The Tartan Tribune

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Welcome Back Highlanders!
We hope everyone has had an amazing holiday break! It was definitely good to get away for a bit and recharge. Halftime is over, and we are ready for the second half! We are really excited to start the Spring semester tomorrow and having the kiddos back in the building. This semester will be jam-packed, and I'm sure it will fly-by just as the Fall semester did. I will continue doing a monthly newsletter as well as weekly (on Mondays) Hughes Huddle videos. The start of the second semester is sort of a "reset", and we will be really preaching and enforcing the expectations of students as we sprint towards the finish line. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!👏👏❤💚
January 7th (First Day Back) Procedures
Here is the plan for when students return Tuesday morning:
- Students will report to their R1 class that they had during the Fall semester
- Students will then receive their printed schedule for the Spring semester from their teacher
- The majority of student have the same R1 as in the Fall, so they will stay put and continue on with class
- If a student has a different R1 class in the Spring, then they will be released to head to their new class over the announcements
McCullough Student Dress Code
Friendly reminder about our dress code policy! We started having some struggles there at the end of the first semester, which I'm sure had to do with all the different dress-up days. 😏 Here are a couple of friendly reminders:
- Pajama pants are not allowed unless communicated by the school as being part of a specific dress-up day or PJ day.
- While no "fingertip" rule is still in effect, please make sure that shorts and skirts are at an appropriate length and cover the rear fully when moving or bending.
- Mid-drifts aren't allowed, and belly buttons or lower backs should not be visible either stationary or during movement.
Please refer to "Scotty" below as a good visual of what should be covered! Thanks!
Here is "Scotty", that shows the McCullough dress code and coverage. Like mentioned before, it is basically a "box" from the shoulders down to below the bottom/private area.
McCullough Cell Phone Policy
Here is another friendly reminder about our cell phone policy. Overall, the kiddos did a great job in the Fall. We did start to notice more Air Pods and ear buds in the hallway, but students did a great job of putting them away when directed. Here is our cellphone policy for reference!
Temporary IDs and Replacement ID/Lanyards
- Temporary badges are now being printed for students who do not have their IDs
- A $1 charge will be placed on the student's account for every temporary badge that is printed
- Replacement badges and lanyards can be purchased for the following amount:
- A $2 charge will be placed on the student's account for a replacement ID badge
- A $2 charge will be placed on the student's account for a replacement lanyard
Also, our "sleeves" for Smart Tags this year seem to be rather flimsy. They break quite often, and we do not have the budget to replace all of the broken ones. We recommend finding a more heavy-duty option for your student. As long as you can clearly see the Smart Tag, and a lanyard can be attached, you should be good to go! See the link below for some ideas off of Amazon:
Student Item Drop-Off
McCullough is a very large Junior High School. We serve over 2,200 students!👀 As such, the front office can be very busy throughout the day. Because of this, as well as limited staff, here are the rules regarding student item drop-offs:
Student items MUST be labeled with the student's name, and will be left on the student shelf up front (the student can pick up during their assigned lunch)
NO Deliveries are allowed–This includes food, flowers, and/or gifts
The student will NOT be notified of their lunch delivery, so please plan ahead!
Drinks need a screw top–NO fountain drinks/Starbucks/Giant Smoothies–they can cause a mess!
We will NOT accept any food deliveries from vendors such as Doordash, Uber Eats, etc.
9th Grade Course Selection
(For current 8th grade students only!)
- Ninth grade course selection sheets will go home with students on Wednesday, January 8th. Parents will have access to a recorded training session that Friday the 10th to teach them all of the things Naviance, Course selection, Endorsements, and Career Pathways.
- On that Friday, they will also receive an email to set up their Naviance Parent Account.
- This is just the start of the course selection process with many steps moving forward.
- More information will be sent out as the process continues.
TWHS Air Force JROTC for Incoming Freshman (Current 8th Graders)
The TWHS Air Force JROTC will provide our eighth graders a preview of the opportunities available in JROTC next year. The preview will include demonstrations of drones, academics, and other aspects of their program. We will hold a slightly extended advisory on January 29th for the demonstration that will take place in our large gym during advisory.
McCullough Parent Information Night for Rising 8th Graders (Current 7th Graders)
McCullough will hold a parent information night for rising 8th grade parents in the Nancy Bock Auditorium beginning at 6:00 p.m. on January 21, 2025. Please park in the west parking lot (football field side) and enter through the main patio doors. We will cover information regarding the course selection process for the 2025-26 school year.
