Jan. 31 Newsletter/English
Mountaineer Message

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January 31, 2025
Hello CMS Families,
When we return to school on Monday, we will be running an extended Advisory schedule. Here is a link to the schedule.This extended start to our day will allow students and teachers time to reset expectations for the new semester. The morning also will feature a student-designed lesson introducing Cascade's new Sources of Strength program, a peer-based suicide prevention program. The student advisory group has been meeting throughout the fall to make this program a reality.
Curious about your student's schedule next semester? Schedules are visible in both StudentVue and ParentVue. Simply select Class Schedule and then Semester 2.
Finally, first semester grades should be viewable in Synergy after 3 p.m. Monday.
Thank you,
Gabe Pagano
Mark you calendars! Open house for incoming 6th graders on March 13
Students who will be 6th graders at Cascade Middle School in 2025-26 and their families are invited to attend an open house in the school gym beginning at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 13.
The evening will include presentations from teachers, administrators and counselors about Cascade’s offerings, structure and culture. Students and families will learn about Cascade’s Mountain Time program, events specific to 6th graders and the school’s 6th grade electives wheel. There also will be an opportunity to tour the school and classrooms, check out some lockers and learn how combinations work, visit the cafeteria, and ask questions!
Head track coaches needed
If you have dreamed of spending spring afternoons leading middle school athletes in running, jumping and throwing, Cascade Middle School might have the job for you.
The Mountaineers' Track and Field season will get underway in April, after spring break, and we are looking for qualified coaches to head our boys and girls teams.
Head coaching positions are paid, part-time jobs. For details and qualifications for the boys position, please click here; for the girls team, visit here.
The application deadline is Feb. 24. Questions? Email Athletic Director, Steve Collins at steve.collins@bend.k12.or.us
Notes on the new semester
Second semester will bring a renewed emphasis on tardies. Student tardy counts will start over in the new semester, and school leaders will be monitoring unexcused tardies much more closely than last semester. Students who have eight or more unexcused tardies will serve lunch detention. Please speak with your students about the importance of getting to class on time.
Also, please take this opportunity to check in with your students about any supplies they might need. If they need a new binder or a couple more pencils, please let them know to stop by the main office.
High school readiness for 8th graders
With second semester upon us, 8th graders and their families are thinking about next year and the move to high school.
In late February, Cascade counselors Amy Mick and Michelle Beaudreau will be visiting social studies classes to practice building a four-year plan for high school. They will be playing with the high school course catalogs and building schedules via a program called Schoolinks. This will be practice for Forecasting in March when high school counselors visit Cascade and help 8th graders build their actual schedules for freshmen year.
On March 3, all 8th graders will participate in Fly Up Day. During this field trip, students will visit the high school they will attend next year, either their home school or the school they have been approved to attend via the Choice Lottery or an Area Change Request. The high schools put on great tours of their campuses and give incoming students hands-on experiences in classrooms.
Picking up your student? Here are some helpful hints
Does your student have an appointment that will require them to be picked up from school? The best way to arrange that is through our attendance office, at least two hours ahead of time.
You can email cascade-attendance@bend.k12.or.us with the name of your student and the time they need to be excused. You also can call our attendance office directly at (541) 355-7110. We do get a large volume of calls to that line, so you might get the voicemail. PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE. Messages are checked frequently, and will count as a notification.
If you get a call from your student at school that they are not well and need to be picked up, please ask them to wait for you in the health room in the main office. This is especially helpful if your child has not been seen by the nurse or office staff and they texted you from their cellphone -- which students are not supposed to have out during school hours and which will be confiscated if found. If you know they are in the health room, please come straight to the main office to pick them up. Otherwise, please stop by the attendance window to inquire about picking up your student.
Is your student not feeling well and will miss the entire day? An email or call to the attendance office is the best way to let us know.
Deschutes Public Library hosts Neighborhood Defense Workshop
The Deschutes Public Library, in collaboration with the Latino Community Association (LCA), will be offering a Know Your Rights Workshop for immigrants and allies.
The event will be from11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2, in the Brooks Room of the Downtown Bend Library, 601 NW Wall St. Immigrants and allies are welcome to attend. Please register at the link here: https://dpl.libnet.info/event/12834759
Futsal clinics at Caldera
Please fill out the Caldera Athletic Participation form below and return it to the coaches at training. For more information, email Gavin Meyers at gavin.meyers@bend.k12.or.us.
Home meet! Cascade Wrestling hosts teams from Culver, Elton Gregory and High Desert, 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, in both gyms at CMS.
Please sign up to volunteer at the wrestling meet here.
FIRST DAY OF SEMESTER 2 - We'll have an extended advisory schedule on Monday, Feb. 3.
Deschutes Public Library hosting Neighborhood Defense Workshop for immigrants, allies
The Deschutes Public Library, in collaboration with the Latino Community Association (LCA), will be offering a Know Your Rights Workshop for immigrants and allies.
When: Sunday, Feb. 2 from 11-1
Where: Downtown Bend Library, Brooks Room / 601 NW Wall St.
Who: Immigrants and allies
Registration link: https://dpl.libnet.info/event/12834759
📆 Order Yearbooks by May 1 📆
It is time to purchase your child’s 2024-25 Yearbook!
The deadline to purchase is approaching! Yearbooks must be purchased no later than May 1!!!
Yearbooks are distributed every year in June at our annual Yearbook Distribution Party. Purchasing a Yearbook is a great opportunity for students to celebrate their year at Cascade and see photos of their classmates and teachers that will last a lifetime. This year they are $25, with an option to have your child’s name engraved on the cover for an extra $2.55.
Books may be purchased in the Main Office or online through your student's Touchbase account. When logging in to Touchbase, your username will be your student’s ID number, and the password will be your student’s last name with a capital first initial. A link to order your yearbook can be found here: https://or-bendlapine.intouchreceipting.com/.
If you miss the May 1 deadline to order, we will have a *very limited* number of books for sale -- $30 cash or check -- during the party only. These will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis and we cannot guarantee enough for everyone. Save time and money by buying in advance!
Thanks for buying a space on the CMS SPIRT ROCK! Click on the Sign up Genius link to reserve the rock. You provide the spray paint or house paint needed to paint the spirit rock. You can come at 4 p.m. the day before to paint the rock for your scheduled slot.
Cost : $10 to paint the Spirit Rock.
PLEASE PAY CMS DIRECTLY TO THE FRONT OFFICE WITH CASH, CREDIT CARD, or CHECK made out to Cascade Middle School. Office Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Please email Shannon.Carroll@bend.k12.or.us if you have any questions. Thanks so much!
Cascade Middle School - Bend Oregon
After attending Cascade Middle School, students will become lifelong learners able to embrace challenges while becoming successful members of their communities. As effective collaborators, our students will celebrate diversity while working with others to creatively solve problems.
Website: https://cascadeptso.com/
Location: 19619 Mountaineer Way, Bend, OR, USA
Phone: 541-355-7000