February Newsletter
Table Of Contents
- Upcoming Important Dates
- Spring Priority Registration Requirements
- Drop-In Advising
- Cultural Events
- TRIO FESP Tutoring
- Bronco Study Zone
- WMU's Writing Center
- Student Summer Jobs 2020
- College of Education Scholarships
Upcoming Important Dates
- February 3rd: Last day to receive a 50% refund for a complete withdrawal for Spring 2020 classes
- February 17th: College of Education and Human Development scholarship application deadline
- February 24th: Midterm grades due
- February 28th: Last day to receive a 25% refund for a complete withdrawal for Spring 2020 classes
- February 28th: WMU Spirit Day
Spring 2020 Priority Registration Requirements
Priority Registration begins Tuesday March 10, 2020 at 8:00 am.
1. The following assessments must be completed, results submitted and reviewed with a FESP Staff Member. The assessments are below (IF YOU HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED & SUBMITTED THE ASSESSMENTS IN THE PAST, YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THEM AGAIN).
Learning Styles:
Jump$tart Financial Literacy Quiz:
College Student Inventory:
2. Complete an academic advising appointment and Spring 2020 Individual Student Developmement Plan (ISDP) with a FESP Advisor during Spring 2020- BEFORE MARCH 3, 2020. All active FESP students must complete an updated ISDP each semester.
3. Attend at least ONE cultural event * on campus, and write a brief paragraph about what you learned at this event. OR complete TWO online modules listed below. if you prefer to do an online module, you will need to pick TWO of the following, complete, and submit an evaluation about what you learned from the module to the TRIO FESP Office. If you cannot open the link by clicking on it, please copy and paste the link in the URL.
MODULE 1- Organizing your Life
MODULE 2- Memorization
MODULE 3- Textbook Study
MODULE 4- Notes Taking
MODULE 5- Motivation and Goal Setting
MODULE 6- Thinking Skills
MODULE 7- Concentration and Avoiding Procrastination
MODULE 8- Test Taking
MODULE 9- Personal Responsibility (If you choose this module, please select an additional module to review)
Drop In Advising
Cultural Events!
Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Asexual College Conference (MBLGTACC)
February 14-16, 2020
This is an annual conference held to connect, education, and empower queer and trans+ college students, faculty, and staff around the midwest and beyond. Follow the link to learn more about the conference and what is included. The cost of this conference is $85. However, TRIO will cover the cost of the conference for eligible students.
Eligibility criteria for those who want registration covered:
- must have at least a 2.5 GPA
- a statement about why and how this conference will be beneficial for you in your classrooms
Deadline submission is Monday, February 3, 2020 by 5 pm.
Future Teachers of Color Conference (IFTC) February 29, 2020
This is a conference to inspire future teachers of color and potential future teachers of color through mentorship, education, networking and visibility. This conference is FREE to attend.
For any questions, contact Harmony or the conference organizers.
More Cultural Events..
TRIO FESP Drop-In Tutoring!
Want to hear some fun facts about our new TRIO Drop-In Tutoring program. We have a variety of individuals who tutor in Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, and Secondary Education and multiple classes within each of these program of study.
Did you know this program is created to be inclusive?
Here are the many ways you can utilize the tutoring program.
- Stop by during the available hours.
- Drop-off items for review or editing (such as papers, presentations, etc.)
- Email in items for review (papers, presentations, etc.)
- Schedule a phone/text/chat/video conversation (see front desk staff for help).
- Email in questions.
Use this email for tutoring requests: coehd_fesp@wmich.edu
Please be specific in what you are requesting and provide adequate documentation such a s a syllabus information of assignment.
You can always find an updated version for our TRIO Drop-In Tutoring Schedule at the bottom of the page on our website: https://wmich.edu/trio-future-educators/resources
Bronco Study Zone!
- Click the link below to view the Spring 2020 Schedule for the Bronco Study Zone:
WMU's Writing Center!
Student Summer Jobs 2020!
Summer is not that far away! Are you staying here and looking for a summer job? Please read the description below on a summer job opportunity!
Students! The Residence Life is opening up the summer application process! Below you will find the link that will direct you to the application process and a brief description about the job listed!
Not the job you are looking for? Click the link below to find other jobs listed for summer employment. https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=Western+Michigan+University&aceid=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1fyi75Sp5wIVsxx9Ch3O_AhMEAAYASAAEgJeK_D_BwE
College of Education Scholarships!
Looking for more scholarships provided by WMU's College of Education? Click on the link below to learn more about the many scholarships for College of Education students here at Western Michigan University!
DEADLINE for college of education scholarships: February 17, 2020