January 6th 2025
Current and Upcoming Events
1/13- 1/17- Tk/K Minimum Days for afternoon 1:1 assessments
1/15- SCG Pledge and Mission Statement Leader and Carlo Presents to the Board about SCG 25/25
Jan. 16th, 4-8 PM - Dine Out Fundraiser @ Yogurtland
January 20th, Monday- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School
Jan. 29th, 6-7:30 PM - HSC General Meeting
Jan. 31st, 5-7 PM - SCG Family Fun NIght @ the SC Roller Palladium
1/27- 1/30- Minimum Days this week for afternoon Student Conferences (only if requested by parent, or teacher outreach)
The Thank You Edition! 🌊
Here we grow!
I just wanted to put one extra Dispatch out this week to say thank you to all of you- parents, guardians, and families of our wonderful SCG students.
Week to week, we appreciate this work we do together, raising up young, educated, compassionate scholars and leaders upon the beautiful campus of Santa Cruz Gardens.
We are also extremely thankful for our classroom parent leads that coordinate so much essential work for a given school year, and all parents that contribute kindness and generosity in traditions such as our First Friday spreads for our teachers(absolutely YUM)! We feel seen and appreciated by these gestures, and it really adds to our strength and vitality of the challenging and rewarding work we do.
One more thanks goes to our amazing parents' contributions to our campus, community, and culture. Jim and Kelly , 3rd grade Cece's parents, worked with Donald Freehart's father to source redwood and create new benches in the The Living Classroom garden by our blacktop. They're fantastic and will make a HUGE difference in there- see below (and come visit them in real life)! We will paint them when the wood is fully cured in the spring.
Kindness and gratitude to our team and community on and on. Have a great week.
Please reach out to our amazing Home and School Club or call the front office- there are essential and amazing community-builders and opportunities for the kids by sharing the work together- it's fun, and it's not too much when we all lean in together! We have an HSC General Meeting 1/29 at 6pm! We always love seeing you there, in class, and around campus.
Please see below for the essential summaries and snapshots! Important dates above!
Go Team SCG!
In partnership,
Carlo Albano
The Sonar Snapshots, Calling all Dolphins 🌅 🌊 🐬 🎴
SAGE Emblem Design stickers are here!- expect a couple rad stickers coming with your kids today. Congrats to 5th grade artists winners Sofia Adame and Wilder Hutto.
Have good assessments TK/ Kinder!
Attendance- good news here- we are getting closer to Pre-covid numbers- big jumps between years for the better. We continue to have concern for our list of students who are chronically absent or on the way to it (10 or more absences is a concern). Thank you parents for helping our attendance team- Counselor Sue, Stefanny in the front office, and myself.
The lates Marc Lewis and student video collaboration- Kindness January '25 and onward- great job to our 2nd graders starred in this feature : )
Repeats from last week
A few 2025 SCG SAGE Projects underway with more updates to come :
Winter/Spring: Native Bird Garden 2.0
Spring: Pollinator Data Collection Boxes
Spring: Native Bee Boxes Project in SAGE Garden
Compost Sifter Project- done, Garden Workday Leadership Composting Workshop- done, clothes swap part 1- done!
New Articles on the website:
1) 2024 in review- SCG's Top 10! Our most viewed and monumental Website Articles in Review
2) SCG recognized by County Supervisor Manu Koenig for Achieving Green School Certification
3) Upper Grades Create New Compost Sifters for the Living Classroom including video by Marc
Please help to spread this awesome news to our community- free college money in CA! Feel free to copy and paste. Did you know that all students born July 1, 2022, are eligible for a free college account (a 529 Plan)? Also, some students born earlier than that are eligible for even larger amounts of college funding. It's easy to check eligibility on CalKids. If you have any questions please reach out to us so we can help you. Don't pass up the chance for free money for college! For your information:
Newborns: Up to $100
School-Aged Students: $500 for Low-Income, Foster, or Housing Challenged
On Demand Writing Prompt Bank for Grades 1-5. Remember Lizzie from UFLI says kids should really be doing one performance a writing a week to truly feel comfortable and grow at writing in a sitting or for a test.
SCG SAGE Monthly Focus areas (Second Thursday Assemblies)
Monthly Character Traits Calendar (First Thursday Assemblies)
Recommended Listens and Reads
Recommended Listen- You will be better as a person, a parent, and a teacher, from this listen- How to Parent Kids with ADHD- Podcast 1 hour- the work by Cindy Goldrich is really good on this subject
Recommended Read- The Playground by Richard Powers (author of the Overstory)
Bell Schedule 24/25
SCG SAGE Cross Cutting Concepts by Month- Classroom and Whole School Monthly Science Focus Points
- SCG Way Matrices with visuals- Expectations for students in class and around campus
Check out the SAGE Innovation Lab