Copopa Chronicle
News and Updates from Copopa - February 1, 2025
⭐ Spirit Days ⭐
3 - 80s Day - Dress for the Decade
7 - Super Bowl - Wear your NFL Gear
10 - Black and White Day
13 - Valentine’s Day Party - Wear Hearts or Red and Pink
18 - 100th Day of School - Dress as a 100 year old or Red, White, and Blue for Presidents' Day
24 - PJ Day - Wear your Winter Pajamas
👇 Mark Your Calendars 👇
4 - Kindergarten Welcome Night (see flyer)
11 - Preschool Information Night (see flyer)
13 - Valentine's Day Parties
Early Release Day
14 - Professional Development (no school for students)
17 - Presidents' Day (no school)
Week of 24 - 28 - Breakfast with a Buddy (more information to come soon)
4 - 1st Grade Field Trip (Playhouse Square)
5 - Conferences (day 1)
6 - Early Release
Conferences (day 2)
7 - PTO Kalahari Day
11 - Spotlight on the Arts
13 - 3rd & 4th Grade Spelling Bee (2:00 p.m.)
Week of 17 - 21 - MAPS Testing
21 - End of 3rd Quarter
Breakfast with a Buddy
On behalf of Copopa Elementary and Columbia Middle School, we would like to invite you to Breakfast with a Buddy! Please join us in an effort to strengthen the family and school connection while offering simple fellowship and fun! Breakfast with a Buddy will be from 9:00am - 9:30am following the schedule below:
2/24/25 - Student Last Name Beginning with A, B, C
2/25/25 - Student Last Name Beginning with D, E, F, G, H, I, J
2/26/25 - Student Last Name Beginning with K, L, M
2/27/25 - Student Last Name Beginning with N, O, P, Q, R, S-Sh
2/28/25 - Student Last Name Beginning with Si-Sz, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Use the QR code to sign up or send in the paper copy that was sent home with your child.! We hope to see you there!
Report Cards
2nd quarter report cards are finalized and available for download on Powerschool.
NEW Facebook Page
Columbia Local Schools is now on Facebook! Visit https://www.facebook.com/CLSDRaiders/ or search for Columbia Local Schools and follow us to stay up to date on district news and events.
Follow CLSD on Facebook today!
Mobile Dentist
Columbia Local Schools has partnered with Smile Programs again this year. This is the program that offers a mobile dentist to offer dental care at school. This takes place on MARCH 25th.
See the Mobile Dentist Parent Letter below for more details or sign up online now at www.MySchoolDentist.com.
Valentine Party Sign Up
Use the links below to help support the Valentine's Day parties that are hosted by PTO.
The parties are on Thursday, February 13th. Each grade level has picked a time that works best for them.
First Grade:
Second Grade:
Third Grade:
Fourth Grade:
PTO Dances
Use this link to sign up to be a volunteer or to donate to the dances.
Yearbook Orders
Kindergarten Information - Class of 2038
Preschool Information
Soccer Registration ⚽
Youth Baseball and Softball Registration ⚾ 🥎
Girl Scout Information
Columbia PTO Information
Be sure to follow the PTO on FB to stay up to date with meetings, events, and fun volunteer opportunities.
Please contact the PTO with any questions.
There is still time to book!
CLICK HERE to make your reservation
CMS Spirit Spot
Principal Assistant - James Spurgeon
Principal Assistant - Emory Bowen
Principal Assistant - Max Montante
Principal Assistant - Rocco Pizzuli
Principal Assistant - Ryan Petras
1st Grade Glow Party
Space glow party to finish up the space unit
Copopa Elementary School
Providing a quality education for students in grades Pre-K - 4
by "Achieving Excellence Together."
Carla Lasecki - Principal Secretary
Amy Thomas - Attendance Secretary
Carla Molnar - Principal
Susie Dunn - Counselor
Jamie Maassen - Director of Special Education and Little Raiders Preschool
Jessica Klump - Literacy Specialist
Mindi Porter - District Nurse
Website: https://www.columbia.k12.oh.us/copopaelementaryschool_home.aspx
Location: 13644 W River Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, USA
Phone: 440.236.5020
Fax: 440.236.1220
X (formerly Twitter): @CopopaElem