Meadowbrook News
June 7, 2024
From Principal Natalie
Good afternoon Meadowbrook,
As we wrap up another school year, I want to thank you for trusting us with your children, the ongoing support for our students and staff, and your partnership in making this year a success. To those of you whose time at Meadowbrook has come to an end, we will miss you but you will always be part of the Meadowbrook family. If there is anything I can be helpful with in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. And, if you see me in the community, please say hi; it's always fun catching up with you.
June is LGBTQ+ Pride month and I have so much pride when it comes to the love, acceptance and inclusivity that our students demonstrate with one another. To our LGBTQ+ community members, thank you for your courage to be yourself. We love and support you!
The office will be closed at the end of next week through the beginning of August. I will be working a modified schedule (with some vacation sprinkled throughout). The best way to contact me is through email at natalie.sawatzky@hopkinsschools.org.
Thank you for a great school year! Meadowbrook is a special place and YOU help make this true! I look forward to continuing our partnership.
In gratitude,
2024 Meadowbrook Seniors
OE Transportation Update
Open Enrolled and In-District Transfer families who want transportation for 2024-25 — complete an application!
If you would like to apply for transportation for your open-enrolled or in-district transfer student, please use the link below to complete an application form. Link to apply: Open-Enrollment/In-District Transfer Bus Application.
Even if you have already registered for transportation for next year, open enrolled and in-district transfer families also need to complete this application. Questions? Learn more on the application page or visit the transportation web page for contact info and more.
Summer Meals
Summer is here, but scholars age 18 and under can still access free breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday while school’s out! Meals will be served at Eisenhower and Alice Smith elementary schools from June 17th through August 9th, and at Hopkins High School from June 17th through July 26th.
Stop by for breakfast between 8 and 9:30 am, or lunch from 11:30 am to 1 pm. Adults may purchase meals for an additional fee, if accompanied by a student. Learn more.
School Tool Box - School Supplies
Get a head start on the 2024-2025 school year by purchasing your fall school supplies now! Meadowbrook’s online school supply store with School Tool Box is up and running.
Visit schooltoolbox.com to get started.
Each grade level box matches the teacher's approved list, is fully customizable and can ship directly to your home. Plus a portion of all sales comes back to the PTO!
From Nurse Karen
Here is a "TO DO" list for the upcoming summer from the Health Office.
- Please pick up any medications you have provided for your child here in the Health Office. If your child will be attending Kids and Company here at Meadowbrook, you still have to pick up their medications. You will then need to give them to the Kids and Company staff the first week of summer break.
- Make sure your child's immunizations are up to date. Check with your child's medical provider to confirm any needed immunizations. Summer is a great time to schedule yearly check ups.
- For children who need emergency action plans and asthma action plans, make an appointment for a checkup, and obtain a current asthma or allergy action plans. Please bring those with medications the first week of school.
- Be active this summer! Make sure your child has a well-fitting helmet and life jacket for our Minnesota summers. Create time for reading. I have become a huge fan of our Library System here in the Twin Cities. There are so many libraries and free libraries. I already have a stack of books ready to jump into!!
Have a wonderful summer; stay safe and healthy Meadowbrook!
Summer Learning
Are you looking for some ways to keep some routine this summer and to keep the learning happening for your students? While summer is a great time to relax and explore, it is also great to keep some routines. Below are a few suggestions:
Use these attached calendars to print off and find some fun things to do. Directions are on the 4th page. Enjoy!
Set healthy screen time rules. Most organizations recommend less than 2 hours of screen time per day. This includes all devices - phones, tvs, gaming systems, iPads, etc. Consider having some “screen free days” or even weeks. Keep screens unavailable until after other things are finished (chores, daily reading, exercise, etc.) While your kids will likely initially complain and push on any boundaries, once they know you aren’t budging, you will see their creativity blossom as they fill their summer with memory making opportunities. Have a plan, stand strong, and know they will thank you in 20 years, even if they are mad now.
Set expectations at the start of summer. Want healthy happy adults in the future? Research says chores help lead to this - as well as to self-confidence, interdependence, and efficacy. Look up appropriate chores for each age and enjoy having some helpers. Include in your summer expectations time to read. Consider allowing part of their screentime be Lexia or IXL. Keep these to 10-30 minutes a day.
This week we are sharing the resources we shared last week again - they are just too good not to share again.
Library Events and Resources
Hopkins Library Youth/Family Summer Events
Personalized Reading Recommendation (GREAT tool if your kids are resistant to your recommendations!)
