The Sunset Flyer
March 18 , 2022
Important Dates
March 21 - 25: Spring Break
April 8: Yearbook orders are due (see below for ordering information)
April 12: PTSO Meeting, 6:30 PM
April 7-12: Middle School Musical, presented at West Linn High School
April 14: WLWV Virtual Family Literacy Event, 6:00-7:30 PM
2022-2023 School Year Calendar
The School Board adopted the complete 2022-23 calendar during last night's meeting. A link has been posted to the Sunset School website homepage.
You can also find a copy here: district website.
The Fun Run is coming!
Hello Families! The Sunset Primary Fun Run will be held on June 2nd. To help get the ball rolling, the Fun Run Sponsorship Flyer was sent home previously in an email and with your child. If you have a business or know of a business interested in helping Sunset, please let them know of this opportunity. More information about event details will be shared in the coming months. If you have questions or would like to get involved, please email or text Luke or Kate Weinbrecht (, 253-334-1667;, 503-701-3758).
Pizza Bingo will be rescheduled to April
We are postponing the Virtual Pizza Bingo that was originally planned for this Friday, March 4th due to scheduling conflicts. We are looking at new dates in April. We will post the new dates in the newsletter as soon as the date is finalized.
Amazon Smile
If you use Amazon, you can now earn money for Sunset using Amazon Smile, right on the Amazon app.
- Make sure the app is updated.
- Under settings, access the Amazon Smile feature.
- Follow the instructions and select Sunset School PTSO.
PTSO Board Positions for 2022-2023
Even though it is only March, we are starting to plan for next year. We will have multiple openings on the Sunset PTSO Board. If you feel passionate about the Sunset community, serving on the board is a great way to be active in the support for our students and staff as well as growing our Sunset connections. For more information, please contact me at I am happy to help you understand the roles that need to be filled.
Online Book Fair is still open!
Good News! If your child didn’t get to the Book Fair, you can still shop Sunset’s online fair. Every online purchase means 25% in rewards back to our school. Plus, any leftover eWallet funds from your in-school fair can be spent online.
Access the online book fair here.
Earth Week Book Swap Coming Soon!
Have any books you've outgrown? Looking for some new reads? Let's celebrate Earth Week with a book swap! While this is not a one-for-one book swap, students are welcome to bring in any number of books, with parent or guardian approval, and ALL students will be able to take home a new book, whether they bring one in or not. More details to come, but start gathering your books!
We will need volunteers to help wipe down each book and sort them, much of which can be done at home. There are also donated books that need to be picked up from local libraries. If you'd like to help or would like more information, please contact Joy Vlcko at 410.707.3723 or Happy Seeking!
Order your Sunset yearbook today, online. Orders due April 8, 2022
Order your yearbook here - Go to:
Yearbook ID Code: 4785722
School: Sunset
Despite all obstacles, Sunset has had an amazing year. There is so much to celebrate!
In person learning-learning and working together
Book clubs
Mathematical thinking
Essay writing
Science explorations
Studying history
Music, PE, Library
Recess with friends
Sharing kindness
And so much more.
This year’s yearbook will include photos from school and home. It will also feature artwork and writing from 5th graders.
Be a part of this amazing group of staff and students, who throughout it all, meet each day with joy!!!
Order your yearbook today!
You may submit photos anytime by emailing them to Rosalynn Pesicka at: All photos are due by Apr 1, 2022
Middle School Musical and a Magical Fundraiser
An Unusual Story Will Soon Be Unfurled....
Come see "Seussical", this year's Middle School Musical, presented at West Linn High School,
April 7-12, 2022. Students from all four of our district middle schools, plus Three Rivers Charter and homeschoolers are ready to perform this whimsical story that showcases the antics of many Dr. Seuss favorites! Tickets are $12 and will be available on beginning Friday, March 18 at 10:00 a.m.! Visit our MSM webpage for additional information!
