Hocker Grove Family Newsletter
May 20, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
May 27 No School- Memorial Day
May 29 Last Day of School, 1:45pm Dismissal
NO LATE START this Thursday. Students will need to be in class by 8:45am on 5/23
Student MacBook Check In and Locker Clean Out
In preparation for the end of the year, we will be collecting student computers and cleaning out lockers. All students will turn in their MacBook and charger during their Social Studies class. The schedule is below. If you have any questions please email sethturner@smsd.org.
May 22nd- All chargers will be collected
May 23rd- 7th grade computer collection
May 24th- 8th grade computer collection
Locker clean out will take place on Thursday or Friday this week, based on the location of your student's locker. Please encourage your student to start bringing home anything in their locker they plan on keeping!
The schedule below will be used for Early Dismissal on 5/29
Section 2: Previously Announced but Still Relevant Information
Summer workout opportunity for incoming 6th-8th graders in the SMNorth feeder area! North will be hosting a Co-ed Middle School strength and conditioning session this summer for students. More information can be found at https://smnbison.com/2023/03/10/summer-camps-and-programs-2023/
Questions?- Contact Coach Devin Hance at devinhance@smsd.org.
GIRLS Basketball Summer Training Clinic
Click on the link below to learn more about the HG Girls Basketball Camp!
North Basketball Fundraiser!
Use this link to sign up!
SMN Football Fundraiser
Join the SMN Football Booster Club on June 30th for only $15 per person!
This is a great opportunity for students to make this a team building activity or have a fun night out as a family all while supporting our SM North Football Booster Club!
Any student/person can attend. This is NOT just for the football players but it does benefit the football teams.
For only $15 per person, you can come to Top Golf and guests will enjoy 2 hours of unlimited game play and unlimited fountain sodas, lemonade and water. Plus, every Guest receives a Free Lifetime Membership to Topgolf.
Normally it would cost $58 per hour with NO free soft drinks + you would pay $5 additional, if you didn't already have a lifetime membership.
You're easily saving 50%
This event will be hosted on a Sunday early evening on June 30th.
You must make a payment no later than June 1st or until we have reached a maximum of 200 people.
Every person that goes, $5 goes directly back to our football club for our teams.
Click here to purchase:
PTA Leadership Opportunities
The Hocker Grove PTA is looking for people to serve on the board for the 2024-25 school year. Open positions include: President, Treasurer, Staff Appreciation, and Mixers. Please consider serving on the board! Contact Shelly Redmond at 913-515-0724 for more information or to express interest!
SM North Summer Athletic Camps
Shawnee Mission North has started releasing information about summer camps for athletics. Please use the QR code or just click the picture for information about summer camps. A few programs are still adding information. If you don't see information for your student's sport of interest, please check back later this spring as information is still being added.
Eagle Strut Fundraiser Thank You's
Hocker Grove Middle School
Email: ChrisKase@smsd.org
Website: hockergrove.smsd.org
Location: 10400 Johnson Dr, Shawnee, KS, USA
Phone: 913-993-0200
Facebook: facebook.com/HockerGroveMiddleSchool
Twitter: @HockerGroveMS