Parent Newsletter
August 14, 2024

From the Principal
Dear CSE Parents,
Merry Christmas! December is such a fun month at College Street. Be sure to mark your calendars with all our events below. The Polar Express Reading Challenge begins Monday, December 9. Be looking for more information explaining this wonderful program. Also, our amazing High School band will be doing a special Christmas performance for our students on Monday, December 16. This is always a fun time! There are dress-up days the week of Dec. 16-19, and a third grade field trip on Thursday, December 19. Our teachers and staff are working hard each day to make this time of year fun and exciting for the students, while also ensuring the maximum amount of instruction and learning. Make sure your child is at school every day so they don't miss valuable instruction time and fun Christmas experiences. I pray that you have a peaceful Christmas break and a joyous New Year!
Let's have a great year at CSE!
Connie Forsyth
Kona Ice 👇 Online payment only
Calendar of Events at CSE
6: Kona Ice (pay online before 8am)
9-19: Polar Express Reading Challenge
10: First grade music program at the PAC at 6:30
Christmas dress-up days:
16: Grinch
17: Frosty
18: Reindeer
19:Third Grade Field Trip to see The Polar Express
(Mineola Theater & lunch at Nature Preserve / Polar Express Day)
Wear your favorite holiday pjs. (School Appropriate)
19: Polar Express Day, wear your PJ's with regular shoes (school appropriate)
20: Christmas Parties / Early release 2-hour
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
6: Staff inservice day
7: Students return to school
9: Report cards and college colors day
10: Perfect attendance party for first semester perfect attendance
20: School Holiday
28: 100th day of school / PTP Taco lunch for staff, THANK YOU!!!
7: PTP "Soup"er Bowl Lunch, Jeans and Jersey Day!
10-13: PTP will be selling candy-grams
14: Two-hour Early Release / Valentine Parties
17: School Holiday
20: Report cards and college colors day
28: Kona Ice
Traffic Request
On the north side of our campus (North St), please leave a gap in the car line in the mornings in front of this teacher parking lot entry way. Some of our teachers park in this back parking lot and they're having to wait a while until someone lets them in. Thank you!!!
Car Line Reminders
- Our car line is a phone-free zone by law. No texting or calling.
- Have your car tag visible the whole time during car line.
- If you do not have your car tag, please park and bring your driver's license to the office.
- Do not get out of your car during car line. This is for safety and to keep the line flowing.
How do I put money on my child's lunch account?
You can put money on your child's lunch account by going to the LISD website and using the Lunch Money NOW! link under QuickLinks.