Bees Alive Club
January 2025
Getting BAC to the Basics of Beekeeping...
Sharing Experiences, Examples, & Knowledge...
Education for ALL ages!
BAC January Meeting Info
Join us on Thursday, January 9th for our 1st meeting of the new year!
NOTE: We are not meeting on January 2nd due to BAC members attending the North American Bee Expo in Louisville, KY.
Time: 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Meeting Location:
Nixa Senior Center
404 S. Main
Nixa, MO 65714
Click HERE for a map to our meeting location.
Special Presenter: The guest speaker for our January meeting will be Cathy Misko! She will be speaking to us about "The When, Why and How of Chemical Free Beekeeping"! She is coming to visit with us from Centerview, MO (near Warrensburg). She has 36 years experience as a beekeeper, with the last 15 years being treatment free! She is an Eastern Apicultural Society (EAS) Certified Master Beekeeper! Cathy is the President of the Johnson County MO Beekeepers Association and she also serves as a Legislative Liaison for the Missouri State Beekeepers Association! We are very excited to have her! You will not want to miss this fantastic educational event!
2025-2026 BAC Board
Bees Alive Club Board is looking for a Director for the Mentor Program. Contact Clayton if you are interested!
It is time to pay 2025 dues!
Simply log into beesaliveclub.org to find the membership area under the shop section. You can securely pay your $25.00 dues from the comfort of your own home!
You can also join or renew your B.A.C.membership for 2025 at our upcoming meeting! Cash or check is preferred.
Some perks to being a BAC member include...
- being put on a swarm list
- ability to have a mentor
- checking out books from the BAC library
- access to our club's honey extractor
- access to our Oxalic Acid Vaporizer
- participate in the monthly raffle
- having the opportunity to be on the BAC Sub-Committees
- the ability to vote or hold a BAC Board position
- getting an official BAC Member sticker
2025 membership = $25.00 Individual (1 vote, 1 person) or Family (1 vote, 2+ people)
BAC Field Days
A big thank you to EVERYONE who opened their apiaries for our Bees Alive Club Field Days! These were amazing for hands on learning! Will be seeking volunteers to host the 2025 field days! Field days are held one Saturday per month April through September.
Mark your Calendars!
2025 BAC Calendars will be coming out this month!
January 2-4, 2025
The North American Honey Bee Expo 2025 is in Louisville, KY. This event is one of the largest shows with amazing speakers. Follow this link for more information and registration https://www.nahbexpo.com/.
February 6 ~ BAC Meeting
March 2025
Get your paint brushes out and your creative juices flowing! We will be having our 2nd Annual Hive Painting Contest in March! Participants will need to bring their beautifully decorated hive to this meeting. BAC Members will vote for the hive they like and the winners will be receiving prizes and bragging rights!
Saturday, June 21, 2025 ~ Missouri State Beekeepers Association
The Spring Conference is being held at the MSU Dar Agricultural Center in Springfield with a meet and greet evening held Friday night.
MSBA Missouri Specialty License Plate
If you haven’t registered yet, NOW is the time to be among the first to have the coolest plate in the state! Go to mobees.org/beefriendly to register!
2025 Scholarship Students
Start spreading the word.... We have opened the application process and it will be closing at our February meeting.
Our scholarship is offered to youth between the ages of 15 and 18, who are residents of the SW MO area and enrolled in public, private or homeschool. The program provides all the equipment necessary for the recipient(s) to become a hobbyist beekeeper. Recipient(s) will receive an orientation and/or a book on beginning beekeeping, have a mentor, and get to have their own hive to learn from and take care of during the process. The direct mentorship and close supervision lasts one year, which is long enough to ensure the student(s) has had enough time to be on their own in the hobby. Upon successful completion of the scholarship requirements, the recipient(s) will receive a recognition certificate and full ownership of the hive.
