Somewhere in the Middle
Galena Middle School Newsletter
Week #3 August 26th - 30th
If your student(s) have questions about why we don't have school, and/or why many people don't have to work and many business are closed here "10 Fascinating Facts About the Labor Day Holiday" from the National Constitution Center that might be interesting to discuss!
Community Meeting - Bond Election Information
We had great feedback from the community at our first meeting on August 19th in the PAC. Architects presented ideas on various district improvements for an upcoming $7.5 million dollar bond issue. Attendees were provided with the opportunity to comment on the ideas and offer additional suggestions. The board of education will review and discuss the feedback received and will announce a date soon for our planned Community meeting in October 2024. Thank you for your support…Go Bulldogs!
Meet the GMS Bulldogs
Student Athletes
Each week, during the fall sports season our newsletter we will introduce you to some of the members of our Bulldog volleyball, football teams, cheer squad and coaches, as well as our students who are in co-curricular classes as they will compete in contests later this school year. This winter we will continue with our basketball players, coaches, cheerleaders who did not participate in the fall and new students in fine arts classes 2nd semester. In the Spring we will wrap up Meet the Bulldogs with Track and Golf introducing you to any Bulldogs who didn't participate or coach any Fall or Winter sports.
7th Grade Volleyball
8th Grade Football
7th Grade Football
District Paras
8th Grade Williamsburg Papers - Optional
ATTENTION 8th Graders Who Wish To Be Considered For The Colonial Williamsburg Trip
You don't have to write your papers with an ink pot and a quill but, you do have to have your paper turned in by September 18th, 2024. No exceptions will be made for late papers.
Don't wait until the last minute to start. Even colonial problems like: smallpox, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, typhoid fever; a dry ink pot, or a broken quill and no way to get to town to replace it will help your case for a late paper.
Contact Ms. Moss with Questions 620.783.4499 ext. 1300
The Learning Zone (TLZ) and After School Tutoring (AST) will begin September 9th. If you would like to sign your child up for TLZ you may do so by accessing logging into your child's powerschool and accessing the TLZ form under the forms menu. The Powerschool link is below.
AST letters have been mailed home to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of students who have been recommended to attend.
Fall Sports Schedules*
*Game schedules are subject to change. Changes will be announced
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Monthly breakfast and lunch menus can be found on the district website under the quicklinks tab or you can access them directly with the link below.
Upcoming Events
September 2nd - Labor Day No School
September 9th - TLZ & AST begin
September 30th - No School
October 11th - End of Quarter 1
October 22nd - Parent Teacher Conferences
October 24th - Parent Teacher Conferences
October 25th - No School
November 1st - No School for Students - Teacher Inservice
November 25th - November 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
December 20th - End of Quarter 2/Semester 1 - 1/2 Day of School Students Dismissed at 11:00 am No Lunch Will Be Served
December 23rd - January 6th - No School - Christmas Break
2024-2025 District Calendar
Quick Info
Why We Love Middle Schoolers
Middle school aged kids have a great sense of humor! They are some of the funniest and most fun people to be around.
Parent - School Connection
- Middle school age kids experience life and school differently than they have at any other level of schooling.
- It is in this time of their life that their brains experience a second growth spurt - the most at any other time except a person's first year of life.
- This second growth spurt happens right before puberty and it is the brains fine tuning - it still isn't finish developing it is just the a fast growth spurt.
- Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if your middle schooler has something going on that makes them not quite themself so that we can handle them with care!
- Dr Klaver's email is and Mrs. Botkin, our school counselor's email is all teacher emails can be found on our district website at if you would rather reach out to a specific teacher.