The Weekly Update #6
August 16, 2024

Meet Our St. Anthony Family Faculty and Staff 🥰
Welcome to a new school year at St. Anthony Parish School, where our theme this year is "Our School, Our Family." This year, we are dedicated to fostering a strong, supportive community that feels like home for every student, parent, guardian, relative, and faculty/staff member. We believe that when we come together as a family, we create a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive. Throughout the year, there will be numerous opportunities for us to connect, collaborate, and strengthen our relationships, ensuring that our school community continues to grow closer and more unified!
With that being said, I would love to introduce to you this year's faculty and staff!
Bittersweet Goodbye! 🤍
New Parent Mixer ☕
New parents to our St. Anthony family, join us for some chats on Saturday August 17th during school supply drop off, 9 am to 12 pm. This is a great opportunity to ask some questions and have some conversations with parents from our school community. PTA will be providing donuts for our new parents so stop by! Our PTA will be set up by the 3rd grade tables outside of school.
Doing Any Cleaning? 👕
School Supply List 📚
First Day of School 🏫
We look forward to having you all back to school on August 19th for our first day of school!
Students can be at school as early at 7:30 am. We will start our morning assembly at 7:50 am.
Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay. We will be creating a little "welcome bridge" that each class can walk through. We would love to have parents cheering them on for the first day!
Additionally, for the first day of school, we will be asking all parents to park and walk over to the lunch tables to pick up your child/ren. Because it is the first time you are picking up your child, this school year and we have some new faces in our faculty, you will need to show your ID. We will only ask you to show your ID once! Thank you for your patience and commitment to the safety of our students!
First Week of School Dismissal🍎
There will be 1:00 pm dismissal the first week of school (Monday, August 19th through Friday, August 23rd). There will be NO daycare Monday and Tuesday , however, daycare services will be available Wednesday through Friday. Daycare will be available from 1:15 PM to 6:00 PM.
Uniforms 😎
I know there have been some issues with ordering uniforms at Normans. I am working with the owner in trying to get everything resolved. If uniforms are not in or ready on time for the first day of school, we will be giving some leeway until you have your uniforms. I appreciate your patience.
This year we are transitioning to new uniform colors. We will now be wearing purple. This is a way for us to more closely align with the high school.
P.E.: Students can wear the P.E. shirt from Norman's or the Custom Ink Fundraiser shirt. Bottoms can be black shorts or sweats. They don't need a logo, can be any brand, and purchased anywhere.
Mass Uniform:
Girls PreK-5: white peter pan blouse with the jumper. On Mass day, the purple cardigan is the only option if you want to wear something on top of the white blouse.
Girls 6-8: white button down shirt, plaid skirt, and either long sleeve or short sleeve purple vest.
Boys PreK -8: white shirt, either long sleeve or short sleeve purple vest, and black pants.
Everyday uniform
Girls PreK-8: white, purple, or grey polo, black shorts, skort, or pants. Girls in 6-8 have the option of khaki short, pants, and skort.
Boys PreK-8: white, purple, or grey polo, black shorts or pants. Boys in 6-8 have the option of khaki short, pants, and skort.
Uniforms can be purchased at Norman's in San Pedro. They are giving parents a 10% discount in store until the end of the month.
371 W 6th St. San Pedro, CA 90731
They are open Tuesday-Saturday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm.
If you prefer to shop online, here is the website. https://www.normansuniforms.com/collections/saint-anthony-elementary-school?page=2
Fundraising Time 🍪
We will be kicking off our first fundraiser of the year on September 9th. Put it in your calendars. More information to come!
Upcoming LBPD Back to School Events ⭐
During the month of August, the City of Long Beach is hosting multiple Back to School events at various parks in the city of Long Beach.
Community members can join the LBPD in welcoming students and families back to school. Attendees can stop by to enjoy ice cream, face painting and bounce houses, as well as getting to know the officers in their neighborhood!
The events will be held on the following dates/times at the locations listed below:
Saturday, August 17 -10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Rotary Centennial Park (1729 Junipero Ave.)
Sunday, August 18 - 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at Silverado Park (1545 W 31st St.)
Thursday, August 22 - 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at Drake Park (951 Maine Ave.)
Sunday, August 25 -10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Wardlow Park (3457 Stanbridge Ave.)
For more information about these events, visit - https://longbeach.gov/police/events/
Please direct any questions to the LBPD Community Engagement at 562.570.7401 or email LBPDCommunityEngagement@longbeach.gov.
Keeping Our Community Clean 🧹
Want to Coach? 🏈 🏐
Registration for fall sports is open! We have until August 30th to register for Girls Volleyball and Co-Ed Flag Football. (Ages TBD)
Do we have any grown ups who would be interested in coaching football or volleyball? You would receive service hours for your time commitment. If you are interested, please email Miss Dueñas at z.duenas@saintanthonylongbeach.org
If we are not able to find coaches, we will not be able to participate in the sport.
Are you ready to start the school year? 🤣
School Supply Drop Off
We will be at school from 9 am to 12 pm for school supply drop off. Come by and drop off supplies to make the first day of school easier! This is also a wonderful opportunity to meet your child's teacher.
Saturday, Aug 17, 2024, 09:00 AM
First Day of School
Students can be at school as early at 7:30 am. We will start our morning assembly at 7:50 am.
Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay. We will be creating a little "welcome bridge" that each class can walk through. We would love to have parents cheering them on for the first day!
Monday, Aug 19, 2024, 07:45 AM
Back to School Night
Back to School Night attendance is required. Parents will receive two (2) service hours per family for attending. We will begin in the Church, and then parents will be dismissed to go to school to meet with the teachers.