Welcome to Blue Ridge!
Community Schools of Frankfort, Indiana

Welcome to Blue Ridge!
Our Rockets have "snow" much fun together!
100 days brighter and older at Blue Ridge.
Students show an appetite for book reviews in first grade.
Our Focus - Pillars of Excellence
We champion the importance that Community plays in both the education of our students as well as the retention of our teachers and staff. Through Title I Nights, Grade Level Concerts, and a campus-wide Community Carnival, we open our doors to our students' families and friends to walk alongside us for the educational journey. We also acknowledge that high quality staff, and the retention of that staff, is pertinent to everyone's ability to achieve and be successful.
Establishing a solid foundation for literacy skills to be built upon is of our utmost importance. Students must be able to read in order to achieve. At Blue Ridge, our job of laying this foundation and strengthening the necessary skillsets is our number one. From entering our doors and learning letters and sounds, to exiting as fluent readers, each and every student is afforded what they need to continue to grow and succeed throughout their educational journey.
Student attendance, as well as growth and achievement, are major factors in successful post-secondary outcomes. Here at the Primary level, we take our job of keeping every educational pathway possible open for students to be able to choose from as they progress in their educational career. Additionally, we provide our students with exposure to a variety of careers ranging from trades to collegiate fields to choose from as future careers.
Meet our Admin Team
Margaret McKinney
First and foremost, thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us; helping to foster your child's educational future is not a job we take lightly. Furthermore, please know that my door is always open to you. I heartily welcome your conversation and input throughout your time with us at Blue Ridge. Rest assured that our students, your child(ren), are the primary focus of our work and are at the center of every decision we make. I look forward to celebrating our collective successes alongside you throughout the year.
Niccole Peterson
Assistant Principal
As an administrator, I am passionate about literacy and student achievement. At the end of the day, my goal is to make sure that students love being at school, make it home safe and sound every day, and that teachers look forward to coming to work. Empathy, servant leadership, and collaboration go hand in hand with making those things happen and I can't wait to collaborate with you and your family.
Student Involvement
At Blue Ridge Primary, students have the opportunity to participate in Choir (2nd grade students) or Skateboard Club outside of school hours.
Choir Club
Second grade students at Blue Ridge can be selected as members of our Choir Club and have various opportunities to perform throughout the school year, with the culminating event each year being their performance at the CSF Board Meeting in February.
Skateboard Club
Students at both Blue Ridge and Green Meadows have the opportunity to hone in their skateboarding skills with our Music Teacher, and skateboarder extraordinaire, Mr. Simpson. This is a club that meets weekly during the fall and (warmer) spring months, weather allowing.
Enrollment Information
For more information regarding enrolling your student(s) at Blue Ridge Primary, please contact our Main Office at 765-659-3822 or stop by during school hours (7:30AM-3:30PM) at 1910 S. Jackson Street, Frankfort, IN 46041 and pick up an enrollment packet.
For those interested in enrolling their student in our Community Preschool, please call the Main Office at 765-659-3822 to get placed on the enrollment list as spots are limited.
For those interested in enrolling their student in Kindergarten for the upcoming school year, please contact our Main Office at 765-659-3822 to learn about our Kindergarten Round-Up date.
Also, we encourage everyone to go online to Facebook and follow us on our Blue Ridge Primary page!
1910 S Jackson Street, Frankfort, IN 46041
Phone: (765) 659-3822 | Fax: (765) 659-2993