Robison Elementary Rocket Register
Message from Mrs. Gerletti
We loved seeing so many of our students at Meet the Teacher! We hope you enjoyed seeing the renovations. Classrooms are now behind a multitude of locked doors. Our contractors will continue to complete punch list items and some of the minor unfinished work, but we were so thrilled to make it back in the building on Monday. Please share some extra love with your teachers! They have worked late and this weekend to prepare for day one, and I am so proud of our entire staff for their commitment to our students and community.
Please help our students to have a great first day of school by allowing them to follow their routine mode of transportation, beginning with day ONE. We will have extra hands available to help students find their classrooms; however, we will not have this help on day two. If you are interested in being a first-day helper, please email our PTO @ robisonptopresident@gmail.com. You will need to arrive by 8:15 am and scan your license to receive a badge. We are so grateful to those who are able to help show students to their classrooms. With the changes to the building, we could use more help than usual.
I ask for your patience and understanding as there is a good chance our buses will be running later than usual the first few days. Our drivers are checking each student to make sure they are getting off at the correct stop. Some of our very young students and new students are not familiar with their stops, and it takes extra time. Parents of bus riders should read the bus transportation information below.
PK, ECSE, Kindergarten, and NEW Parents to Robison: Check out the Boo Hoo Breakfast flyer. Our PTO would love to have you!
Tag, we are it, and can't wait for Monday!!
If you ordered your child's school supplies from EPI, they have been delivered to their classroom.
We are not selling supplies at Robison, but here is the list if you need it:
Students may purchase breakfast or lunch daily. For more information about how to create an account with School Cafe, please follow this link: https://www.cfisd.net/parents-students01/nutrition-services/school-caf233-cafeteria-account
Free and Reduced Meals
To determine eligibility for free or reduced-price meals for the 2024-2025 school year, families with students who do not attend a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) campus will need to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application. Applications must be completed each school year to determine eligibility.
View the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Programs Income Eligibility Guidelines. The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) administers school nutrition programs in Texas and offers an eligibility calculator on the Square Meals Online Program Eligibility Form.
Free & Reduced Meals Application
Questions about the Free and Reduced Lunch program? Contact the office at 281-897-4550 or freeandreduced@cfisd.net.
How to access the application in SchoolCafe Online.
- Log into schoolcafe.com. (Users will need to sign into an existing School Cafe account or create a new one).
- After you log in, on the left side under 'Benefits', click 'Apply'.
If you'd like to have your child's birthday celebrated at school, we offer parents the opportunity to purchase ice cream or cookies from the cafeteria to be distributed to their child's class during lunch. In order for our cafeteria to prepare for this, you must give at least one week's notice. You may email michelle.mendiola@cfisd.net if you are interested.
We are unable to allow students to hand out birthday invitations at school or to hand out birthday treats in the classrooms.
With our new electronic marquee, parents and guardians will have the option of purchasing a Birthday Marquee Message. Once our staff has been trained on the marquee and all details have been decided, we will communicate this information to you. Stay tuned!
To allow our teachers time to establish lunch routines and procedures with our students, we are unable to accommodate visitors until Friday, September 6. More specific information will be communicated as this date approaches.
For the first week of school, text messages will be sent via School Messenger to all guardians associated with each PM bus number. For example, if your child's bus leaves Robison at 4:33 pm, you will receive a TEXT MESSAGE if you are signed up with School Messenger. Pre-K and Kindergarten students must have an adult at the bus stop to receive their child. If someone is not there, the student will be returned to Robison, which creates worry for your child. Please download the app mentioned below to help you to keep track of when your student scans on and off the bus.
Student badges will be given to all students who are registered on the first day of school. Badges are required for transporting ALL students. If your child is new to CFISD, it might take a little while for them to receive their permanent badge with their picture.
The Ride360 transportation app was discontinued. To ensure that you continue to receive accurate transportation information for your student, we urge you to download the new app, My Ride K-12. This upgraded app offers a host of new features, timely notifications, and enhanced visualization of information. Make the switch today to stay connected seamlessly.
Your usernames and passwords from Ride 360 will transfer over to My Ride K-12. Furthermore, you can utilize your existing login credentials to access a web version of My Ride K-12 at myridek12.tylerapp.com.
My Ride K-12 website will allow guardians to find information for their specific Cypress-Fairbanks ISD student including their bus stop along with morning and afternoon pickup and dropoff times. Click on the instructions below on how to create an account.
My Ride K-12 is the mobile application that will allow guardians to find information for their specific Cypress-Fairbanks ISD student including their bus stop along with the ability to track their specific bus and view when their student scans on and off the bus. Click on the instructions below on how to download the app.
If your child will be a car rider in the afternoon, please be sure to register for a car rider number at Meet the Teacher. Students in ECSE, PK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade should be dropped off and picked up in the Car Rider B line (see map below). Students in 2nd-5th grades should be dropped off and picked up in the Car Rider A line (front of school). If you have at least one child that should be using Car Rider B, all of your children will be assigned to Car Rider B.
