Family and Community Newsletter V7

Parent/Family Engagement
Parent/Family Community Engagement Program
According to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Every school district receiving Title I, Part A funds and every school receiving Title I, Part A funds, schoolwide and targeted assistance, are required to develop a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy. The policy shall be developed with, distributed to, revised, and reviewed with parents. South San Antonio ISD will hold three meetings throughout the school year, to renew the Parent and Family Engagement Policy with families. Together, we will discuss how to use the funds provided by Title I. Meetings will be provided in both English and Spanish on various days and times to ensure multiple opportunities to collaborate in meaningful conversations and create an inviting learning culture to increase student academic achievement.
Click here to see the 2024-2025 Parent/Family Engagement Policy.
South San Antonio ISD Meet the Teacher
District Highlights
South San Antonio ISD New Teacher Orientation
Student Cooking Competition
South San Antonio ISD Culinary students participated in a cooking competition hosted by Chef Johnny Hernandez at Kitchen Campus. Jazlynn Garcia earned 3rd place and will compete in the next event. SSAISD wishes her the best of luck!