Carlock Corner
Special Edition
Unstoppable Week is coming!
Unit 5 students will be participating in Unstoppable Week, Nov. 11 - Nov. 15, which replaces what was previously known as “Red Ribbon Week” at many schools. Each day of the week, we will focus on a “Superpower” that will assist your child in reaching their full potential. Our goal is to make it fun and engaging! We encourage you to build it up, help them pick out clothing to go along with the activities we will be engaging in each day of the week, and ask them all about it when they return home.
Lessons will focus on making bike and pedestrian safety, healthy choices, managing daily challenges, building positive relationships, reducing stress, and using medication appropriately.
Carlock Family Directory
Hello Carlock Families!
I hope this message finds you well. I am the parent volunteer responsible for the 2024-2025 Carlock Directory. This email serves as an opportunity for you to inform us if you do NOT want your family's information included in the school directory.
We understand that some families chose not to share their information during registration, and we will respect your preference and exclude you from the directory if that is what you marked when registering your student.
Unless I hear from you otherwise or if you marked do not share information, here is what will we will try to include in the directory:
Student name
Student class/teacher
parent/guardian name(s)
parent/guardian email address(es)
parent/guardian phone number(s)
home address
Please email me by Friday, Nov. 22 if you do NOT want to be added to the directory OR if you would like any of the above information removed.
Feel free to email me with any questions as well!
Thank you!
Heidi Lancaster - PTC President
Missing Something?
Do you recognize any of these items? If you do, please have your student pick it up by the end of the week. Feel free to stop in and pick up your missing item if that is easier.
Colder Weather
Is your child ready for the chilly weather? 🧣❄️ Make sure they come bundled up! We head outside for recess when the temp is 20°F or above. Let's keep our kids warm!
No longer needed
Now that Halloween is behind us, if any families are considering donating their costumes, please encourage them to think of Carlock for next year's festivities. Every donation can make a difference for our students.
Thank you for your assistance in spreading the word!
PBIS November - Excellence
What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This is a program designed to better engage our learners and minimize distractions throughout the school day.
Once of the important aspects of this program is having consistent expectations throughout the building.
The Carlock Student Council defined Excellence as: Trying your best in everything that you do, even when things might be new or hard.
Coming Soon!
Spirit Wear Flyer - Coming Soon!
Connect with Carlock
The Carlock Corner will be sent throughout the school year for families to stay updated with Carlock happenings.
Email: fitzgeke@unit5.org
Website: https://carlock.unit5.org/
Location: 301 W Washington St, Carlock, IL, USA
Phone: 309-557-4412
Carlock Cell Phone: 309-989-2643 (text or call) use after 2:30pm if no one answers main line
Facebook: Carlock Eagles Principal Page
Twitter: @Carlockeagles