WMS Friday Forecast
April 26, 2024

From the Principal
Spring i-Ready Assessment
Next week marks our last district assessment window of the school year. We will take our i-Ready spring diagnostic as well as a spring ThinkCerca writing assessment. Students have been working hard in their classes as well as outside of class on their iReady pathways. This assessment window will give them immediate feedback on how they've progressed and all the concepts they've already learned. Take some time to review the goals your student has set this weekend as they get ready to show what they've learned.
How can you help?
- Be sure your student is on time to school as testing will take place first thing in the morning
- Be sure your student's Chromebook is charged and brought with them to school
- Encourage them to take their time and do their best on the assessments
See this letter from our district director of Assessment and Accountability, Dave Chizsar for more information. This letter includes how to access diagnostic results as well.
Have a great weekend,
8th Grade Celebrations:
Here are our plans for celebrating our 8th graders as they move from middle school to high school:
- We will have our big 8th grade dance on Friday, May 17, 2024, from 6:30 - 8:30 PM (Time has been updated to the correct time). This is a semi-formal dance, though students are welcome to wear what they feel most comfortable wearing. There will be dancing, table games, a movie, and snacks. (There will not be an open gym at this dance.) There will be a cost to this dance, though there will be scholarships for the families who may need some assistance. We will send out more information about the dance towards the end of April.
- Wredling will host an 8th grade awards assembly on Thursday, May 30, 2024 (the last day of school) at 9:15 AM in the Wredling Gym. Parents are welcome to attend, though this is a fairly short awards assembly. We do make sure that the parents of students receiving awards are notified that their child is receiving an award.
- In the afternoon, after the awards assembly, our PTO will host an 8th-grade lunch. We will have some games available and some music playing. We will work with our PTO to have a bunch of activities along with time for students to sign yearbooks and have some snacks.
Please note that we do expect students to continue learning and continue showing positive behavior through the end of the year. All 8th grade students will digitally agree to an “8th Grade End of Year Contract”. Here is what it says.
For the last 4 weeks of this year, eligibility for the dance and end of the year activities will be pending administrative and team leader review if they do not meet the following criteria. This criteria will be reviewed 3 days prior to the party.
- Academics - Students must be passing* in all classes, including electives. Students who are not passing will meet with a staff member to develop a plan of action to determine eligibility to participate in the event.
- Attendance - Students must meet minimum attendance requirements. Excessive tardies and absences that are unexcused will result in a conference with staff member and student to determine eligibility for the event. Students absent on the day of the event will NOT be eligible.
- Behavior - Students with excessive or severe behavioral referrals at the classroom or building level will meet with staff to determine eligibility for the event. The behavioral choices of each student will be a determining factor in whether their attendance is appropriate.
And please note that we also look at effort towards these goals when we make our decisions.
* Passing grades are Ds or better
We look forward to having a successful end of the year with our 8th graders!
Mr. Loversky
Notes from the Office
This week we were able to offer an in school information session for our current 6th graders on our A.V.I.D. program led by our current 8th grade A.V.I.D. students. What is A.V.I.D.? A.V.I.D. stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination and represents a shift in students’ academic ownership. A major focus of the program is identifying students who want to take charge of their academic future and develop skills necessary for academic and personal success in school post-secondary opportunities. Here in District 303, we are able to design A.V.I.D. as an opportunity to enrich a student's academic experience beyond the classroom.
What to learn more?
Please take a moment to check out what AVID is by clicking here.**
** As you review what AVID is, please know that St. Charles Community School District doesn’t completely align with all the aspects of AVID, but that doesn’t mean we don’t find it to be a beneficial college readiness system for our students enrolled in the AVID elective class. From our experiences, we have found that the systems presented in the curriculum are most helpful to our AVID elective students.
Should you have any questions pertaining to AVID, please feel free to reach out to
Ms. Allison Brummel at allison.brummel@d303.org or myself,
Francesca Favero at francesca.favero@d303.org
RedHawk Pride Awards
This award is given by our teachers for a variety of reasons, from following our Guidelines for Success to Academic Achievement and Growth. We are proud of our RedHawks who work hard every day.
Current Recipients - presented by
Harper Caine by Mrs. Batka
Marcello Cesario by Team 6-2
Grace Cook by Sra. Winters
Wyatt deLuna by Infinity Team
Amber Diepenbrock by Team 6-4
Corban Enders by Team 6-2
Gabby Galluzzi by Sra. Winters
Matthew Landwehr by Ms. Vitkus
Elaina Matthern by Team 6-2
Piper Oge by Mr. Bazan & Mr. Swenson
Aditya Patel by Infinity Team
Hannah Peterson by Mr. Bazan & Mr. Swenson
Quinn Potter by Ms. Foster
Livvy Reahm by Mrs. Spotak
Aditi Shah by Infinity Team
Emilia Stamova by Team 6-2
Leah Sutherland by Sra. Winters
Areia Van Aardt by Mrs. Whitaker
Genevieve VanDeSampel by Mr. Gabel
Alexis Wibben by Mrs. Olson
Emma Wright by Mr. Bazan & Mr. Swenson
D303 Happenings & Camps
It's not too early to start planning for your summer! D303 has a variety of course options and summer camps. Keep checking back as more camps will be added!
Dear Orchestra Families,
D303 Summer Strings Camp is for orchestra students who are currently in grades 3 - 8. Camp will be June 17,18, 20 and June 24, 25, 26 and 27 in the evenings at Thompson Middle School.
Please visit the link in Pushcoin for more details! Summer Strings Registration
SCN Girls BBall
SCN Dance Team
Used Equipment Drive
NorthStar FB Summer Kickoff!
STCE Swim & Dive
St. Charles East High School Girls Swimming & Diving will have a Preseason Meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6:00pm in the Little Theater. All incoming freshmen are welcome to come. The intent for the meeting is for both athletes & parents to receive information about the upcoming fall 2024 season, a tentative calendar/schedule, and season expectations before we go off for summer break. Questions. Email Coach Musial: adam.musial@d303.org
Voices Podcast
Final Pitch Night
D303 Community Backpack
Events & Activities from the surrounding Community
2025 Spring Break Opportunity for 8th graders
Current 7th graders interested in attending the Spring Break 2025 DC/NYC trip should click on the link to find enrollment information. There are about 10 spots remaining. Payment plans available. Questions, please email the tour leader, Mr. Massie dcny.stc@gmail.com.
Please note that this is an outside tour company that is not sponsored by D303 or Wredling.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303