Summer Learning through Metro Libraries
Library Day at the MN State Fair
Library App
Link your library card to Libby
Other Opportunities for Children and Adults
Cream & Amber Events (book buying, sales, book clubs, etc.)
Half Price Books Summer Reading Camp (Weekly handout)
Barnes & Noble Summer Reading English Journal Spanish Journal
Independent Bookseller Book Events Calendar
MN Children’s Book Festival (September)
Writing Events
PTO Corner
Online Student Directory – Summer Update!
In response to caregiver feedback that the current online student directory is not serving the needs of our community, the PTO plans to close the current directory in mid-June and seek new resources for the 2024-2025 school year. We recognize that students may want to keep connected over the summer, so please visit the directory prior to June 17th for access to contact information for registered users.
You may reach the directory here: https://hopkinsmeadowbrookpto.org/. Please stay tuned to the PTO social media channels ( https://linktr.ee/MeadowbrookPTO ) and our monthly newsletter for more information on new directory options as next school year approaches. Have a wonderful summer!
Meadowbrook School Grounds Clean Up
Let's work together to keep our school grounds clean and beautiful. Introducing the Meadowbrook School Grounds Clean Up Program! This green initiative aims to foster a sense of environmental responsibility, inspiring our young students to care for the earth and our community.
Learn more and sign up with your student, family, or group here.
Restaurant Nights
- What are Restaurant Night funds used for? The sales from Meadowbrook Restaurant Nights are used for PTO funds. These funds provide many opportunities for all students and teachers. This includes, but is not limited to field trips, equipment for classrooms and the media center, artist residencies, and transportation costs for events and field trips.
- How much has Meadowbrook family's contributions to Restaurant Nights made so far? We have raised a total of $1881.50 for the Meadowbrook community! As you can see, these nights are of great benefit to the students and staff at Meadowbrook, and each time you dine to donate it is greatly appreciated.
Online Student Directory
Visit HopkinsMeadowbrookPTO.org for access to the Online Meadowbrook Student Directory.
To sign up:
Current Users: If you had a log-in from the previous directory, visit the website. Click the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password and gain access.
New Users: Visit the website. Click the “Sign up” button. To create your account, enter your full name and email address, and create a password. Including your full name will help staff verify that you are a Meadowbrook caregiver.
How to Help The PTO:
- Volunteer - Complete this form to express your interest: https://forms.gle/4G39cpzZQ8kddGXs7
- Download the Box Tops for Education app and scan your receipts after shopping. Any qualifying purchases will go directly to Meadowbrook PTO- no need to 'clip' anymore!
Any questions? Reach out to us at meadowbrookelementarypto@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook , Twitter, Instragram, or our PTO website
District-Wide Announcements & Events
Care about Hopkins and want to serve on a District Exploratory Team?
We are creating 5 Exploratory Teams to do short-term work this summer and into the fall. Part of the reason is to identify budget efficiencies as we head into next school year. The other reason is to identify creative solutions to important challenges. Follow this link to learn more about these topics:
1. Elementary Specials
2. Utilities Feasibility Studies
3. 6-12 Schedule and Alignment
4. Transportation
5. Restorative & Personalized Support for Secondary Scholars in Need
If you wish to participate as a volunteer member, please complete this form. We’ll need to know who you are, what your interest is, and how to contact you. Thank you!
Hopkins Education Foundation News
Hopkins Education Foundation hopes you all have a wonderful summer. We look forward to connecting with you again on September 7, 2024, for our annual 21+ block party, Rock-n-Royal. If you want to help us at our events or in our office next year, please sign up as a Hopkins Education Foundation volunteer.
2024-25 Calendar
At the December 12 School Board Meeting, the Hopkins School Board approved the 2024-25 calendar. Over the next few weeks, we will add these dates to our digital calendar and provide a printable PDF.
Important Calendar Dates
June 7: Last Day of School
August 27: Kindergarten Playground Night
August 29: Open House
September 3: First Day of School for 1st-5th Grade
September 3: Kindergarten Visiting Day
September 4: First Day of School for Kindergarten
Meadowbrook Elementary
Main Office Line: 952-988-5100
Attendance Line: 952-988-5110
Online Student Directory: https://hopkinsmeadowbrookpto.org/
Email: natalie.sawatzky@hopkinsschools.org
Website: https://hopkinsschools.org/schools/elementary-schools/meadowbrook-elementary
Location: 5430 Glenwood Avenue, Golden Valley, MN 55422, USA
Phone: (952) 988-5100
Facebook: facebook.com/HopkinsMeadowbrook
Twitter: @MeadowbrookGV