JHS Parent Newsletter
December 2024
Important Dates
12/4: Collaboration Day - Classes start at 8:25AM
12/7: Silver Arrow Dance, JHS Event Center, 7:00-10:00PM
12/9-12/13: Fall EOCs
12/11: Collaboration Day - Classes start at 8:25AM
12/16: Altered Bell Schedule (All Classes)
12/17: Red Day at JHS - Review for Red Day Final Exams
12/18: Red Day at JHS (NO COLLABORATION) - Red Day Final Exams
12/19: Black Day at JHS - Review for Black Day Final Exams
12/20: Black Day - Black Day Final Exams
12/20: End of Term 3/Semester 1
12/23-1/3: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
1/6: Classes Resume for 2nd Semester
Class of 2025 Parents & Graduates
Early Graduates Meeting:
Students graduating at semester will meet in the auditorium for a meeting at 1:30, Monday, December 9.
Families of 2025 Seniors:
Here is your chance to donate $50 and opt out of any more fundraising! We are asking for $50 from each senior’s family to meet our fundraising goal. The money raised pays for the Senior Breakfast, Senior All Night Party, a scholarship, a brick on the trail of honor, and money for the first reunion for their class. The goal is to raise $10,000 so we need all the help we can get!
You can Venmo Heather using the info below or send a check made out to Jackson Senior Class to Robin Masters at 2443 Bristol Drive, Jackson. Thank you in advance for your donations! Please add your senior’s name to the memo line on the check or the what’s this for line on Venmo. Thank you!
Senior Yearbook Ads:
Senior parents can purchase a senior recognition ad through the link: https://bit.ly/JHSYearbook.
Order Your Yearbook Today
You may purchase a yearbook by scanning this QR code, visiting https://bit.ly/JHSYearbook or from Mrs. Anderson in Room B101. Yearbooks are $75, but prices will increase after December 31! Credit Card, Check, or Cash are all accepted.
Silver Arrow Dance
The Silver Arrow Dance will be held Saturday, December 7 from 7-10 PM in the HS Event Center. Coronation begins at 7:00 in the Auditorium. The cost is $15/student. This is a formal dance. Males are encouraged to wear a suit or tux. Females are encouraged to wear full length formal dresses, but please refrain from white dresses, as that is reserved for students who made Silver Arrow Court. Students are not allowed to wear hats or jeans.
MUST be a JHS student to purchase a ticket/s.
- Tickets may be purchased online through myschooldance.
- Students must have a my school dance account using their jacksonindians email.
- This SLIDE SHOW will walk you through the steps on how to create an account, how to purchase a ticket (when available), how to sign your student agreement, and how to download your ticket.
***Guest forms must be APPROVED before you can purchase a ticket for your outside guest***
Available as of Monday, November 4 through Wednesday, December 4
Outside Guests
- In order to bring an outside guest, you will need to pick up a guest form which will be located outside the main office.
- This guest form must be filled out with the information being asked (please make sure handwriting is legible) and returned to the main office for administration to approve.
**GUEST AGE REQUIREMENTS: Guests must be a freshman or under the age of 21**
- Guests will also need to have a my school dance account to access their tickets after it is purchased.
Tickets will be on sale on Monday, November 11 at 7:00AM through Friday, December 6 at 11:59PM.
Students must be in good standing to attend dances. Students failing two or more classes will be placed on Admin Probation and will not be allowed to attend school dances or events. Students that have been suspended out of school for discipline reasons may not be allowed to attend school sponsored dances and events.
Final Exams
(click on this link to see the times for each class)
Students are required to be in attendance for final exams unless given prior approval by administration. If your child must miss one of these days, please speak to their principal as soon as possible. Final exam make-ups will be done over winter break on December 23 and January 2 from 8-12PM each day.
Ways for Students to get Help with their Classwork
Advisory Mods: Every Advisory period students may get help from their teachers or take assessments during our Mod times. We have two 30 min mods on these days to allow students time to get help from multiple teachers.
Success Center: Success Center is an after school tutoring program in the library from 3:00-5:00, Monday - Thursday. Students do not have to sign up. There are certified teachers able to help students who attend. Though we have a calendar with specific subjects for different days, students may get help on all of their classes at this time. Students may also make up tests/quizzes during this time.
Monday: Science
Tuesday: Math
Wednesday: ELA
Thursday: Math
Collaboration: Each collaboration we have a room available for students to make up tests and quizzes. Students can speak to their teachers ahead of time to make sure the test/quiz is accessible at this time.
ICU time 5th Hour Wednesdays: Every collaboration Wednesday, 5th hour is extended by 25 minutes for students to work on their assignments. They may ask their teacher for help during this time.