Tentative Dates
- January 21 - Parent Information Night for rising 8th graders in the Bock Auditorium at 6:00 p.m.
- February 11 - Athletic and Elective Night beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Bock Auditorium and Commons - more information to come regarding the schedule of presentations
Boy's Soccer Tryouts
Boy's soccer will begin tryouts here in a couple of weeks! We are going to separate tryouts by grade level this year.
Tryout dates:
- 7th grade will try out after school from 4:15 pm to 5:30 pm on the following dates:
- Thursday, January 16th
- Friday, January 17th
- Tuesday, January 21st
- 8th grade will try out after school from 4:15 pm to 5:30 pm on the following dates:
- Wednesday, January 22nd
- Thursday, January 23rd
- Friday, January 24th
Students need to sign up with Coach Baird in the cafeteria during their lunches on the following days:
- Tuesday, January 7th
- Wednesday, January 8th
- Monday, January 13th
- Tuesday, January 14th
*An updated physical is required to sign up and try out.
Girl's Soccer Tryouts
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is time to start getting excited for the 2025 soccer season!
The following information is for students who are interested in signing up for the McCullough girls soccer team.
Our soccer tryout dates will be February 18th, 19th, and 21st. Everyone who signs up for tryouts will be evaluated on the first two days (Tuesday 2/18 and Wednesday 2/19). On the evening of Wednesday, the 19th, a round of cuts will be posted on the McCullough Soccer website. Participants who are invited back for the third day of tryouts on Friday the 21st will see a final cut posted that night determining who has made the team.
If your child is unable to attend either of the first two days of tryouts (February 18th or February 19th) for any reason other than a school-sponsored UIL event, they will not be invited back to try out on Friday, February 21st. If your child does get invited back for the third day of tryouts, but they are unable to attend, they may not be considered for the team.
Tuesday, February 18th- day one of tryouts
Wednesday, February 19th - day two of tryouts (cuts posted online in the evening)
Friday, February 21st - day three of tryouts (final cuts posted online in the evening)
Girls soccer participants will try out from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. after school. Students should leave their 4th/8th period class during the appropriate dismissal time and head down to the locker rooms to get changed and make their way to the field.
If your child is participating in a scheduled UIL event during any of the above tryout dates, they need to contact their coach in person and via email prior to the date(s) they will miss so that it does not count against them.
Below is the link to the girls soccer websites where additional information, physical forms, and tryout cuts will be posted:
In order to participate, students do need to submit a copy of their recent physical to their head coach and have the appropriate information filled out in Rank One before the first day of tryouts. If a physical has already been submitted for another sport during this current school year (2024-2025), then another one will not need to be submitted. The current physical (pre-participation) form can be found on the McCullough Athletics website along with information about Rank One: https://www.conroeisd.net/department/athletics/
Tryout Sign-Up Information:
Students can sign up for soccer tryouts starting on Monday, February 3rd.
7th and 8th grade girls soccer players will need to sign up with Coach Dawson during advisory in Portable 2.
Players will be required to wear a plain white t-shirt with their assigned tryout number written on the front and back in large black numbering. The number needs to be clearly identifiable and visible from a distance.
All participants are to bring their own soccer ball to tryouts. It is suggested that students have their names written on their equipment to avoid any issues.
Anyone without the proper equipment, (white t-shirt with black number, soccer ball, soccer cleats, shin guards, etc.) may not be allowed to participate in tryouts and may be disqualified from making the team.
If you have any questions regarding tryouts or the season, please contact Coach Dawson for girls soccer (kridawson@conroeisd.net).
Thank you,
McCullough Soccer
Tennis Tryouts
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is time to start getting excited for the 2024-2025 tennis season!
The following information is for students who are interested in signing up for the McCullough boys and girls tennis team. These students must currently be enrolled in either 7th or 8th grade at McCullough for the 24-25 school year.
In order for your child to participate in tryouts, they must attend a brief player meeting the week before tryouts. Players should plan on attending a meeting either before school or after school on the designated date.
- Girls will meet in room B205 at 8:10 or after school at 4:10 on Monday, January 28th.
- Boys will meet in room B205 at 8:10 or after school at 4:10 on Tuesday, January 27th.
