tickets HERE
Girls Volleyball - 7th & 8th
Coed Cross Country - 7th & 8th
Girls Basketball - 7th & 8th (tryouts 10/21-23)
Boys Basketball - 7th & 8th (tryouts 10/21-23)
Coed Wrestling - 7th & 8th
Boys Volleyball - 7th & 8th
Coed Track and Field - 7th & 8th
In order for a student to participate on an athletic team, you must complete the Athletic Clearance ONLINE and receive a notice that you are cleared at least one day prior to participation! https://kams.egusd.net/Programs/Athletics/Athletic-Clearance/index.html
Additional Information
Athletic Director, Traci Seto, tseto@egusd.net, Room MC-10
Cross Country
The boys and girls cross country season is underway!
Meet Dates
Saturday, October 26 - Flat Sac @ Gibson Ranch Regional Park
Wednesday, October 16 - EGUSD Cross Country Championships @ Elk Grove Park
Girl’s Volleyball
The girls volleyball season has already begun!
The schedule below displays the dates and times for upcoming games.
Game Dates
8th Grade: 4:15pm / 7th Grade: 5:15pm
Tuesday, October 1 - vs Johnson @ HOME
Thursday, October 3 - vs Kerr @ HOME
Tuesday October 8 - @ Eddy
Thursday, October 10 - vs Pinkerton @ HOME
Monday, October 14 - 8th Grade Playoffs @Toby Johnson
Tuesday, October 15 - 7th Grade Playoffs @Albiani
Thursday, October 17 - 7th/8th Grade Championships @Sheldon High
Our Gifted and Talented Education Program at KAMS has a new coordinator. Ms. Jennifer Aguilar will be taking over as GATE Coordinator for the 2024-2025 school year. We thank you for your patience as we make the transition. Ms. Aguilar is extremely excited about heading the GATE Program at KAMS and the tentative enrichment opportunities. The KAMS Community will soon receive more information regarding the GATE Program and Application process in the upcoming weeks.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Aguilar at jgaguila@egusd.net
Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions.
Please contact the Attendance Office at 916-686-5210 for attendance related questions or to clear a student absence.
7th Grade: please use extension 30013
8th Grade: please use extension 30012
If email is more convenient, please email kamsattendance@egusd.net with student name, ID number, your name and relationship to student and reason for absence.
For all information related to attendance, including classification of absences, arrival/dismissal policies, early dismissal policies, campus hours, extended absences for vacation, and how to clear and absence, please click HERE to access the KAMS Handbook and got to the Attendance section starting on page 13.
Guidelines for Extended Absences Due to Vacations
The Secondary Division of the EGUSD firmly believe that a strong home and school partnership will help our students achieve in a positive and effective academic environment. To that end, your assistance is critical in ensuring that your child misses as little school as possible. There is great academic value in a student being present in class, in participating in the lessons, hearing the explanations of teachers, and in discussing subjects with other students. While there may be instances when extenuating circumstances require you to pull your student out of school, please make every effort to plan any family vacations during the scheduled breaks.
Because family vacations are defined by California Educational Code as unexcused absences, teachers may elect to provide makeup work for the student, although they are not required to do so. In the event that students have two or more concurrent weeks of unexcused absences, they may be dropped from their school and may need to re-enroll upon their return.
Counseling Staff Team Members:
- Mr. Caston (M - R)
- Mr. Mendez (F - L)
- Mr. Mendoza (A - E)
- Ms. Miller (S - Z)
Other Resources and Tips:
Please visit the KAMS Counseling Connection page for articles, ideas, tips, and other resources to support you and your child in having a successful middle school experience. Please note that you do not have to have your parent account established in order to access our counseling page – just visit the KAMS homepage and click on the counseling tab.
Library Hours & Services
PGHS/KAMS Library is open 30 minutes before school, during lunch breaks, and 10 minutes after school ends. While at the library, all students are expected to follow our library 3B's rules that are posted on every table in the library. Due to limited seating, we ask that students come to the library with a school-related purpose, such as:
- Quiet study of complete homework assignments
- Check out a book or textbook required for class
- Use a computer for school-related assignments
- Attend a library related event and/or library club meeting.
EGUSD Chromebooks
All KAMS students are expected to bring their EGUSD assigned Chromebooks to school daily for academic use. If you have a damaged or lost Chromebook, please come to the PGHS/KAMS Library to get a replacement. All damaged and lost Chromebook issues will be reported to EGUSD Technology Services.
PGHS/KAMS Library also provides daily Chromebook loaners for students who may have forgotten their Chromebooks at home. Students must return their daily loaner to the library at the end of the school day. (Loaners can NOT be taken home.) Students are asked to limit the number of Chromebook loaners requested from the library during the school year.
