HSD News Round-up
Keeping the Hockinson community in the loop!
Thank You HSD School Board
Every January school districts across the state and nation honor their board of directors during School Board Recognition Month.
Students and members of the Hockinson School District will recognize its school board with a short tribute at the start of its regular meeting on Monday, January 31. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. at the HHS Library or on Zoom.
As part of the tribute, Superintendent Steve Marshall will read a proclamation by Gov. Jay Inslee designating January as School Board Recognition Month in Washington State. The proclamation reads in part that school directors serve “as a vital link between members of the community and schools” and play “a crucial role in promoting student learning and achievement by creating a vision, establishing policies and budgets, and setting clear standards of accountability for all involved.”
These dedicated community members do this work on a 100% volunteer basis. Get to know your HSD board members by viewing their individual profiles under “Board Members” here.
Winter Sports Teams Honor Seniors
HHS Winter Sports Athletes deserve a medal for their perseverance. Practicing and competing amidst a pandemic has not been easy. Last year’s winter sports season was cut short and this year’s season has been interrupted by quarantines, cancellations, and rescheduled contests...oh, and athletes were also required to comply with the statewide testing rule. Hockinson’s scholar-athletes, however, have remained faithful to their school and teammates and given fans a lot to cheer about. Some sports have already had senior nights while others will occur in the days ahead.
But we wanted to be sure to salute all of our Winter Season Senior Scholar-Athletes:
- Boys Basketball: Jacob Jensen; Kenyon Johnson; Samuel Kelly; Mac Klodt; Jackson McNair; Colin Wyncoop
- Boys Swimming: Pierce Barrett; Gerry Conradie; Oliver Giger; Degan Guinn; Owen Teckenburg
- Boys Wrestling: Wen-Hsien Hsu; Tyler Jardine; Cody Wheeler
- Girls Basketball: Gracie Brammer; Siena Brown; Delaney Chappelle; Addison Chappelle; Cody Plymale; Ellie Ritter; Kylie Ritter; Lauren Schadt; Audrey Yinger
All Hands on Deck
In a year where not much has gone to plan, the HSD community has worked hard and worked together to maintain in-person learning. Staff, students, and families have shown a blend of patience and flexibility that has helped us to reach the midpoint of the school year. Did we forget to mention improvisation?
Two weeks ago, the Omicron surge was escalating and our district’s COVID testing service was down to its last few tests when schools were informed that the state would be unable to provide any more tests before the end of the month. ESD 112 took the initiative by sending a truck up to the DOH Warehouse the past two Saturdays to secure a limited number of tests for SW Washington schools. However, the ESD has been unable to deliver them to school districts as fast as needed, so HSD staff have transported supplies in their cars the past two Sundays to keep the testing service open for HSD staff and students.
COVID Updates
Due to a limited number of tests, the HSD’s COVID testing service remains available only to staff and students. Looking ahead, here are its hours of operation:
Friday, Jan. 28: Testing service CLOSED
Sunday, Jan. 30: * OPEN special hours 4-6 pm *
Week of Monday, Jan. 31: Testing service open 6:45 - 9:00 am
Our testing service will expand to include parents and Hockinson community members as soon as we begin to receive a larger and more reliable supply of COVID tests.
Over the past few weeks, we have become aware of the need to clarify a couple of COVID-related scenarios:
- “What happens when my child’s teacher becomes symptomatic or tests positive for COVID?” Please understand that the health status of our staff is a private matter, so it is up to each staff member to decide what, if any, health information is disclosed to students and families. However, parents will always receive a notification if their child has been identified as a close contact (less than 6 ft for longer than 15 minutes) to a contagious staff member. If the student was not a close contact, parents will not receive a notification.
- “When can my student return to school if they are COVID positive or a close contact?” Unfortunately, this became confusing when the CDC modified guidance in late December. Our state’s school protocols are here, but we have found that every situation is unique. Once your child has been identified as COVID-positive or a close contact, parents should first email Caleb Millay, COVID Health Safety Manager at: caleb.millay@hocksd.org. Mr. Millay will answer (and ask) questions and provide parents with the appropriate return date.
- “Can my student access classroom learning when quarantined or home with COVID?” Our teachers are unable to teach using a real-time, dual-instruction (in-person and remote model). So COVID-related absences follow the regular absence policy for illness. Students and teachers can stay connected via email. Please understand our teachers have been covering absences, which has impacted their ability to respond as quickly as usual.
HHS Band Boosters Organize MLK Day of Service 2.0
For the past two years, the HHS Band Boosters have partnered with SOLVE to organize a community clean up event on the Martin Luther King holiday. Student volunteers picked up trash from along Hockinson’s streets and School Board Member Dave Olson and Superintendent Steve Marshall (and his son Brady) removed dead plants and replaced them with new plants. All Season Nursery. Volunteers finished the day by joining forces to fill the Early Learning Garden with cedar chips. A huge thank you to the Band Boosters and All Season Nursery for making a difference in the HSD and Hockinson. Mark your calendars; the Band Boosters are already planning for MLK Day 2023.
HSD to Update Districts Following Census
Following every federal 10-year census, school districts in the State of Washington are required to undergo a redistricting process to update and equalize populations in their board-represented districts.
This redistricting process involves many steps, including public notification of the proposed redistricting plan (e.g., map). That map, created by a demographer contracted by the Hockinson School District, is available here.
Hockinson residents have the opportunity to comment on this redistricting plan before it goes before the Hockinson School Board at its next regular meeting on Monday, January 31, 2022.
Residents can share their input on the plan by sending an email to publiccomment@hocksd.org.
Following its review by the public and the school board, the redistricting plan will be an action item at the February 28, 2022 regular school board meeting.
New Sign
Those visiting our testing service or district office may have noticed a new sign at the entrance off of 159th St.
The sign posts have been empty since 2017, when Hockinson Middle School relocated to its new building.
Not only does the new sign designate the current location of the district office, it represents the community spirit and resourcefulness of “The Hockinson Way.” Hockinson residents Greg Plitt, Clay Foster, and Ken MacKintosh all donated the materials, skills, and time to make this project a reality.
Upcoming Events:
- Jan. 28 Semester Grading Day - NO SCHOOL
- Jan. 30 Seed Swap @ 1 pm at Hockinson Community Center
- Jan. 31 HSD School Board Regular Meeting @ 6 pm at HHS & Zoom
- Feb. 2 Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting @ 6 pm on Zoom
- Feb. 18 & 21 President’s Day Break - NO SCHOOL
- Feb. 28 Start of HHS Spring Sports (Baseball, Softball, G. Golf, B. Soccer, B & G Track)
- Mar. 28 Start of HMS B & G Track Season
Connect with Hockinson Schools
Website: hocksd.org
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606
Phone: (360) 448-6400
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonSchools