LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 3, 2024

January 20th, 2025 Martin Luther King Jr Day
Hello Levelland Lobos!
Today is a special day in our country. Not only is it Inauguration Day, we also get to celebrate and remember the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Together these two events remind us just how amazing the United States of America is and how fortunate we are to live in this country.
Have a great week!
Go Lobos!
Expect Excellence
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent
All Things LISD..................
Capitol Students have been learning that Positive Self-Talk (Mantras or Affirmations) are tools that can help improve confidence, concentration, calmness, and positivity while in class with Counselor Barbara Utley. Mantras can be used before a big test, when facing a challenge, or when starting the day! Students were encouraged to choose a mantra or write their own on their "mantra mug," which is the mantra they would like to use for themselves in 2025. Students then learned a fun song! We love that students are learning positivity in the world!
Bluebonnet Voting!
Capitol, South and LMS third-sixth graders participated in the Texas Bluebonnet Award Program. Our students joined more than 75,000 other students from across Texas to vote for their favorite title from the master list. We thank our Librarians Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Clowe and Mrs. Harkins for #expectingexcellence and for motivating students to read for pleasure every day. The Texas Bluebonnet Award is one of the most prestigious children’s choice literary awards in the United States. Each year, 20 books are chosen for the Texas Bluebonnet Award List by Texas Librarians. Schools and libraries around the state participate in the program, encouraging students to read a minimum of five books from the list. In January, once students have completed at least five of the 20 books, they vote for their favorite title. Our librarians will have the opportunity to meet the author of the winning Bluebonnet book at the Texas Bluebonnet Award presentation in April. We are very anxious to find out the winner.
YELL Goes to Court
YELL students met this week and were privileged to hear the Honorable District Court Judge Phelan! Judge Phelan walked students through what happens in his courtroom. District Court resolves disputes by applying the law to the facts. He hears civil and criminal cases and also handles divorce, land title, and election cases. YELL members were very curious to learn more about the court system and asked many questions. Judge Phelan, we appreciate you taking the time out of your day to teach our young leaders!
Robotics is "Gearing Up!"
Capitol students are at it again! They're "gearing up" for their Robotics competition under the direction of Mrs. Clara Sanders. These over-achievers #expectexcellence in themselves and have already been working and practicing with coding to control their robots. They get their new theme and maps on February 1st, and they will be set to get serious! We can't wait to see what these kids do!
LHS Choir Area Auditions
Emily Perez and Paula Castellanos wrote this story to share with our followers! LHS choir members Emily Perez, Paula Castellanos, and Israel Gutierrez, participated in the Area Auditions for the Texas State Choir at Midland High School. Almost all the schools in NW Texas were there, from Amarillo to El Paso. There were many familiar people from our region with whom we were able to reconnect. We were also able to connect with many other students from other regions. This allowed us to make long-lasting friendships we will never forget. Before the beginning of the auditions, all auditioners are required to warm up. This was a great experience for many of us auditioners because we could hear the sound resonate with some of the best singers in our Area. Overall, the Area Auditions were a great experience for everyone involved. Thank you, Emily & Paula for this great story!
Ag Texas Honors Ethan!
Congratulations to LHS Senior Ethan Parkinson for being chosen as Ag Texas Youth of the Month! We #expectexcellence and are so proud of you for your leadership and the great things you accomplish!
Lobos Win!
Our Lobos beat Snyder on Friday and are 2nd in District Play with 2 and 1 record!
Send Off!
LHS sent our Cheer Squad to State! We are proud of you and can't wait to see what you do!
Loboettes Win!
Our Loboettes beat Snyder and are tied for first place with a 4 & 1 in District!
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item of the month is............
cereal cups.
BBP is always accepting donations.
Bill's BackPacks Sends out a
thank you to everyone for helping bag foot items!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: levellandindschooldistrict