February 2025
Golden Hills Mission:
Golden Eagles grow together, learn with passion, act with kindness, and change the world!
Principal Message
Golden Hills Families,
We have one more month of our second trimester! Our students have been working so hard and we are seeing so much growth! The first week of February we are assessing the students on correct words read per minute, accuracy and retell to assess growth in fluency. We will begin our I-Ready diagnostics the week of February 24th to assess overall growth for the second trimester report cards. The second trimester ends March 7, 2025.
The last week of January we participated in The World -Wide Kindness Challenge: Over 21 million students worldwide worked to set kindness in motion! Students were able to write positive kindness notes and give their friends Kindness brag tags. We had a daily spirit dress up theme. On a sunny afternoon all the students participated in Chalk it Up to Kindness. Students wrote kindness messages around the school. We ended the week with fun games in the cafeteria at recess!
February 3rd- February 7th is Counselor Appreciation Week. We love Ms. Rainbow (Counselor) & Ms. Taylor (Wellness Coach) at Golden Hills. Students are invited to bring them a treat or a note to let them know how much we appreciate them!
Our before/ after school clubs have been so much fun!
The clubs/ sports we have began and continued:
Boys Basketball Teams, coached by Mr. G and Mr. Sharp
Student Advisory Club with Ms. Rainbow
Math Tutoring/ Club with Ms. T
Before School Math & Community with Mrs. Russell
Band with Mr Grigorik
Thank you to our Parents who attended our School Site Council and Parent Teacher Group Meeting: The Parent Teacher Group is working on planning Cal Skate Field Trip and more. We could use more support! The next meeting is April 17th from 3-4 pm. Please join us, all are welcome!!
Save the Date: On March 6th we'll be holding our annual STEAM night, more information coming soon!
Kristi Napoli
Counselor's Message
Counselors Message:
The feeling of the month for January was Elated. February is self-conscious. When we feel self-conscious our energy is usually up and our pleasantness is down. Please talk to your children about times that you have felt self-conscious. What were some of your thoughts, how did you feel in your body, what were some ways you expressed yourself. Talk with your kids about healthy ways to express this feeling and strategies they can use to reach their goals.
I’m starting a number of new small groups in the month of February. Some of the group topics include grief, divorce and separation, self-esteem, conflict resolution, social skills to name a few. Our Wellness Coach is running a number of lunch bunches and starting a breakfast club. Lunch Bunch and breakfast club are social times for students to connect with each other and build relationships.
Please reach out if you have any questions rwalker@palermok8.org or by phone at (530)532-6000 ext 4601.
Rainbow Walker
School Counselor
Great job to all the boys who tried out for the basketball teams. It is so difficult for the coaches to make the team and wish we could have a spot for everyone but we do not have the coaches or the resources to do this.
Congratulations to the Fourth Grade Boys Basketball Team:
Barrett H.
Dakota R.
Hank J.
Jude W.
Lane M.
Logan B.
Lukas J.
Martin S.
Miguel R.
Phillip W.
Skylen R.
Wade G.
Congratulations to the Fifth Grade Boys Basketball Team:
Brantley K.
Eli D.
Malaki J.
Axel C.
Cannon C.
Hudson M.
Jaxton F.
Oren M.
Jesse H.
Colton E.
Landon K.
Holden P.
Shady Creek Field Trip for 2025-2026 school year!
Shady Creek is a three night, four day environmental camp. Our fourth grade class will be attending next year. In order to attend we must have parent volunteers to stay in the cabins with the students. These parents must be cleared through our district through the volunteer process. We will need to have the parents cleared before the end of this school year to commit to going! The reserved dates for Shady Creek are the week before our October intercession. Please begin the process so we can be sure we have enough parent volunteers.
Fourth Grade families, we will need you for next year! We need around 10 females and 10 male chaperones for the cabins. So far we have 11 volunteers. We have nine females and 1 male. At this time we will add females on a waitlist to go but we NEED males. We will need 8 males. We have requested the date of Sept. 30th- October 3rd, this will be confirmed before the end of the year.
Please click the link below to sign up to volunteer:
Our Ironman Winners (class with the best attendance) for the month of January was Mrs. Chapman's class. They won a virtual reality party with Mrs. Napoli!!
Best January Attendance:
4th Grade: 1.) Chapman - 97% 2.) Langone 96%
5th Grade: 1.) Russell- 94% 2.) Corkin 93%
The class with the best attendance for February will win a Lego party with Mrs. Napoli
On March 6th we will be having a STEAM arcade on campus. All classes will visit the arcade for 45 minutes and students who met our attendance challenge will be invited to attend. We will need parents to help run the stations, time slots to sign up to help will be shared at the end of February!
To be invited to participate in the STEAM arcade the requirements are:
Less than 11 absences (excused or unexcused) for the entire school year
Less than 6 (excused or unexcused) absences from 11/01/24-3/1/25
Our third trimester reward will be a field trip to the movies on May 27th for students who have less than 17 absences for the entire year or less than 6 for the third trimester. !
If your child is absent please call the school office to let them know the reason so that your child can possibly be excused.Also, if your child will be absent for 1 or more days you can request independent study. Your child will receive work to do and if the work is completed, your child will receive credit for attendance and will not be counted as absent. If you have questions, please call the school office.
Food Pantry
Community Schools
We will be accepting non-perishable food donations at any point during the school year. We have a food pantry in our new wellness center and are trying to keep it stocked at all times. If you ever have any donations please bring them to the office. Thank you so much!
Thank you to Divine Dental for providing FREE Preventative Dental Services at Golden Hills in January.
Classroom Connection:
We have a new optional homework packet available in the office for both 4th and 5th grade. Students can come grab one from the office, I can get one to them, or you can download and print them from home. Please reach out if you have any questions or if you would like me to get your student a homework packet.
Caitlin Webb
(530) 552-1631
What is happening in 5th Grade?
Current Math Focus: Order of Operations and Patterns
Current Reading Focus: Determining main idea, using context clues to determine meaning of unknown words, using text evidence to support answers
Current Writing Focus: Informative Writing
Current Science Focus: Plants, Ecosystems, Food Chains and Food Webs
Current Social Studies Focus: The 13 Colonies
What is happening in 4th Grade?
Current Math Focus: Order of Operations and Fractions
Current Reading Focus: Finding the main idea and supporting key details, Using context clues to determine meaning of unknown words, and summarizing a text
Current Science Focus: Energy and Renewable Energy
Current Social Studies Focus: Explorers and California Missions
Golden Hills Upcoming Events:
2/5 : January Attendance Winner Virtual Reality Winner
2/14- 2/24: February Intercession
February 26th : Golden HIlls Spelling Bee: Our school-wide spelling bee will be held in the Golden Hills cafeteria. Our winners will represent Golden Hills in a county wide spelling bee!
3/6: STEAM Arcade Attendance Reward
3/6 STEAM NIght
3/7: Last Day Of Second trimester
3/7: Fifth Grade Field trip to Oroville Theater
Positive Eagle Awards
Evan s.
Angelli S.
Ava R.
Angelina T.
Samantha P.
Shya R.
Brooklyn T.