Westmoor TelegRAM 12/02/24
Quick Links
Winter Concert tickets are here...
'Tis the season of Spirit Week! Join us for a week of winter at Westmoor! ⛄
Daily Reminders ❗
Congratulations to Matthew Cheng, Jasmine Combes, and Colin Williams!
These students advanced to the CCS Cross Country finals on Saturday, November 16th!
Click your counselor's flyer below to schedule an appointment with them 👇
If you need assistance, reach out to our school administrators:
Dr. Michael McAlister
Mr. Victor Zou
Dr. Monica Nagy
Mrs. Tina Yee
Dr. Sterling He
About Us
Respectful, Ambitious, Motivated and Self-directed learners
"It is the mission of Westmoor High School to address the diverse educational needs of our students. Westmoor is committed to the integration of technology and a variety of teaching strategies to engage the whole child and prepare students for success in advanced study, careers, and employment."