Owatonna Public Schools
SteeleCoWorks Signing Days
SteeleCoWorks is a collaboration between Steele County school districts, the Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Development Inc., and United Way of Steele County. The program places high school students in internships, work experiences, and job shadowing opportunities.
SteeleCoWorks Signing Days are the culmination of this work, when high school seniors sign to enter the workforce full-time at a local company. Watch the video to see one example of an internship at Bushel Boy Farms that turned into a full-time opportunity for Kyra DeWitz, who graduated from Owatonna High School this spring.
Check our Facebook page for other Signing Day photos, as we share them throughout the summer.
Mission Moment
Superintendent Elstad recognized this year’s retirees for their commitment and passion for high quality teaching and learning at the June School Board meeting.
- Rolf Olson, districtwide custodian, 1968-1998, 2003-2016, 2016-2023
- Julie Johnson, OMS special ed paraprofessional, 1993-2024
- Jeffrey Ayers, OHS custodian, 2018-2024
- Julie Brown, Lincoln school nurse, 2000-2024
- Cynthia Pelton, Lincoln media center educational assistant, 1993-1998, 2001-2002, 2003-2024
- Dana Vater, Wilson special ed teacher, 2012-2024
- Doug Wanous, OHS dean of students, 1993-2024
- Beth Owens, OMS math teacher, 2012-2024
- Beth Filzen, Wilson achievement intervention teacher, 1988-2024
- Katie Holzerland, Lincoln kindergarten teacher, 1987-2024
State Champions
Congratulations to these awesome student athletes who earned the title "Class AAA State Champions" this spring!
- Boys Track 4x200 Relay - Garrett Karsten, Nolan Ginskey, Luke Webber, Keanan Larson
- Boys Track 110 High Hurdles - Seth Johnson
- Girls Golf - Carmen Jirele
Long-Term Facilities Maintenance
- Indoor air quality improvements at McKinley Elementary
- Indoor air quality improvements at Owatonna Education Center
- Pool restoration at Owatonna Middle School
A recent facilities assessment determined the HVAC systems at the two buildings need replacement to maintain appropriate carbon dioxide levels. The air handling units have served beyond their expected timeframes. The pool tiling is from the 1960s, and replacement tiles are no longer available. The pool project would also update pumps, lights, diving boards and other items.
Free Summer Meals
Monday-Thursday, through August 8
Nutrition Services invites all kids and teens ages 1-18 to enjoy free breakfast and lunch this summer at McKinley Elementary, Owatonna Education Center (new location), and Owatonna Middle School.
Breakfast is served from 8-8:30am, and lunch is served from 12:15-12:45pm.
Special Education Students' Notice of Disclosure and Right to Object
In accordance with a court order, Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) must disclose certain information about some former students in Minnesota whose birthdates are between July 1, 1998, through June 30, 2001, and who received special education services between July 1, 2019, and July 1, 2022.
For more information, visit the Notice of Potential Disclosure of Student Records webpage or view the Court Order: MDE Must Notify Special Education Students of Disclosure and Right to Object news release.
District Office Relocation
The District Office has relocated from 515 West Bridge Street to 333 East School Street, previously the C Plaza of the former Owatonna High School.
The new DO building will open to the public July 10. The main entrance is on Grove Avenue. District Office staff along with Central Enrollment will be located in this building.
Upcoming School Board meetings
- July 15, 5:30pm - School Board Regular Meeting - Charles S Crandall Center, Chambers, 540 West Hills Circle
- August 12, 5:30pm - School Board Work Session - Charles S Crandall Center, Chambers, 540 West Hills Circle
- August 26, 5:30pm - School Board Regular Meeting - Charles S Crandall Center, Chambers, 540 West Hills Circle
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