NSSEO Update
January 2025

NSSEO Strategic Plan Update
The Governing Board members will be providing a summary of the proposed Strategic Plan Priorities at the member district board meetings in the month of January, with a vote to accept the established priorities at the February Governing Board Meeting. The proposed priorities, created through a collaborative process including all NSSEO stakeholders, are:
1. Instructional Programming: We will design and utilize a continuous improvement process for instruction and program development that is responsive to the evolving needs of all students.
2. Facilities and Finance: We will develop and execute a fiscally responsible long-range facilities plan that prioritizes a safe and supportive environment for all students and staff.
3. Highly Qualified Staff: We will recruit and retain high-quality staff through effective hiring and a positive work culture that demonstrates support, value, recognition, and growth.
4. Governance: We will implement a well-defined advisory plus governance structure that ensures collaborative decision-making and engagement of all member district superintendents and NSSEO.
The priorities will be further defined during the month of January at collaboration meetings and action plans and measures of success will be established and presented at the February Governing Board Meeting.
ESY Update
Dear Miner, Kirk, Timber Ridge and DHH Program Families,
Though it is only January, we are already preparing for the warmer months ahead and determining the dates for our Extended School Year Program (ESY)/Summer School for students. As in the past, the ESY program will be additional ‘full days’ of school, provided to your student, beyond the regular school year, to help students maintain the skills they have acquired this year.
The dates of this year’s ESY for Kirk, Miner and Timber Ridge are tentatively proposed as June 6th - June 20th. DHH Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School ESY is tentatively proposed for June 13th to June 30th. ESY will be held Monday through Friday with no school on June 19th (Juneteenth Federal Holiday) These dates ‘may’ change if we need to use emergency days due to severe weather. There is a lot of winter left, so we will keep families informed of any possible changes to these dates. The number of days we are able to offer this year is, unfortunately, a little shorter (four days shorter to be exact), due to the unavoidable need for construction at some of our schools, and the construction company needing full access to the buildings to ensure that school starts on time in August. The magnitude of many of the projects is large, including new heating and air conditioning, which require the opening of walls and the remediation of any additional issues found as a result.
Please note that this communication is for the Summer 2025 program only. We may need to have a similar schedule for the summer of 2026 but are waiting for additional information from our construction partners before making any decisions for next school year.
We know that the fewer number of days will be a disappointment and inconvenience and wanted to give you the information as soon as possible. The upgrades are desperately needed and will improve the learning environment for our students. We appreciate your understanding.
This topic will be formally voted upon by the NSSEO Governing Board on February 5th, 2025, at 7:00pm.
Thank you.
Dr. Meg Schnoor
Queridas familias de Kirk, Miner, Timber Ridge y los programas de D/HH
Aunque apenas es Enero, ya nos estamos preparando para los meses más cálidos que se avecinan y estamos programando las fechas de nuestro Programa de Año Escolar Extendido (ESY)/Escuela de Verano para estudiantes. Como en el pasado, el programa ESY consistirá en “días completos” adicionales de escuela, que se le brindarán a su estudiante, más allá del año escolar regular, para ayudarlo a mantener las habilidades que ha adquirido este año.
Las fechas propuestas tentativamente para el ESY de este año para Kirk, Miner y Timber Ridge son del 6 al 20 de Junio. El ESY de la escuela primaria, secundaria y de la primera infancia de DHH se propone tentativamente del 13 al 30 de Junio. El ESY se llevará a cabo de lunes a viernes y no habrá clases el 19 de Junio (día feriado federal Juneteenth). Estas fechas "pueden" cambiar si necesitamos usar días de emergencia debido al clima severo. Todavía queda mucho invierno, por lo que mantendremos a las familias informadas de cualquier posible cambio en estas fechas. La cantidad de días que podemos ofrecer este año es, lamentablemente, un poco más corta (cuatro días menos para ser exactos), debido a la inevitable necesidad de construcción en algunas de nuestras escuelas, y la empresa constructora necesita acceso total a los edificios para garantizar que la escuela comience a tiempo en Agosto. La magnitud de muchos de los proyectos es grande, incluida la nueva calefacción y el aire acondicionado, que requieren la apertura de paredes y la remediación de cualquier problema adicional que se encuentre como resultado.
Tenga en cuenta que esta comunicación es solo para el programa de verano de 2025. Es posible que necesitemos tener un cronograma similar para el verano de 2026, pero estamos esperando información adicional de nuestros socios de construcción antes de tomar cualquier decisión para el próximo año escolar.
Sabemos que la reducción de días será una decepción y un inconveniente, y queríamos brindarle la información lo antes posible. Las actualizaciones son muy necesarias y mejorarán el entorno de aprendizaje para nuestros estudiantes. Agradecemos su comprensión.
La Junta Directiva de NSSEO votará formalmente sobre este tema el 5 de febrero de 2025 a las 7:00p.m.
Dr. Meg Schnoor
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