Tryouts will go from 4:15-5:45 p.m. each day. All participants will need to secure a ride home immediately following the conclusion of each tryout day.
- We will post who made the team and provide a practice and game schedule on Thursday, February 6th.
- If your child is unable to attend tryouts for any reason other than a school-sponsored UIL event, they will not be considered for the team.
- When athletes come to the tryout meeting, they will need to turn in an updated physical (dated after April 15, 2024). The physical form can be found on the McCullough Athletics website. It is also linked here. Students who have already submitted a physical for football, basketball, volleyball or track this year will not need to submit another.
- Girls tryouts will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 4:15 until 5:45.
- Boys tryouts will be held on Wednesday, February 5th at 4:15 until 5:45.
- Athletes will need to bring athletic wear, tennis racquet, water, and a completed physical form
Thank you,
McCullough Tennis
Track Information (Boys and Girls)
- There will be a student only, informational meeting on either Jan. 8th or 9th (only need to attend one meeting )
- 8:05 a.m. or 4:10 p.m. whichever is a more convenient time
- Meeting in Coach Johnson’s classroom, D208.
- These meetings are for students only and will last approximately 30 minutes.
- Students who attend the after-school meeting will need to be picked up in the car rider line at about 4:30 p.m. on the West Side Parking lot by fields.
- All students interested in track need to have a current physical that was completed after April 15, 2024.
For Physical and Rank One Information, please go to the following site.
- For more information contact Coach Kelley Vader, kvader@conroeisd.net or Coach Mark Johnson, mdjohnson@conroeisd.net
Cheer and Mascot Information
🏈 December Athletes of the Month! 🏀
Congrats to our December athletes of the month!👏👏👏👏💪💪
- 7th Grade:
- Bailey Howell
- Braxton Baker
- 8th Grade:
- Natalia Mumme
- JT Loewen
Library Update
Happy New Year from the Library. I hope everyone has reading on their list for the new year. Each month the library receives new titles, and they are marked with a New Arrival bookmark so students can easily find them.
If your child had a book checked out before the break, they are now due. Please remind them to return it or renew it this week. If you or your child are unsure if they have a book checked out, your child can check their account through the SSO by clicking on the Destiny Discover app and choosing "My Stuff" at the top.
Spring Pictures
Spring Pictures will be taken through History classes on January 22 & 23. Ordering information will be available through History classes
2025-2026 CISD Calendar Feedback Requested
Conroe ISD’s 2025-2026 calendar has a different Spring Break than Lone Star College and other Texas universities. The calendars for many institutions had not been publicly released when the Board of Trustees approved the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 calendars in January of 2024. The table below shows the Spring Break weeks of area school districts along with Lone Star College and other Texas universities.
Please respond to the brief, linked survey by Friday, January 17, at noon to provide feedback to the Board of Trustees on whether you want Conroe ISD’s Spring Break to remain the week of March 9 - 13, 2026 or move to the week of March 16 - 20, 2026. They will use the provided feedback to inform their decision.
Note: There are no changes to the current school year’s calendar. Spring Break for the 2024-2025 school year is March 10-14, 2025.
Looking for sponsors to Improve our campus......😬🙏
Looking for Corporate or Small Business Sponsors!
Our small gym mats are in seriously bad shape! I'm not sure when the last time they were re-done (if ever), but they are severely faded, have tears all over them, and are repaired with red duck tape in many locations. 🤦♂️ I received a bid to have them replaced, and it will cost almost $20,000 to replace all the mats, including extending the mats on the end to provide safe coverage for all areas of the court perimeter. If you know of anyone who would be interested, let me know! I'd love to have a conversation about ways to shout out your business and promote your support and generosity with signage in the gym! Email me if you are interested!
UIL Information for Athletics
UIL - No Pass / No Play - Texas UIL No Pass / No Play law states that grades will be checked every three weeks, except for within the first 6 weeks of the school year. In the event an athlete is not passing all classes at the end of the first 6 weeks (2nd progress report), he or she would not be allowed to participate for a minimum of 3 weeks starting Sept 27th. At the end of the first 9 weeks report card grading period, any student who had to sit out due to grades must now be passing ALL classes in order to participate again. This date will be Oct 17th. After Oct 17th, athletes will have another chance each 3 weeks. This law also applies to all UIL competition groups/teams.
