Mustang Memo
A Newsletter for Saint Ann School Families
September 29, 2024
Table of Contents
- Spiritual Reflection
- Notes from the Admissions Office
- School Safety Month
- Home & School Association Notes
- Student Life Notes
- Mark Your Calendars!
Our Spiritual Theme
Our Spiritual Theme: We Walk by Faith
October Focus: We Walk by Faith... in Understanding
Spiritual Reflection by Miss Sheila O'Callaghan
All at once the color of the trees have become brighter. The leaves are beginning to fall and pile up on the ground. Very soon October will be here to enjoy. It is a great month to enjoy the outdoors.
We are all very aware of climate change, so this is a good month to think about the Earth. What have we done to help or hurt it? Do not forget about recycling. We should also pray and ask God to help us help his beautiful Earth.
As we celebrate the Earth, we cannot forget to celebrate the angels. On September 29, we celebrate the feast of the angels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Michael, God’s Defender, Gabriel, God’s Messenger, and Raphael, giving friendship and sight.
On October 2 we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels. God gives each of us a guardian angel to guid, protect and defend us. The angels remind people to do God’s will. The Feast of the Guardian Angels remind us that God is always with us. We are surrounded by love.
October 4, is the memorial day of Saint Francis of Assisi. He was a great lover of the Earth and helped people notice and love the Earth and all the creatures on it. Francis lived a very poor life. He became a traveling preacher and a poet. Wherever Francis went, he asked nothing for himself. He worked for the poor. His life has drawn thousands away from selfishness and greed. Francis showed that being close to God can be very simple.
God of grace and wisdom, help us to show that we follow you, a holy and loving God.
Money donated for the September Casual Day for the Missions will go to the upkeep of the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace at Holy Spirit Church. It will be presented when our 4th and 5th grade students join other diocesan school students to pray the Rosary at Holy Spirit.
Please pray for the sick, especially Fr. Mink, Mrs. Miriam Harris, Oliver Conaty, and all the sick of our parish. Please continue to pray for Maureen Engelbert. Pray also for our Armed Forces and First Responders.
Notes from the Admissions Office
- The 2024-2025 School Directory is published! You can find it on the website: https://www.thesaintannschool.org/parents/school-directory A passkey is needed for access to the school directory. Parents may call the office if they need the passkey.
- A reminder: information on tuition assistance and applications for the 2025-26 school year is available here: https://www.thesaintannschool.org/admissions/tuition-fees
In October, SAS staff and students will pay particular attention to creating and maintaining a safe school environment. The safety and well-being of the school community is always our highest priority.
During School Safety Month, SAS staff will collaborate with area first responders, run emergency drills with students, test our school emergency messaging system, and discuss safe environments in accordance with "For The Sake of God's Children" protocol, healthy relationships, and responsible use of technology, among other topics. Students will also be tasked with teaching their families about safety, too. Look for more resources and related announcements each week!
Below is a copy of the presentation we use to review what students can do and know to stay safe at school. We invite you to discuss it with your children at home!
Home & School Association Notes
We’re excited to see everyone at our first in-person meeting on Monday, September 30th at 6:30 PM! It’s not too late to join us! If you’d like to participate, please email us at hsa@thesaintannschool.org to sign up. We're looking forward to a great evening together!
We will have our annual hayride at Ramsey's on October 13th from 6-8pm! Enjoy a fun night exploring the flashlight maze, going on a hayride and enjoying delicious s’mores and snacks!
The cost is $20 and payments can be made on the payment page. Please access the link below for the permission slip.
We’d love to make this event amazing, and we can’t do it without the support of our fantastic parent volunteers—your help is essential!
Save the Date: Halloween Party
Get ready for a Spooktacular Halloween Party on October 26th 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM in the Celebration Garden!
Join us for a frightfully fun afternoon filled with:
🖌️ **Professional Face Painting** 🎶 **DJ & Dancing** 🎉 **Hula Hoop Contest & Games** 🍩 **Delicious Donuts for sale at the Donut NV Truck** 👻 **Costume Parade** and MORE!
Dress up in your best costume and come ready for a ghoulishly good time!
Don’t forget to RSVP and put in for your pizza orders
Let’s make this Halloween unforgettable! 🕷️✨
You can register and pay/ pre-order pizza using the QR codes or links below:
Register: https://forms.gle/dWbYoV3MMtYCSqp87
Student Life Notes
STAR Testing
Great job, SAS students, on your first round of STAR Testing! Final make up exams will occur this week and parents will receive test results during the week of October 7.
Inclement Weather
In the event of rainy weather, SAS encourages students to wear hooded raincoats and leave umbrellas at home. Umbrellas should be reserved for students who walk to and from school, and should be kept closed and carefully wielded upon entry to the school! Umbrellas may not be opened at dismissal time until students leave the dismissal line for safety reasons.
On rainy days especially, families should clearly display name cards on dashboards for ease and efficiency of the dismissal process as students are dismissed from the social hall by order of the car line.
Thank you!
Join the SAS Band!
On Monday, 9/23, students in 4-8th grade watched an instrument demonstration with our new Band Director, Mrs. Mary Margaret Wilson, from the Music School of DE. They received information on the program and how to register. Tomorrow, Monday 9/30 is the registration deadline!
If you have questions or need the appropriate registration paperwork, please contact the main office for help: office@thesaintannschool.org or 302-652-6567.
SAS Game Club
Third - Fifth grade students are invited to participate in Game Club on October 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 2:45 PM to 3:30 PM.
During these exciting sessions, participants will dive into a variety of games, challenging their friends and learning new strategies while developing essential teamwork skills. Whether they enjoy board games, card games, or are eager to try something new, there’s something for everyone!
You can register starting Wednesday, October 2nd by signing up here.
Join Mink's Mustangs for the Annual Kidney Walk!
Father Mink is a recipient of a kidney transplant on October 30th, 2018. The Kidney Walk this year will be held at Glasgow Park, on October 20th beginning at 9am. We will again walk as a team: Mink's Mustangs. If you cannot attend and participate on that date and time, you can pledge to walk on your own or help raise funds to support the National Kidney Foundation and its innovation in research, advocacy and transplantation.
Sign up here: https://www.kidneywalk.org/northernde/Minksmustangs
Diocesan Events to Note:
Last Call to Register: Diocesan Eucharistic Congress
Join Bishop Koenig and our diocesan family on October 5, 2024, at the Ocean City Convention Center for the Eucharistic Congress, "The Eucharist: The Source and Summit." Principal Casey and several SAS staff will be in attendance and would love to share in this experience with you!
This day-long event will deepen our faith and strengthen our community through worship, reflection, and celebration. Don't miss this powerful opportunity to reconnect with the core of our Catholic identity!
Click to Register:
Mark Your Calendars!
September 30: HSA Meeting at SAS, 6:30 pm
October 5: Diocesan Eucharistic Congress
October 8: Diocesan Rosary Pilgrimage, Grades 4-5
October 10: Kindergarten Field Trip
October 11: T1 interim
October 13: Middle School Hayride, 6:00-8:00 pm
October 14: NO SCHOOL, Columbus Day Holiday
October 15: School Mass, Formal Uniforms for Middle School & NJHS Induction Ceremony
October 17: 6th Grade Field Trip
October 18: Casual Day - $1 donation for the missions
October 20: Kidney Walk - Glasgow Park, 9:00 am
October 24: Half-Day for Students, Parent Conferences
October 25: NO SCHOOL for students, Parent Conferences
October 26: SAS Halloween Party, 12:00-2:30 pm
October 29: 3rd Grade Field Trip
November 1: All Saints Day School Mass
School Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am -3:30 pm