Library Website
Have you visited the library website at http://kamslibrary.info to see all the great resources available to support classroom assignments, recommend reading lists, student homework help resources, textbook information, library video, and more! The library website is available 24/7 to all KAMS students.
Educational Article of the Month
Tips for Parents on Kids’ Cellphones and Screen Time
In this After Babel article, Catherine Price suggests ten ideas for parents as they grapple with their children’s devices and screen time (click the article link for specifics and links):
- Have a family talk about the negative effects of phones, social media, and screen time. “Too often,” says Price, “I see parents try to impose limits on their children’s screen time without first educating their children on why this is important, getting input from their kids, or reflecting on their own screen habits.” It’s important to focus on how devices are designed to be irresistible and how kids feel about their parents’ phone use.
- Choose devices that are as basic as possible. This might be a Kindle without Internet access rather than a iPad, or starting with a flip phone rather than a smartphone. Parents can also lend their own phones to their children with most apps and connectivity turned off (using products like The Brick).
- Allow devices and screens to be used only in your home’s public spaces. The point is getting entertainment (including television), social media, and other devices out of bedrooms – including parents’ – and into the open, where the content can be shared and supervised.
- Create “no-phone zones.” These are areas – bedrooms and dining spaces, for starters – where phones and devices are simply not allowed.
- Create a central charging station for devices. This is for the whole family’s devices and is not in sleeping areas.
- Give devices a “bedtime.” This should be at least one hour before actual bedtimes to buffer the stimulating effect of “blue light” and allow everyone’s brains and bodies to wind down for sleep. It’s a complement to a no-phones-in-bedrooms policy for everyone.
- Create schedules for Internet access. The goal is to allow kids to focus on homework and quiet reading time. Another approach is using scheduling apps that limit Internet access to certain time blocks.
- Communicate your policies to other families. This is helpful for playdates and minimizes distracting communication during homework time and close to bedtime. Also talk up the idea of kids maximizing in-person and phone communication versus texting and social media.
- Learn about and activate parental controls for kids’ devices and apps. These features can be complicated and confusing, says Price, and ingenious kids can find ways around them. That’s another reason for deferring access to the Internet and social media as long as possible.
- Consider subscribing to a third-party family protection plan. These can block websites, apps, and Internet access across devices and create access schedules.
“A Parents Guide to Understanding the Harms of the Phone-Based Childhood, Along with Ten Tips for Rolling It Back” by Catherine Price in After Babel, June 18, 2024
The above article summary is from The Marshall Memo which is a publication designed to keep educators well-informed on current research and best practices.
Key Contacts
KAMS Administration and Student Services Offices
Hours 7:30am - 4:00pm
(916)-686-5538 fax
Activities: Donna McNeel & Mary Hazdovac
Athletics: Traci Seto
Food Services
Student Attendance
(916)-686-5210 Student Services Office
Counselors-contact directly.
- Concerns about your student's performance in two or more classes.
- Concerns about your student's transition to middle school, socialization, emotional development.
- Questions about college/career guidance programs, middle school credits toward promotion, course requirements, schedule.
Teachers-contact directly
- Questions about work, student performance, or behavior.
- Questions about curriculum.
- Questions about course placement.
- Classwork/Homework/Grades
The classroom teacher should always be your first point of contact. Most times, the classroom teacher can answer your questions and address concerns. If you do not believe your child's teacher has satisfactorily resolved your concern, contact your child's counselor. If your child is having problems in several classes, you may request to meet with each teacher, and/or you may contact the counselor and request a consult regarding the next most appropriate and effective steps to take in the process of addressing the problem. It is our goal to return all calls and email messages within 48 hours. If you do not receive a response within that time, please contact administration.
(916)-686-5210 Administration
(916)-686-5538 Fax
- Concerns about discipline or negative interactions between students.
- Concerns about teachers.
Vice Principal, Rosa Laine
Vice Principal, David Pires
Teacher-In-Charge, Megan Grigsby
Principal, Chris Rauschenfels
- Any concerns that the above Administrators have not adequately addressed (including not responding to phone calls/emails within 48hrs).
Important Links and Documents
2024-2025 EGUSD Calendar
Katherine Albiani Middle School
9140 Bradshaw Road
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Phone: 916-686-5210
Fax: 916-686-5538
Chris Rauschenfels, Principal
Rosa Laine, Vice Principal
David Pires, Vice Principal
Megan Grigsby, Teacher-In-Charge
Cheryl Russell, Secretary