Chamisa CLIPS
January 31, 2025
Getting Students to School On Time
Dear Chamisa Families,
We are starting an uptick of students arriving after 8:10 am to school. Chamisa’s tardy bell rings at 8:07am, and students are to be in their seats ready to learn at 8:10 am. Our teachers start teaching at 8:10am. If a child comes into class after 8:10, that can become a disruption to classroom learning. It also makes it uncomfortable for the student to walk into class late when students are already working with their teacher. Tardy students also miss out on beginning of the day routines and learning. Arriving late is also disruptive to our office procedures when starting the school day. Please make sure to have your students at Chamisa by 8:07 am each day. We also have our Before School Program that starts at 7:30 am for any student Pre-k through 6th grade. If you need help with your student arriving on time to school, please call Liz Meek or myself at 505-663-2462. We will also schedule attendance meetings with parents whose child(ren) are habitually late/tardy to school. Please refer to the Chamisa Attendance Procedures for more information.
Craig Washnok
Chamisa Elementary Principal
K-Kids Stuffy Fundraiser
K-Kids is holding a Stuffy Fundraiser for the African book project on Thursday, February 6, from 2:45-3:15pm It will be held in the lobby at the front of the school. Small stuffies are $3 each and 2 stuffies/$5. Medium to large stuffies are $5 each. Please help support our cause and get a new stuffy!
LAMS Jazz Band Concert
Happy Retirement, Mr. Aragon!
Please join us in wishing Mr. Aragon the best in his retirement. We will miss him dearly as he has been a part of Chamisa for the last 16 years. Enjoy your retirement, Mr. Aragon!
Is It Bullying?
February and March are the biggest months of the year when we see spikes in peer relationship issues. Here is a good reference for parents when to perceive if certain issues are the cause of bullying. As always, please call Liz Meek, Grace Lopez, or Craig Washnok if you feel your child is having issues with another peer at school..
Spring School Pictures
MJ Thomas will be here on Wednesday, March 26, for individual pictures and class pictures. Mark your calendar! More information will follow as it becomes available.
6th Grade and Kinderbuddies
Conferences and Spring Break
Spring conferences will be held Thursday and Friday, March 13-14.Students will not be in school on these days. Information on conference times will be sent home in March.
Spring Break is March 17-21, Monday through Friday. Students will return to school Monday, March 24.
Chess Club at Chamisa
Save the Dates
Mon, Feb 3: Future Hawk Day - 6th grade to LAMS, 9:30-12:30
Wed, Feb 12: PTO Meeting, 7:00 pm
Mon, Feb 17: Presidents' Day - No School
Fri, Feb 21: PTO Movie Night 6-9pm
Thurs, March 6: Math Literacy Night, featuring Wild Robot
Fri, March 7: Chamisa Speech Contest
Tues, March 11: First & Second Grade Musical, 8:45
Wed, March 12: Chamisa PTO Meeting, 7:00 pm library
Thurs & Fri, March 13 & 14: Parent/Teacher conferences, no school for students
Mon-Fri, March 17-21: Spring Break, no school
Mon, March 24: Students return to school
Wed, March 26: Spring School Pictures