Parent & Guardian Update
Windsor School PreK-12, October 21, 2022
Hello Awesome Parents and Guardians,
This week we were reminded again of how amazing our community is. We are lucky to live in a community where families and neighbors love, support and show up for each other. Some of us heard this weekend "treat everyone with kindness, don't hold grudges, and let those you care about know how much you care." Thank you all for showing up for our students and each other.
Thursday evening's Open House was an extremely well-attended event! We were so happy to see you walking about with your child in the school hallways. We are already looking forward to planning another fun school community event in November.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Colleen DeSchamp, Principal cdeschamp@wsesu.net
Kate Ryan, Principal kryan@wsesu.net
Sergio Simunovic, Principal sergio.simunovic@wsesu.net
Meet Mabel
Parent/Teacher Conference or Student-Led Conference
November 10th & 11th. Please contact your student's teacher or team to schedule a conference.
Special Honor
Sandi Theetge LaRock, our beloved crossing guard, will be honored at the Statehouse in Montpelier on Wednesday, 10/26, as the Crossing Guard of the Year.
🍁 Elementary News
Elementary Leadership Assembly - Please join us on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month in the school theater for our elementary assemblies. This week 2nd graders shared their poems with the audience and students from kindergarten to fifth grade were honored for their leadership skills. We were extremely thankful for our in-person parent guests and our 4th grade ushers.
Walk to School Wednesdays will meet every Wednesday at Price Chopper and the Fairgrounds at 7:20am. We hope you will join us.
🎃 Middle School News
COMING UP THIS WEEK: FALL BALL - All WSESU 6th, 7th & 8th graders are invited to the Middle School Fall Ball! Join us on Thursday October 27th, from 7-9pm. Costumes optional.
Leader In ME - This week students will be practicing the 7th Habit - Sharpening the Saw, aka taking care of yourself and finding balance in our lives. Students will spend time at the dance having fun with friends.
Open House - MS students took the lead on the 3rd floor during our Open House by sharing news of their classes. Some students shared Farm & Wilderness reflections, others displayed their circuit-building skills, and others captivated the crowds with their science lab reports! Thank you leaders!
📚 High School News
Senior Field Hockey Honoree -Alexina Peckinpaugh is honored as the only senior on the field hockey team at their last home game of the season. Congratulations Alexina! The team went on to defeat Springfield, 4-0.
Yearbook Photos
The deadline for senior photos is November 1st. If you need a senior photo done please reach out to Yearbook Advisors, Shelly Becker, shelly.becker@wsesu.net and Crystal Thibodeau, whsyearbook2023@gmail.com and either will help. Please share only 1 Senior Photo this year and please submit the survey below as soon as possible. Click this LINK to submit your senior photo!
Supervisory Union News
Superintendent's Corner, Christine Bourne
School Pictures Retake/Make-Up Day
Lifetouch will be at our school to retake photos and complete any absent student photos on Tuesday, November 15. All students and staff, including seniors, are asked to have their photo taken for the purpose of updating school student files and obtaining a student/staff ID card.
October Breast Cancer Awareness Merchandise
Windsor School Store Pink Swag
Pink Patch Project link: https://pinkpatchproject.com #pinkpatchproject #WPD
Windsor School, Windsor, Vermont
Sergio Simunovic, PreK-5 sergio.simunovic@wsesu.net
Colleen DeSchamp, 6-8 cdeschamp@wsesu.net
Kate Ryan, 9-12 kryan@wsesu.net
Email: helpdesk@wsesu.net
Website: https://windsor.wsesu.net/
Location: 127 State Street, Windsor, VT, USA
Phone: (802) 674-9822
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WindsorSchoolVT
Booster Club
The Windsor Area Booster Club is a small and committed group of parents and community members that are striving to support our students outside the classrooms. We primarily focus on providing concession stand support at the fall and winter athletic events. Those funds are then returned to the students throughout the building by means of supporting the Science Fair, March Intensives,.... and annual senior scholarships. Our success is in large part due to the new partnership system we have formed in having athletic teams, grade levels, or smaller clubs working our concession stands so that those funds can be shared and returned directly to them. For more information, please contact windsorareasboosters@gmail.com
Windsor School PTO Meeting
Project Grad
Windsor Principals