Talley Street Update
December 7, 2020
An Update from the Principal
Dear Talley Street Community,
Dear Talley Street Community,
At Tuesday night's BOE meeting, Talley Street will be spotlighted. The school spotlight is towards the beginning of the meeting. One of our 5th grade students, Sacha Twemlow, produced the video. I want to publicly thank Sacha for his work. He did a great job! If you haven't already done so, please take some time to complete the surveys for the accreditation visit. The links are below. The deadline is December 11th. More information on the school's reopening plan should be released later this week. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break!
CSD Updates
Don't miss Dr. Dude's Superintendent Town Halls
Join Superintendent Dr. Dude for a conversation on the status of the District’s reopening plans and initiatives. Also, the community will have an opportunity to ask questions via our new thoughtexhange tool which will be used to submit questions and rank previously asked questions. These questions will drive Dr. Dude's town hall topics and the link to thoughtexchange will be available under the announcements section of our CSD home (www.csdecatur.net) page 24 hours prior to the town hall. (Please see attached information sheet or this youtube link to learn more about thoughtexchange: https://youtu.be/a1Z-CAONdGo.)
Thursday, December 10 | 5:30 p.m.
CPSC Report
More information about the committee can be found at https://www.csdecatur.net/cspc. There you can read more about this committee, find their meeting minutes, their list of members and subcommittee, and their final recommendations once they are published here: https://www.csdecatur.net/cspc.
Meal Delivery Reminder
As a reminder, there will be no meal deliveries during the Holiday Break from, Monday, December 15 through Tuesday, January 5, 2020.
From CSD Equity and Student Support Department
Looking for a way to take action and do good in December? Join CSD and www.ActionforHappiness.org for #DoGoodDecember! Below is a calendar of how you can share kindness all month long! This initiative asks us all to look beyond our differences and help each other and they remind us that every act of kindness matters.
Talley Updates
Virtual Book Fair: December 7-13
Apex Counseling December Newsletter
PTO Updates
The Myths of Racism and Beyond: Personal and Community Reflections
Please join us in January for the next The Myths of Racism and Beyond: Personal and Community Reflections, sponsored by the DEI Committee.
Whether you are a social justice champion or wrestling with these topics for the first time, this workshop will help all of us deepen our understanding of racism and strengthen our commitment to action. Through independent individual reflections in a personal journal and group sessions reflecting as a community once a month, our Talley Street Upper Elementary community will examine the power of race and discuss its impact across racial lines. Everyone is invited to provide their voice, perspective, and experiences with the power of race. The series will cover the article “The 10 Myths White People Believe About Racism,” with a paired bite-sized reading and short racial equity video assigned each month. It will include time for independent individual reflections through a personal journal and time for community reflections during group discussions once a month. The remaining Community Reflections will be Thursdays from8-9 PM on Zoom on the following dates: Jan 21 Feb 25 Mar 18 Apr 22 May 13 If you are unable to attend all sessions, you can work through the personal reflections asynchronously and join the community reflections as you can. To participate, please fill out this google form. Email Charlie Copp with any questions. Charlie is a CSD parent and will help facilitate the series along with fellow Talley parent Elliott Robinson.
Yearbook input needed!
Your Talley 2020-21 Yearbook Committee is working on a great yearbook for this year - despite our unusual circumstances! We need your input on the best way to do student portraits. Please take a minute to fill out this survey. As always, email any questions or comments to yearbook@talleypto.org.
Community Updates
Success at RMS
Join us for an introductory, informative session on Renfroe Middle School for Black Families.
Wednesday, December 9, at 7:00 PM
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86517348192?pwd=blpYM0JQb0xlcjZGeVpoQk9YRHlUQT09 Meeting ID: 865 1734 8192
Passcode: 991437
For more information, see the flyer below.
