Counseling Corner
May Newsletter
- Finals for seniors begin May 22nd.
- Finals for all others will run May 28th-May 31st.
- The last Saturday School will be available May 25th for students to get extra help for finals and/or to make up detention hours. Students may sign up with their teachers.
- Summer school remediation for earning grades of D or F will be at Beckman from June 5-18. Students should have already confirmed their spot for any first semester grades. Be sure to check your student's second semester grades for any Ds or Fs as they will also need to attend summer school. BHS staff will also reach out to families after grades are finalized to help you know if this is needed.
Social/Emotional Well-being
- Mental Health Week: Beckman will celebrate May 20-24 with a variety of booths at lunchtime for students to promote balance and wellness.
- As your student takes some downtime in the summer, it's an excellent opportunity to build your connection in an effective way for teens. Read this article for some good reminders.
- Lunch and Learn Wellness – In collaboration with ASB, we will be hosting an end-of-the-year senior panel on Friday, May 17th. Students will be able to hear from a panel of seniors discussing “Things I wish I knew”. Students who attend will also get cookies and brownies, and a chance to win in our end-of-the-year raffle. You can sign up here!
- Fastweb.com is a website that helps students search different scholarships that match your student. Fastweb.com has a guide to help your student gear up for finals. While checking out their scholarship search engine, also take a glance at their top study strategies to promote health studying and wellness during finals week. Fastweb.com - Finals Strategies
- As summer approaches in less than a month, continue to harbor a healthy and balanced lifestyle during summer. The Center Of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a wonderful guideline to promote a health body and mind this summer. CDC - Summer Guide
- Check out the attached brochure for a potential summer camp option offered in Irvine.
College & Career Center & ROP
- Coastline ROP is offering two CTE pathways for TUSD this summer! See the flyer below for more information and to register.
- 2024 Summer job shadow opportunities are being offered again this year in partnership with TiE Young Entrepreneurs for students heading into grades 9-12. This is a short but sweet work-based learning opportunity for students to gain industry insight. I tried to provide the information/resources in a variety of formats to suit all needs, please let me know if something else is helpful in spreading the word.
Here is how students can apply for the 2024 Summer Shadow Day Program:
1) Students review the hosting companies list and program information
2) Determine which companies are of interest
3) Visit www.tyeoc.org/apply and fill out application in full by May 31, 2024
4) TYE will then notify students directly of job shadow day confirmations and details
TYE 2024 Promo PDF attached: links are clickable (for email)
TYE 2024 PNG: image for social media with bit.ly, include links in caption/comments/bio.
TYE 2024 Summer Shadow Day Program Company Hosting List: PDF attached
Google link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rq5dZR8EYR0Cp7yljQGHiVNEAGWIjn00/view?usp=sharing
Bit.ly: https://bit.ly/4dxNba2
TYE Website and application: https://www.tyeoc.org/apply
Grade Level Information
Senior Scene
Official Transcripts:
As you prepare for graduation, please make sure to place your final transcript request via Parchment. To place, your request, create an account or log in at the Beckman High School Parchment Site. When placing your request, select “Hold for Grades.” We will send your final transcript when all grades are posted. All requests without a hold will be sent with the current transcript. Please open this Parchment Guide to Ordering Transcripts link for complete instructions.
Summer Reminders:
Start your last ever high school summer job for those unexpected expenses.
Attend your college’s summer orientation.
Apply for student housing and start to get matched with a great roommate.
Get ready for a new world of student organizations, on-campus living, and learning more about what your school has to offer.
Check out this guide to a smooth transition for your freshman year.
Read one of these many great books before you go off to college!
Junior Junction
Last month, juniors participated in two breakout sessions for their postsecondary path of interest. Here are the results: BCAP Breakout Sessions C/O 25 Postsurvey
Juniors received information about this opportunity in their BCAP Google Classroom last week:
The Western Association of College Admissions Counselors (WACAC) is offering a FREE college planning boot camp. All sessions are lead by current college admissions staff or trained college counselors.
All sessions will be on Wednesday afternoons at 4 pm, beginning May 15th with the topics as follows:
- May 15: Building a college list
- June 12: How college application decisions are made
- June 19: Getting starting on your app: essays and activities
- August 7: Personal Writing for the Common App and UC app
- August 14: Avoiding Missed Opportunities on the Common app / UC app
- August 21: Ask the Experts: Q & A for Common App & UC
Sophomore Stop
As a high school counselor, I understand the importance of utilizing summers effectively to enhance college applications. For parents of sophomore high school students, here's some advice to guide your child through a productive summer:
Explore Academic Enrichment Programs: Encourage your child to participate in academic enrichment programs related to their interests. These could include summer camps, workshops, or online courses. Look for programs at local universities, community colleges, or reputable online platforms that offer courses in subjects your child is passionate about or wants to explore further.
Volunteer Work or Internships: Encourage your child to engage in meaningful volunteer work or internships. This could involve volunteering at local nonprofits, hospitals, or community centers. Internships related to their potential career interests can also provide valuable experience and insight into future academic and professional pathways.
Cultivate Leadership Skills: Encourage your child to take on leadership roles in extracurricular activities or community initiatives. This could involve becoming a club officer, organizing a community service project, or leading a team in a sports event. Leadership experience demonstrates initiative, responsibility, and the ability to work effectively with others.
Independent Research or Projects: Encourage your child to pursue independent research or projects in areas of personal interest. This could involve conducting scientific experiments, writing a research paper, or creating an artistic portfolio. Independent projects demonstrate intellectual curiosity, creativity, and self-motivation.
Prepare for Standardized Tests: Encourage your child to start preparing for standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT if they haven't already done so. This could involve taking practice tests, enrolling in test prep courses, or working with a tutor to strengthen their skills in areas where they need improvement.
Encourage Personal Growth and Wellness: Emphasize the importance of personal growth and wellness. Encourage your child to engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, mindfulness, or hobbies they enjoy. Balancing academic pursuits with self-care is essential for overall success and well-roundedness.
By encouraging your child to participate in these activities during the summer, you can help them develop valuable skills, experiences, and qualities that will enhance their college applications and prepare them for future academic and professional success.
Freshman Forum
- Final exam week (schedule here) is coming up! Help your student prepare by using tips from this final exam wellness lesson.
- Check Aeries for any D's or F's to see if your student has any classes needed for summer school.
- In order for students to be on track to graduate, students must remediate F’s on their transcript. Please be sure to check out the graduation requirements and follow up about summer school for remediation options.
- If you want your student to graduate from high school with the correct number of credits and requirements, then they will need to remediate the F grade on their transcript.
· Here is a list of some of the more popular summer programs. You can also attend classes at a community college for enrichment.
Visit colleges over the summer
- Have a great summer!