Feb 24-Mar 1, 2025 Marysville Jr/Sr High School #dogproud364
Principal's Note
Greetings Marysville Family,
Remember that Student-Led Conferences are this Wednesday. Hopefully, all meetings can occur at the same time scheduled last week, but please make sure to call the school if there is a need to change a time. Thank you parents and guardians for your flexibility as we have dealt with this crazy weather. We look forward to seeing you Wednesday!
When you come through the school Wednesday, make sure to check out our lunch room. Things will look a little different Monday for students. We were able to get new lunch tables and seating for our cafeteria that definitely go with the name of this newsletter,: "All Bulldog." A big thank you to our maintenance crew who helped unload a semi, paint, get seats attached, and make a much-needed improvement. We couldn't survive without you!
Tim Woodcock, Principal
Crome & Bussman State-Bound
The Bulldog Wrestling Team qualified two wrestlers for state at the Abilene Regional this weekend. Beau Bussmann (132) lost 9-5 to take home 4th Place which punched his ticket. Brock Crome (190) lost by fall in the championship match to take 2nd Place and punch his ticket to state. The state tournament begins this Friday at 9:00 AM at the Tony's Pizza Event Center in Salina. Action continues at 9:00 AM on Saturday. Good luck!
Make sure to get out to the pancake feed held in the Ag Shop on Monday, February 24. It starts at 7:00 AM and runs until 10:00 AM. It's a free will donation and your chance to have an FFA student serve you breakfast. You can also use the QR code in the picture to pre-order a breakfast to go!
Junior High Scholars Bowl 3rd at Hanover
Come See The School Play "Harvey" This Weekend
Harvey, a Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy by Mary Chase, is the story of a perfect gentleman, Elwood P. Dowd, and his best friend, Harvey -- a pooka, who is a six-foot tall, invisible rabbit. When Elwood begins introducing Harvey around town, his embarrassed sister, Veta Louise, and her daughter, Myrtle Mae, determine to commit Elwood to a sanitarium. A mistake is made, however, and Veta is committed rather than Elwood! Eventually, the mistake is realized, and a frantic search begins for Elwood and the invisible pooka, which ends with Elwood appearing, voluntarily, at the sanitarium. In the end, however, Veta realizes that she loves her brother and his invisible his best friend just as they are, and doesn’t want either of them to change.
Week At A Glance
Monday, February 24
7:00 AM-10:00 AM FFA Pancake Feed @ Ag Shop
4:30 PM NCKL 8th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament Home v Concordia (1st Round)
4:30 PM NCKL 7th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament @ Concordia (1st Round)
6:30 PM FBLA-DC STEM Parent/Traveler Meeting
Tuesday, February 25
8:00 AM ACT for Juniors in the JH Gym
Wednesday, February 26
8:30 AM FFA Selection Day @ Royal Valley
12:30-8:30 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, February 27
KMEA All-State Band @ Wichita
NCKL 8th Boys Basketball Tourney @ Concordia (Must Win Monday)
NCKL 7th Boys Basketball Tourney @ Wamego (Must Win Monday)
7:00 PM Girls Basketball 1st Round Sub-State @ Haven
Friday, February 28
9:00 AM State Wrestling Tournament @ Salina (Day 1)
6:00 PM Boys Basketball 1st Round Sub-State @ Chaparrel
Saturday, March 1
9:00 AM State Wrestling Tournament @ Salina (Day 2)
7:30 PM School Play "Harvey" @ MJSHS Auditorium
Sunday, March 2
2:00 PM School Play "Harvey" @ MJSHS Auditorium