Clinics & Camp & Club Opportunities
Washington D.C. and Colonial Virginia Trip
Dear Parents,
Coach Turner is excited to inform you about the Summer Washington D.C. and Colonial Virginia trip. This trip will occur from 5/28/25 - 5/31/25 and is organized for all McCullough students. This experience is more than just a trip; it is an educational experience designed to be memorable and filled with historical and cultural learning opportunities. Throughout our experiential journey, students will:
- Visit iconic landmarks such as the Lincoln Memorial, Capitol Hill & Mt. Vernon, gaining a deeper understanding of our nation's history • Learn about our heroes and the sacrifices they made while visiting Arlington National Cemetery and all the Monuments and Memorials around D.C.
- Travel back in time to discover the shaping of Colonial America and the excitement of gaining our independence
If you would like your child to participate, please get in touch with Coach Turner at jdturner@conroeisd.net or have them visit C107 to collect an informational packet.
Warm regards,
Coach Turner
TWHS French, German, Chinese, and Japanese Programs
Course selection time for incoming ninth graders is upon us!
- As students decide which foreign language to choose, the TWHS German, French, Chinese and Japanese teachers would like to mention a few things to keep in mind.
- First and foremost, students should make sure that they choose the language and culture that truly interests them while they learn. They should keep their own marketability in mind. Also, which language will make them stand out to future employers?
Find more information in our TWHS Foreign Language Newsletter here:
McCullough Club Website
Here is a link to the clubs available at McCullough Junior High! The website will be updated as more information about specific clubs becomes available.
Teacher Treasure Box Donations
Needing Donations!
Any donations for teachers would be greatly appreciated! They especially love the gift cards, as those seem to go the fastest!
- $5 - $10 gift cards to eating establishments, Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Eating places, etc.
- Teacher supplies like Sharpies, Dry Erase Markers, Post-it Notes, Flair Pens, Gel Pens, etc.
- Any other donations that teachers would really appreciate
If you are able to donate, please drop off your donations at the front office and let them know it is for the teacher treasure box! Thank you for your continued support!!❤💚
Theme Thursdays!
Participation in Theme Thursday's was great last semester, and the number of kiddos participating increased throughout the Fall! Teachers and students are encouraged to dress in the theme for the day each Thursday. Outfits must be school appropriate and meet the McCullough Junior High dress code guidelines. 🙂
Yearbook Sales
Join our Fabulous PTO! (Seriously, they're the BEST!)
About our PTO
McCullough Junior High Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a group of parents, family members, staff, and teachers who work together to enhance academic achievement and enrichment for all students. PTO volunteers organize Orientation, design and sell spirit wear, organize staff appreciation events, and more. In addition, the funds they raise from dues are used to purchase school enhancement items that fall beyond the school’s budget. Recent purchases include additional chrome carts, carline signs to direct traffic, new entrance rugs, a McC backdrop sign, acrylic hallway signs (to be installed soon), outdoor picnic tables, and TV’s in the cafeteria for announcements/reminders/pictures.
How to Join
Please click on the link below to purchase your PTO Membership and support the faculty and staff at McCullough. The PTO membership fee is the only fundraiser we do. Thank you for your support!
Child Nutrition and Meals Update
We are excited about a new year and want your child to get off to a great start. I would like to pass on information about Child Nutrition to help you navigate breakfast and lunch at school so your child can be successful. Please see the following information regarding eating breakfast/lunch at school and changes for the 2024-25 school year:
- Please load money onto your child’s school lunch money account through My School Bucks.
- Please complete a Free/Reduced Lunch Application if you believe you might qualify.
Please note this very important change regarding Lunch Charges:
- We have a new charge process that has been established that limits students to 15 charges (1 charge = a breakfast and a Lunch).
- Once a student has charged 10 times, a school administrator will contact you to make you aware of the situation and discuss options on how to clear your child’s charges, how to use My School Bucks, directions on completing a Free/Reduced application, or will consider any special circumstances.
- Please be aware of the process once your child has 15 charges. Please know that we will complete this task with the utmost discretion as possible:
- Junior High and High Schools (7 – 12):
- Students that reach or surpass the 15-charge limit will have charging privileges removed until a full payment has been made, a payment plan has been initiated, or a campus administrative override has occurred for extenuating circumstances.
Thank you for helping us provide your child the best experience at school to meet their breakfast and lunch needs effectively and efficiently!
Important Links
Important Dates
Important Dates
Here are a few dates you'll want to put on your calendar! Dates are subject to change. You will be notified of any changes made to important dates.
Aug 14 - First Day of School!
Aug 15 - Volleyball Tryouts
Aug 15 - Open House 7th Grade
Aug 19 - Open House 8th Grade
Aug 20 - Class Meetings in Bock (Students)
Aug 21 - Class Meetings in Bock (Students)
Aug 28 - School Picture Day (Through History Classes)
Aug 29 - School Picture Day (Through History Classes)
Aug 29 - ISP Parent Information Night in Bock (6pm)
Sep 15 - End of MP1
Sep 19 - PTO General Meeting in LGI (9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.)
Sep 23 - 7th Grade Pep Rally
Sep 24 - 8th Grade Pep Rally
Oct 02 - School Picture Retakes
Oct 15 - Wear RED for Dyslexia
Oct 15 - 7th Grade Pep Rally
Oct 16 - 8th Grade Pep Rally
Oct 17 - Eligibility Lose or Gain
Oct 17 - Highlighted Highlander Ceremony
Oct 23 - 31 - Red Ribbon Week
Oct 24 - PSAT Administration for 8th Graders
Nov 8 - Eligibility Gain
Nov 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec 9 - Eligibility Gain
Dec 12 - Highlighted Highlander Ceremony
Dec 16 - Advanced Math Parent Meeting for Incoming 7th 6:00 PM Bock (New Date!)
Dec 17 - 20 - Midterm Exams
Dec 20 - Early Release Day
Jan 14 _ Eligibility Loss or Gain
Jan 16 - PTO General Meeting
Jan 20 - School Holiday
Jan 21 - Rising 8th Grade Parent Info Night
Jan 22 - School Pictures through History Classes
Jan 23 - School Pictures through History Classes
Jan 28 & 29- Rising 7th Grade Parent Information Night 6:00 PM Bock *Only attend one meeting
Feb 3 - Eligibility Gain
Feb 10 - Cheer Try Out Parent Meeting @ 6pm (Mandatory)
Feb 11 - Athletic & Elective Night 6pm - 8pm
Feb 13 - Highlighted Highlander Ceremony
Feb 17 - School Holiday
Feb 18 - TELPAS 7th Grade Listening and Speaking
Feb 19 - TELPAS 7th Grade Listening and Speaking
Feb 20 - TELPAS 8th Grade Listening and Speaking
Feb 21 - TELPAS 8th Grade Listening and Speaking
Feb 25 - TELPAS Listening and Speaking Make-ups
Feb 25 - Eligibility Gain
Mar 3 - TELPAS 7th Grade Reading and Writing
Mar 4 - TELPAS 7th Grade Reading and Writing
Mar 5 - TELPAS 8th Grade Reading and Writing
Mar 6 - TELPAS 8th Grade Reading and Writing
Mar 7 - TELPAS Reading and Writing Make-ups
Mar 3 - 6 - Cheer Try Out Clinic
Mar 6 - Cheer Try Outs
Mar 10 - 14 Spring Break
Mar 17 - Highland Girls Parent Tryout Meeting
Mar 21 - TELPAS Final Make-ups
Mar 24 - Eligibility Lose or Gain
Mar - Apr TBA - Highland Girls Clinic
Apr - TBA Highland Girl Tryouts
Apr 11 - Eligibility Gain
Apr 15 - STAAR Reading 7th
Apr 16 - STAAR Reading 8th
Apr 17 - PTO General Meeting
Apr 18 - School Holiday
Apr 22 - STAAR Social Studies 8th
Apr 23 - STAAR Science 8th
Apr 24 - 28 - Color Guard Clinic
Apr 29 - STAAR Math 7th
Apr 30 - STAAR Math 8th
May 1 - Color Guard Try Out
May 5 - Eligibility Gain
May 13 - End of Year Awards Ceremony (Bock Auditorium @ 6:30 p.m.)
May 20 - 23 Final Exams
May 23 - Early Release
McCullough JHS Contact Information
Main Office.....................................832.592.5100
24-hour Attendance Line...............832.592.5111
McCullough Fax.............................832.592.5116
Clinic Fax........................................832.592.5127
Counselor's Office..........................832.592.5194