Bulldog Bulletin
The athletic department is switching registration platforms! We will be moving from BigTeams to FINAL FORMS. This change will take place tentatively after Memorial Break. In the meantime, please do not update or create an account on BigTeams. Look for an email in the coming weeks to start registering for sports on Final Forms!
Questions? Contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Russell (daniel.russell@royaloakschools.org)
Dear Royal Oak Middle School Families,
As we approach the end of the school year, it's very important that we take a moment to reflect on the values and principles that define us as bulldogs and within our own community. With this in mind, I urge each you to review our Student Code of Conduct with your student. This will ensure that we're all aligned and doing everything we can to continue to be respectful, responsible, and above all, safe.
Throughout this academic year, we've had the privilege of diving into 13 impactful CharacterStrong lessons, each accompanied by CharacterDares designed to inspire positive action and growth. These resources have been instrumental in nurturing the social and emotional development of our students, and I encourage you to seize this opportunity to revisit them as a family. By doing so, we can collectively reinforce the values that underpin our school culture and set a positive tone for the remainder of the year.
Thank you for your continued dedication to the well-being and success of our students.
Kristin Meldrum
Royal Oak Middle School
Attention 8th Grade Families!
Friday, May 17, 2024
MAY PAC Meeting
What's New?
1. Next week, all 7th grade students will take part in the Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth Survey supported by the Michigan Department of Education. The research survey will ask about the health behaviors of 7th, 9th, and 11th grade students. The survey will ask about behavior and attitude related to nutrition, physical activity, injuries, tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use.
If you object to your child’s participation in the survey, complete the form below and ask your child to return it to the 7th grade office by June 1, 2022. You only need to submit this form if you do not give your child permission to participate.
2. The athletic department is switching registration platforms! We will be moving from BigTeams to FINAL FORMS. This change will take place tentatively after Memorial Break. In the meantime, please do not update or create an account on BigTeams. Look for an email in the coming weeks to start registering for sports on Final Forms!
Questions? Contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Russell (daniel.russell@royaloakschools.org)
Cost: Each session is $160. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify, contact Jennifer Knipper at Jennifer.knipper@royaloakschools.org.
3. **ATTENTION** 8th Grade Boys Interested in Playing Soccer at ROHS
Check out THIS information on an upcoming mandatory meeting on May 19th! (See flier below)
4. ROMS/ROHS Summer Robotics Camp Information!
Learn how to build and program robots with the award-winning Royal Oak High School Robotics Team! In this week-long day camp for rising 4th-8th graders, your student will learn the fundamentals of robot design and coding as they work with a teammate to create a robot that plays a sport-like challenge. No experience necessary. (See flier below)
The 8th Grade Dance will be Monday, June 10, 2024 from 6-8 PM
6. ROMS! Have you bought a yearbook yet?!
7. The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Detroit Section is pleased to announce our 16th annual Girls’ Engineering Exploration (GEE) Day on Saturday, June 15, 2024. This year’s open house style event will be held indoors at College for Creative Studies - Taubman Center from 10AM - 2PM. The free event, with lunch provided, is a part of SWE’s continuous effort to educate girls about the endless career opportunities that the engineering field has to offer.
GEE is open to 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade girls. Students will be able to do hands-on activities, learn what engineers do, how they use STEM in their jobs, and interact with women in engineering.
Registration instructions are included on the flyer and linked here. We will take sign ups through 6/14/24--registrations after 5/31/24 are not guaranteed lunch or a t-shirt. We require students to be accompanied by a parent/guardian/trusted adult at all times.
For any questions, please contact us as SWEDetroitGEE@gmail.com.
8. PAC May Meeting - Social Outing
Join us Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30 at Mojave Cantina to celebrate the end of our year! Please RSVP to rosdpac@gmail.com so we can get a head count! If you need any support you can always email us, or post in our Closed Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/RoyalOakSchoolsPAC)
9. Color Guard Clinic for rising 9th Grade students ONLY! If interested, check out this clinic information here. (See flier below)
10. Attention supporters of the AMAZING Royal Oak Raven Marching Band! Please consider sponsoring a hole for this year's golf outing! Registration closes September 8th.
Interested in joining a team and playing? The registration for players will be coming soon. The event will take place at: Royal Oak Golf Course | 3417 Don Soper Drive | Royal Oak
We firmly believe that providing students with a smooth and informative school transition process contributes to student success at all levels. Our school transition process begins with our Developmental/Kindergarten students as we welcome them into our schools and begin to help them better understand some of the learning experiences that they will soon engage in within our schools. The elementary to ROMS school transition helps incoming 6th-grade students better understand what awaits them in middle school. Our 8th-grade to 9th-grade school transitions are one of the final transitions our students take part in as they begin their journey at Royal Oak High School. We feel strongly about our school transitions process and the opportunities it provides students and families at all levels to understand better the opportunities and experiences that await them at the next level! You can watch the video to learn more.