BAC Youth Scholarship Program Application
Please print, complete, and return the application to Hanna Price either in person, by mail, or email before January 30, 2025.
By Mail: 2873 Medical Springs Rd. Galena MO 65656
Email: hannasbees@gmail.com
For more information or questions, please contact a member of our BAC Board.
Snack Sign Up
We will be starting a snack sign up sheet and would appreciate everyone's participation for 2025. Snacks for January 9th will be provided by Jennifer W. and Amy C. Please contact Cathy Huber if you would like to sign up for a specific month. Thanks so much!
BAC Flashback...
Thank you to EVERYONE who came to our Annual December Christmas Party! Those of you who couldn't attend... we missed YOU! Check out some of the fun we had!
Check out these BUZZ-WORTHY FACTS!
- What are these buzzing friends most famous for? Delicious honey! But did you know they produce honey as food stores for the hive during winter? Luckily for us, these efficient little workers produce 2-3 times more honey than they need, so we get to enjoy the tasty treat, too!
- Honey bees are fabulous flyers! They fly at a speed of around 25 km per hour and beat their wings 200 times per second!
Irish Honey Pot Roast
YIELD: Makes 8 to 10 servings
1/2 cup - flour
1 tsp. each - salt and pepper
4 to 5 lb. - pot roast
2 T - oil
1 can (14 oz.) - beef broth
1/2 cup - honey
1 cup - Irish ale, substitute apple cider, if desired
4 cloves - garlic, minced
2 tsp. - dried thyme
2 cups - carrots, chopped
2 cups - potatoes, chopped
2 cups - parsnips, chopped
2 cups - leeks, chopped
1/2 cup - cold water
DIRECTIONS: Preheat the oven to 375°F.
- In a medium bowl, combine flour, salt and pepper. Dredge roast in flour mixture, coating all sides. Reserve the remaining flour mixture.
- In a large Dutch oven, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add the roast and sear sides first until well browned.
- Next sear and brown the top and bottom of the roast, about 4 to 5 minutes each.
- Add broth, honey, ale, garlic and thyme. Cover and roast in the oven for 1 1/2 hours.
- Add vegetables, cover and cook 1 hour more, or until meat is fork tender.
- Remove meat and vegetables to a platter and keep warm.
- To prepare gravy, add cold water to the reserved flour mixture. Whisk water-flour mixture into remaining juices in Dutch oven pan. Place Dutch oven over medium-high heat and bring mixture to a boil. Continue to stir and cook until thickened. Season to taste and serve with meat and vegetables.
TIP: If desired you may slow cook the roast in a crock-pot. Follow directions above through browning of pot roast. Place vegetables in bottom of crock-pot and place meat on top, cutting as necessary to fit. Add remaining ingredients, except water. Cover and cook on low setting for 8 to 10 hours. Prepare the gravy as above.
Don't Worry . . . BEE Happy!!
Bee Buddy Program
Bees Alive Club has a Bee Buddy Program and it's easy to enroll! At our next meeting when you sign in, you simply mark if you want to be a Bee Buddy or want to have a Bee Buddy! There will also be a place to mark if you want to become part of a swarm list! If you have any questions, contact Clayton Caperton at (303) 210-3048.
Bees Alive Club Board
Contact us with any questions or concerns.
We'd love to 'BEE' of service!
President: Hanna Price (417) 559-9044
Vice President: Clayton Caperton (303) 210-3048
Treasurer: Bruce (BJ) Jones (417) 719-3129
Secretary: Amy Coates (417) 861-4127
Education Director: Dave Loftin (417) 827-9391
Hospitality Chair: Cathy Huber (417) 263-2090
Director of First Impressions: Carolyn Janus (417) 413-6678
Newsletter Editor: Karie Janus
Bees Alive Club Newsletter Contact Information
Is there something you'd like to have posted in an upcoming BAC newsletter? We'd love to share your photographs & stories!
Email Karie Janus at: beesaliveclub2023@gmail.com