Ruhkala's Weekly Schedule
Week of February 1st to February 5th
AM/PM Schedule:
A = AM
B = PM
Bell Schedule for Grades K-6 is the following:
AM: 7:50-10:05
PM: 11:05-1:20
Tuesday- Friday:
AM: 7:50-10:35
PM: 11:35-2:20 (Please do not arrive before 11:30 due to RA dismissal.)
To Clear Absences:
Please contact Ms. Schrader (at in order to clear absences. It is very important that all absences are cleared before a student returns to campus.
Lunch Pickup for On Campus Students:
- Students must let their teachers know that they are planning on picking up a lunch at the beginning of their day when attendance is taken.
- Lunches will be picked up by students on their way off campus.
Lunch Pickup for RVC Students:
General Information:
- Lunches, for RVC students, can be picked up between 11:45 and 12:00. Lunches can now be picked up by the door of the Multipurpose Room that is closest to the bike rack.
Kindergarten Registration for 2020/2021!
Registration 2021-22 - Open NOW!
Visit the RUSD Registration Website at:
Please call our front office if you have any questions about kindergarten registration.
- AM/PM Schedule for Grades K to 6th.
- AM/PM Schedule for Grade K to 6th.
- AM/PM Schedule for Grades K to 6th.
- AM/PM Schedule for Grades K to 6th.
- PE with Coach Carter
- AM/PM Schedule for Grades K to 6th.
- PE with Coach Carter
- President's Week/No School: February 15th to February 19th
Second Graders Celebrating National Lego Day!
Second graders had to follow specific guidelines while building their projects to compliment their English Language Arts unit on Solving Problems Through Technology. They researched the history, development, and changes made over time in the production of Legos.