8th Grade Dance Information SAVE THE DATE!
7th Grade Dance
ROHS Boys Soccer Meeting Information
Summer Learning Sessions for ROMS
- May 2024 calendar of wellness activities adapted from Mental Health America
- Supporting Children's Mental Wellness tips for parents/caregivers
- Supporting Children's Mental Wellness tips for educators
- Coping tools (Coloring pages, worksheets)
- Fact Sheets (4)
- Path to Calm
- Be Seen in Green
- Self-Care Checkup for staff
While much of the information (fact sheets, coping tools) I have provided is taken directly from these toolkits, here are the links for Mental Health Awareness Month toolkits that are filled with so much information and many resources.
Mental Health America’s resources and their 2024 Toolkit!
Important Message for ROMS Students and Families
We have students at ROMS that have severe food allergies to peanuts/nuts. It is important that our students avoid bringing snacks with peanuts/nuts into their classes in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. If possible, please choose a different alternative for snacks for your students. Thank you for pitching in to help ensure our students safety and well-being!
Hello Bulldog Families from the ROMS counseling team-
We would like to introduce ourselves to you;
Sanja Thelen (6th grade counselor---A-K)
Carrie Laurence (6th grade counselor---L-Z)
Michael Betman (7th grade counselor)
Samantha Ellis (8th grade counselor)
As the second semester is beginning and classes are underway, the counseling team will be going into classrooms and providing information and instructions on career development through Xello.
Xello helps students complete interactive career, personality, and learning style assessments to help them better understand their interests, skills, and strengths. Each activity encourages reflection, helping students connect who they are with relevant career pathway options. All students will have the opportunity to explore Xello at school and can continue their exploring at home. ROMS makes Xello available to students anytime. Ask your student to show you their Xello profile at https://www.royaloakschools.org/students/xello.
If you have any questions please contact your child's counselor.
Reserved Parking: Van Accessible Parking Spaces
Families: We do have a family that needs to load up their student and a wheelchair. Please be mindful if you are parking in one of the two VAN ACCESSIBLE parking spaces at ROMS. These are reserved for people that need to load a wheelchair. We will be adding more handicapped parking spaces to accommodate additional need. Thank you!
Thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program, a state-funded program that allows all students to receive meals at no cost for the 2023-2024 school year, breakfast and lunch will be free to all students. Second meals are not free and will be considered ala carte. High school and middle school second lunches will be charged $3.00; elementary school second lunches will be charged $2.60. Adult meals are not covered under the Michigan School Meals Program.
Although all students can receive meals at no cost, it is still vital that eligible families fill out a free/reduced meal application: A school’s eligibility for federal Child Nutrition Programs such as Summer Food Service Program and others is based on free and reduced-price eligibility. Students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Federal and state education finding uses free and reduced-price eligibility.
Please complete the 2023-2024 online application on our website under Free and Reduced Meals Information. Paper applications will be sent out this month and available at the district office and in all schools in August.
If/when your school begins offering ala carte items, please note that they will not be free and must be paid for with cash or through your student’s pre-paid food service account. Ala carte examples are bottled water, chips, cookies, and milk. Unfortunately, milk by itself is not free. To get milk, a complete meal must be received or can be paid for separately. Elementary students must continue to pre-order lunch one day ahead. Last-minute decisions to eat an elementary school lunch can result in shortages for other students that did order in advance.
No Dogs Allowed on ROMS Property
Technology Help
District Chromebooks
Self-Service Password Manager
The Service Desk
This page contains important information regarding district technology. Please click the links below to learn more.
The distinct uses Canvas as its Learning Management Platform. Learn how to download the app, create an Observer account, and more.
MISTAR is the district’s Student Information System. Learn how to log into and navigate the Parent Portal.
All students in first through twelfth grades in Royal Oak Schools have the option of receiving a district-issued Chromebook to use for their time in the district. Learn more about requesting a Chromebook, troubleshooting common issues, and more.
Learn more about signing up for Self-Service Password Manager (recommended for 6-12 students) and recovering forgotten Network passwords.
If you are having technical issues with equipment or devices, a parent or guardian may contact the Oakland Schools’ Service Desk.
OK2SAY Reporting
>>Call 8-555-OK2SAY (855-565-2729)
>>Text to 652729 (OK2SAY)
>>Email OK2SAY (OK2SAY@mi.gov)
>>Visit the website (https://www.michigan.gov/ok2say)
Royal Oak Middle School
Email: kristin.meldrum@royaloakschools.org
Website: https://www.royaloakschools.org/our-schools/royal-oak-middle-school/
Location: 709 North Washington Avenue, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 541-7100
Twitter: @krimeldrum