From the Clairemont PTA
The 2020 Decatur Holiday Marketplace will be virtual this year and held from November 27th at 8 am through December 11th at 5 pm! We are so excited to carry on the tradition of this wonderful community event which is in its 29th year. In light of the current COVID pandemic, we have decided to make this year's event virtual. During this time, all of the artists' sites will be available for shopping online and will be conveniently located on our www.clairemontpta.org website. A description of the shop and owners along with a few wonderful photos of their craft will be available to preview. If the artist is able to ship their wares after purchase, they will do so, and if not, for our local customers, we will have a special pick up day at the school on December 12th from 10-12. Meaning Clairemont is bringing the marketplace straight to your house! To shop Clairemont's Holiday Marketplace, just visit www.clairemontpta.org.
Decatur Education Foundation
DEF has a brand new look – we just launched our new website! We hope you’ll go to www.decatureducationfoundation.org and check it out! And while you’re there, you can support Decatur students with a year-end donation!
Special Year-End Promotion from DEF Partner Mathnasium: Now until the end of the year, Mathnasium is offering a great deal: For every new Decatur family that registers with Mathnasium using the code DEF_Math until 12-31-20, Mathnasium will provide a free assessment and waive the $149 registration fee! And for every 10 families who enroll, Mathnasium will offer an additional DEF scholarship for a Decatur student in need! Click here to schedule your free online assessment. Your participation can help another child in the community – what a gift during this season of giving!
Decatur Prevention Initiative
Here is the easy link from our page... https://www.facebook.com/DecaturPreventionInitiative/posts/1811158929060273
The Parents Network is hosting another virtual Part 2: Parents Under Pressure speaker event on December 7 at 7:00 pm.
A continuing conversation with Dr. Jeannine Jannot. Dealing with family stress continues to be a top concern for us all. Let's work together to find new ways to cope and thrive. We encourage participants to make connections and share resources as we explore the following together:
This month, we move from a webinar format to an interactive meeting so we can all speak up and share.
For more details, visit https://www.decaturparents.net/events/speaker-series/pt2-parents-under-pressure.
Talley Street Passive Fundraising
We're now on Amazon Smile! Log into www.smile.amazon.com and log into your Amazon
account, then select Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, then save and the PTO will start getting quarterly deposits!
One important tip - you MUST be logged in via smile.amazon.com while shopping for us to
receive any funds.
Kroger Community Rewards
We are set up to receive funds from Kroger. From your account screens, select Community
Rewards and search for “Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO." Select it and then you
should be all set. Every time you use your Kroger card, the PTO will benefit!
Box Tops
Box Tops have gone digital! Download the app, Box Tops for Education. Enter your
information, select Talley St., scan receipts and done! We will no longer be collecting paper box
tops. If you have any issues using the app, you can submit (via the app) the item not being
recognized on your receipt for credit.
Publix Partners
Looking for an easy way to support Talley Street PTO?
Who knew Passive Fundraising could be SO easy!! You don' need the key chain card anymore.
Follow the easy instructions on the link:
We’re set up as: Talley Street Upper Elementary School – Decatur, GA
Helpful Links
www.csdecatur.net/opening - a repository for all documents, announcements, and communications about how CSD is handling the 2020-2021 school year.
www.csdecatur.net/nutrition - How to order meals
www.csdecatur.net/bustracker - How to sign up for the new Predictable Ryde Bus tracking app used for meal delivery, soon for the Fly-brary, mobile book delivery and when in-person learning resumes to track students on their buses
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/tech-help (how parents and staff can put in a tech support request)
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/students - classroom login information
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/parents - Virtual Learning Handbooks
Social Media and Contact Information
Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO
Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parents
For news in the Media Center and from our school counselors, check out their websites:
For more about the Talley Street PTO, visit their website here: https://talleypto.org/
Decatur Anti-Racism Speaker Series: December Speaker
Speaker: Tim Wise
Thursday, Dec. 3 • 6-7:30 p.m.
Tim Wise is among the most prominent antiracist writers and educators in the United States. He has spent the past 25 years speaking to audiences in all 50 states, on more than 1,000 college and high school campuses, at hundreds of professional and academic conferences, and to community groups across the country. He has trained corporate, government, entertainment, media, law enforcement, military and medical industry professionals on methods for dismantling racism in their institutions.
Visit decaturga.com/speakerseries to register and view recordings of past speakers.