East End Parent Newsletter
October 11, 2024
Halloween 2024 at East End
Please read this letter regarding Halloween plans at East End for the end of the month.
NJ School Climate Survey - Fall 2024
The North Plainfield School District is participating in survey data collection using the New Jersey School Climate Improvement (NJ SCI) Survey to help obtain multiple perspectives on aspects of school climate. Collecting data is important for understanding strengths and needs in our school and how it feels to be a member of the school community.
Please see the below letters explaining the parent and student surveys. Parents are able to take the survey by scanning the QR code below or clicking the image below. The password is 'parents'. We appreciate your input!
Parent Letter about the Parent Survey (Survey available September 20 - October 11)
Parent Letter about the Student Survey (Survey given at school)
East End PTO
Maschios Lunch Menu
Nurse Notes from Nurse Joy
Flu shots are required for Pre-k students. We have a limited number of spaces left in our vaccine clinic on October 17th at Harrison School. Students who are not insured or have Medicaid or Family Care are eligible to sign up. Please email Nurse Joy at Joy_griffith@nplainfield.org as soon as possible to book your appointment.
Looking ahead: The Zufall dental van will be visiting East End on Wednesday, December 18th. If you are interested in a dental cleaning and check-up for your child, please email nurse Joy for more information.
Translating the East End Update
Did you know that the East End Update can be translated into many languages with the click of a button? Click the "Translate" button at the top of the screen to translate the entire newsletter.
Awesome Acts
*My class is very respectful. They sit quietly and wait for directions from the lunch aides and Ms. Moody. They are the first to play because they are always the first sitting and not talking. They come in quietly to the gym and always listening.
*Divine is our student of the week. Divine shows the core values all the time. She is very helpful to the other students in our class. She helps her fellow students when they are having trouble finding a page in a book. She helps her teachers by cleaning up the classroom. She is very respectful to her teachers and her fellow students. Divine exemplifies the core values everyday!
*Leilani stops what she is doing if she hears a fellow student needs their shoelaces tied. She goes to them and ties their shoes for them.
*Yostin has been working hard the beginning of the year. He is eager to learn new things, He makes a sincere effort to do his best everyday by himself on his work. He is very helpful. He cleans up his table for his friends. Yostin is very proud of the achievements that he has made this year.
*Asliyah is always respectful to her teachers. She waits her turn. She never yells out an answer. She always says please and thank you and excuse me. Aaliyah exemplifies the core values everyday.
*It's Omar's special week! We are looking forward to celebrating him and seeing all the ways that he demonstrates C.A.R.D.!
*William is always making the best choices in class. Whenever students are getting loud or silly, he is always ready with his peace & quiet reminder for the class. Nice job, William!
*Jeancarlos always works so hard in class. He gets his work done and is on task. Great work, Jeancarlos!
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 11: No School- Yum Kippur Observed
Monday, October 14: No School (Teacher In-Service)
Thursday, October 17: Hispanic Heritage Celebration (6:00-7:30PM)
Mustang Monthly
Next edition coming Fall 2024!
Contact Information
East End Elementary School
Email: East_End@nplainfield.com
Website: https://npeee.nplainfield.org/
Location: 170 Oneida Ave, North Plainfield, NJ 07060, USA
Phone: (908) 769-6070
Updates from the North Plainfield Library
North Plainfield Community Updates
North Plainfield Recreation
North Plainfield Family Resources
Welcome to New Jersey Welcome Booklet
Welcome to New Jersey provides information to families that have recently moved to New Jersey. You will find information about resources and services including legal services, food and income assistance, health care and mental health services, school enrollment, getting a state identification card, and transportation. All the topics have links that will direct you to the indicated websites. There are also flyers and contact information regarding the different services and resources available to New Jersey residents.
Family Resources from Somerset County (Webinar in Spanish)
In addition to the Upcoming Events section of the East End Update, families can review upcoming events in the 'Calendar' section of the new East End website.