Counselor Corner
May 2024
Counselor Corner
Life Lessons
K: Careers - More on the six career paths. Discussion of whether some jobs are more important than others. Career exploration.
1st Grade: Careers - What things do I like/dislike about school and how does that lead to a certain career path. Career exploration.
2nd Grades: Careers - What do my strengths/weaknesses lead to a certain career path. Career exploration.
3rd Grade: Careers - More on budgeting. Use of that knowledge to play Claim Your Future game.
4th Grade: Careers - How does my personality and how I interact with the world around me
lead to certain careers. More exploration of Career Trek.
5th Grades: Careers - Transitioning to middle school. "Walks and Locks"
Family Connections
"Can't Decide What to Do" Outing: When the family wants to do something together but can't decide what, have everyone write or draw a picture of an activity on small pieces of paper. Put all suggestions in a "hat" and draw one. Ground rule is "Whatever is drawn out of the hat -- you must do."
Progressive Meal: If the family is going out to eat, have everyone write a choice of where to go for the appetizer, the main course and the dessert on separate pieces of paper. Put the choices in envelopes marked accordingly. Before leaving the house, draw from the appetizer envelope to determine where the outing will begin. After you have eaten the appetizer, draw from the "Main Course" envelope and so on.
Last Things First: Eat dessert first while everyone still has room for it!
Resource Highlight and Review
School Based Counseling services. SPS has partnered with Burrell Behavioral Health to provide mental health services by a Licensed Professional Counselor to students at school and during the school day. Eligible students' services are free. A referral is required. If you are interested or want more information, please contact Mrs. Livingston at the number listed in the Contact Information below. Services continue through the summer months.
School Based Social Work services. Unfortunately, funding for these services has run out. If you are receiving SBSW services, expect a call from your worker who will advise you further. If you need resources over the summer, please reach out to the summer school counselor at your summer school site.
SPS PTA Clothing Bank. Springfield Council of PTAs operates the Clothing Bank as a resource for eligible students who attend Springfield Public Schools. Students are eligible to shop for clothing if their families meet specific income guidelines or they have been referred by their Principal, Counselor or School Nurse. If your student is in need, please contact your summer school nurse.
Additionally, the Clothing Bank also accepts donations. They take lightly used clothing and also need new underwear and socks for all ages. If you would like to donate, go to Facebook at:
CHOICE Programs. Application (usually in November-December) and acceptance are required for CHOICE school attendance. Springfield Public Schools provides several alternative education sites for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th grade learning. Ag Academy is and innovative facility featuring classrooms, a green house, garden and demonstration kitchen. If accepted, students can attend from 4th to 6th grades. Academy of Exploration is for students who want to learn their grade-level curriculum through the lens of sciences, technology, engineering and math (STEM). If accepted, students can attend their 5th grade year. Academy of Fine and Performing Arts is a unique learning environment for students who are creative and interested in drama, theater, dance and vocal/visual arts. The school is housed at the Springfield Little Theatre. If accepted, students can attend their 5th grade year. W.O.L.F. (Wonders of the Ozarks Learning Facility) is for students with a special interest in nature and the outdoors. A partnership with the Wonders of Wildlife Museum and Bass Pro Shops, classes are located at the John A. & Genny Morris Conservation Education Center. If accepted, students can attend their 5th grade year. The Health Sciences Academy is a learning opportunity for 8th grade students housed within Mercy Hospital. Students spend their year in specially-designed, state-of-the-art classrooms, using healthcare as a lens for problem-based learning. Students explore different careers and learn from professionals in the medical field. WINGS, which stands for Working with Individual Needs of Gifted Students, is designed to identify academically gifted students. The purpose of the program is to provide academic challenge and rigor as well as address the social/emotional needs of the gifted student. Students attend one full instructional day per week at Phelps located on the west side of the MSU campus. Summer is a great time to get tested and ready for the new school year! Check out the SPS website under Select a School for more information on these programs.
Quality Time. Parents who spend just 30 minutes per week of quality time with their child(ren), the child(ren) will be more mentally and emotionally strong. Summer provides longer daylight hours to participate in quality time and activities with your child(ren). Here are some of the interesting things to do in Springfield.
You might also check out:
Tips for Spending Quality Time with Your Child
Center City Counseling is gearing up to accept summer clients. This is MSU's graduate school counseling program. They provide counseling services for children through adults. Cost is based on a sliding scale and most clients pay less than $20 per session. If you are struggling and would like someone to talk to, call them at: 417/836-3215.
Tracy Livingston
Jeffries Elementary
Location: 4051 South Scenic Avenue, Springfield, MO, USA
Phone: 417-523-3960