Eagle Lake Lookout
October 25, 2024

Dates to Remember
- October 28th- Picture Retake Day
- October 28th- 7:00 pm BOE Meeting
- October 29th- Spook-A-Thon at EHS from 5:00-7:00 pm.
- October 31st- Harvest Fest at Eagle Lake
- November 1st- End of Quarter 1
- November 1st- Blue Ribbon Eddies
- November 3rd- Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back!)
- November 5th- Election Day
Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:00 PM)
Wednesday, November 6: Half Day of School (11:35 AM dismissal)
Parent-Teacher Conferences (12:00-4:00 PM)
Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:00 PM)
November 7th and 8th- No School
November 11th-15th- Annual District Food Drive
Silly String the Principal
Our Eagle Lake students did an outstanding job in our fall fundraiser! As one of our new incentives this year students who sold 20 items or more got the chance to silly string the principal and we had over 40 students that were able to participate, how amazing!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
We appreciate each of our parent's and their partnership in helping their child to maximize their potential. We know that when we work together amazing things can happen for our students. Taking the time to sit down with your child's teacher to be informed about the incredible work they are doing is an integral part of making that happen. If you haven't done so already please make sure to sign-up for a time to meet with your child's teacher.
Monday, November 4: Full Day of School
Tuesday, November 5: Half Day of School (11:35 AM dismissal)
Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:00 PM)
Wednesday, November 6: Half Day of School (11:35 AM dismissal)
Parent-Teacher Conferences (12:00-4:00 PM)
Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:00 PM)
Thursday, November 7: No School - Staff Professional Development
Friday, November 8: No School
Book Nook
This week was Safe School Week. The first word in the acronym ALICE is alert. In the library this week, we used a dictionary to learn the various meanings of alert. We then looked for examples of the various meanings as we learned about the Coast Guard. Did you know the Coast Guard motto is Semper Paratus, which means Always Ready?
Happy Reading and Researching!
Miss Thunell
Picture Retake Day
Dress for the Weather
We are in the fun season of Michigan weather where the temperatures fluctuate greatly day by day and even hour to hour! Please help us by ensuring your student comes to school prepared to go outside every day for recess. Even if it means leaving a jacket in their locker so they always have one handy would be a great idea!
Spook-a-Thon Event Sponsored by EHS SADD Group
Harvest Fest at Eagle Lake!
Please be sure to review the guidelines listed above for costumes to ensure it can be a fun day for all!