Car Rider Drop Off and Pick-Up
- Please follow the traffic patterns as shown in the map below, especially when exiting the car rider line.
Car Rider A
- You must turn RIGHT when exiting.
Car Rider B
- You must turn LEFT when exiting.
Robison Spirit Wear and 5th Grade Class Shirts
Mondays are Robison Spirit Days, and our PTO has shirts and hoodies with our fresh new logo! Shirts are available in youth and adult sizes, and they are available in different colors and fabrics, including athletic wicking tees. We welcome our parents to order along with students! Also, our 5th grade students have their own class shirt which we encourage them to wear on Fridays. With college shirts/technical schools spirit wear on Fridays, you have at least 2 out of 5 days of dress planned for your students!!
There is a deadline of August 27 at 11:59 pm for ordering PTO spirit wear and 5th grade shirts. Delivery to the school is free!
The link is HERE! Some sample pictures are below.
5th Grade Students and Parents
Light gray or white soft tee or athletic wicking tee
Red or black soft tee or athletic wicking tee
Black or gray fleece
Black or gray soft tee
Black or dark gray wicking tee
2024-2025 PTO BOARD
Erika Mugavero
PTO President
Lauren Dazey
Christi Payne
Halie Fellows
Scott Scerbo
VP of Primary Fundraising
Jennifer Schmidt (co-chair)
Viviana Brinson (co-chair)
VP of Secondary Fundraising
Katrina Rogers
VP of Special Events
Tamara Caine
Important Dates (August & September)
Monday, August 19
- First Day of School. Doors open at 8:25 am! Students should always arrive with extra time to prepare for the start of their day at 8:45 am. Breakfast is available for purchase beginning at 8:25 am.
- Robison Spirit Day: Order spirit wear HERE!
Friday, August 23
- College Spirit Day--Wear your favorite college shirt!
Monday, August 26
- Robison Spirit Day
Tuesday, August 27
- First fire drill and lockdown drill--Teacher will discuss the procedures with our students, and students will always know ahead of time when we are practicing drills. Information about our drills is shown below.
- Urban Air Spirit Night (4 pm to 8 pm)
Friday, August 30
- College Shirt Spirit Day
- Garden Day (2nd)
- Student Council permission slips go home for 4th and 5th grades
Monday, September 2
HOLIDAY (Labor Day)
Tuesday, September 3
- Robison Spirit Day
- Curriculum Night for ECSE, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades @ 6 pm or 7 pm (Choose the most convenient time. Presentations will begin on time.) Parents of students receiving Dyslexia students in these grade levels are invited to attend a meeting at 5:30 pm.
Thursday, September 5
- CFISD School Board Work Session (6 pm)
Friday, September 6
- College Shirt Day
- First Day for Lunch Visitors
- Permission slips for Student Council are due (4th & 5th grades only)
Monday, September 9
- Robison Spirit Day
- PTO Board Meeting (9:30 am)
- CFISD School Board Meeting (6 pm)
Tuesday, September 10
- Curriculum Night for 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades @ 6 pm or 7 pm (Choose the most convenient time. Presentations will begin on time.) Parents of students receiving Dyslexia students in these grade levels are invited to attend a meeting at 5:30 pm.
Thursday, September 12
- Student Council Officer Speeches and Elections
Friday, September 13
- College Spirit Day
- Garden Day (2nd)
- Student Council Representative Elections
- Robison CPOC (Campus Performance Objectives Council) Meeting @ 7:30 am. If you are interested in serving as a parent representative for this committee, please email kelly.gerletti@cfisd.net. This committee reviews our annual campus goals established in our Campus Improvement Plan. The committee is made up of staff, parents, and business and community representatives. We will have 4 meetings during the year, and all are scheduled before school at 7:30 am.
Monday, September 16
- Robison Spirit Day
Friday, September 20
- College Spirit Day
- Progress Reports
Monday, September 23
- Robison Spirit Day
Friday, September 27
- College Spirit Day
- WATCH D.O.G.S Breakfast @ 9:00 am. More details will be coming.
- Garden Day (5th)
Monday, September 30
- Robison Spirit Day
- College Week--more details coming
Safety Drill Protocols
Spirit Days and College Shirt Fridays at Robison
We encourage your child to join in on the fun of wearing Robison spirit wear on Mondays. We also have College Shirt Fridays.
If you have not already ordered a spirit shirt, these are available through PTO.
You may join PTO to show your support of the many activities provided for our students. While we love volunteers, joining PTO does not require you to volunteer.
Membership information and the purchase of spirit wear is on their website, https://robisonpto.membershiptoolkit.com/
Robison Elementary
Website: https://arobison.cfisd.net
Location: 1700 Robison Woods Road, Cypress, TX, USA
Phone: 281-213-1700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RobisonElementary
Twitter: @RobisonES