In addition, we are hosting the adorable fundraiser: "Seussical's Stupendous Game Day" for ages 10 and under! On Saturday, April 9 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. at West Linn High School, young friends are invited to meet and hang out with their favorite Dr. Seuss characters! Tickets are $5/child (no cost for adults) and are available at Please see the attached flyer for more details. Thanks for supporting the Middle School Musical. Please contact Julie Lane, with any questions!
Lost and Found in our entryway
Health and Wellness in Schools
Lifting the Indoor Mask Mandate
On Thursday, Feb. 24, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) made an announcement lifting the indoor mask mandate for all indoor spaces including K12 schools, effective March 19, 2022 based on current modeling from Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) that indicates hospitalizations will fall below 400 or fewer Oregonians per day by March 19.
With this announcement, the Oregon Department of Education will update the language about indoor face masks in the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework (RSSL).
WLWV: Masks Strongly Advised But Not Required After March 12th
The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board voted in July to follow the RSSL guidance for the 2021-2022 school year. This means that wearing masks will be strongly advised but not required in West Linn-Wilsonville schools after March 12. State officials continue to strongly recommend universal masking in K-12 settings because these settings bring together vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, as well as individuals who are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness.
The district will continue to monitor updates from Clackamas County Health as we near March 12 and will provide more information for families as that date approaches.
Isolation Protocol for Students, Staff, and Volunteers: Effective March 12th
- “Isolation” is the term reserved for individuals who are positive for COVID-19.
- Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 should isolate for at least 5 days. Isolation may end after 5 full days if the individual is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and other symptoms have improved. Individuals are strongly encouraged to wear a well-fitting mask around others at home and in public for 5 additional days (day 6- through 10) after the end of the 5-day isolation period.
Quarantine and Contact Tracing will be Paused Starting March 12th
- “Quarantine” is the term reserved for individuals who have been determined to be a close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
- OHA and ODE will pause quarantine and contact tracing for all students and staff regardless of vaccination status beginning March 12. Their decision to pause contact tracing and quarantine is based in science and acknowledges that the virus that causes COVID-19 has now evolved to become one of the most transmissible viruses known and by the time an exposure is identified and contact tracing is performed, transmission has already occurred.
- The district will continue to focus on identifying positive cases of COVID-19 to prevent infected individuals from coming to school.
- Schools will continue to provide exposure notifications when possible. The district will also continue to update the COVID-19 Dashboard daily on the district website.
Other Health and Safety Mitigation Strategies Remain in Effect
- WLWV schools will continue to utilize health and safety mitigation strategies during the school day. Health and safety strategies include but are not limited to increased ventilation across schools and regular hand-washing during the school day. To see other health and safety strategies currently in place, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section on the district website.
- Vaccination continues to be required for school staff and volunteers (OAR 333-019-1030). The District will continue to take reasonable steps to ensure unvaccinated staff (who qualify for exception) are protected from contracting and spreading COVID-19.
A Community of Care and Connection
Students, staff and volunteers may continue to wear masks at school even after March 12, 2022. We hear from members of our community who rely on layered safety measures in our schools to protect a student’s/staff member’s own health or the health of a vulnerable family member. The West Linn-Wilsonville district and schools will continue to ensure PPE is available to staff and students; effective air flow and ventilation are maintained in buildings; and cohorts remain in place where possible. The District will continue to uphold and foster a culture of inclusion, respect, equity and care for every member as they make their own personal health decisions.
Student and Family Cooperation remains critical
It remains incredibly important that parent-guardians follow the guidelines and directions included in exposure notifications if their student is exposed to a positive case of COVID-19.
Thank you for your continued partnership in maintaining health and safety mitigation strategies and for your attention to this change in our COVID-19 exposure notification process. To review quarantine and isolation protocols, the Test-to-Stay program, and frequently asked questions related to COVID-19 health and safety, please visit the district website.
Enrolling in the Online Academy
Families who are uncomfortable continuing in-person learning without indoor masking may enroll in the Online Academy (WKOA). Secondary students (middle/high school) are encouraged to enroll in WKOA as soon as possible, as we have just started the beginning of the second semester. If a transition to WKOA is something your family is considering, please contact your school right away to begin planning for the transition period.
CREST Summer Camps
Registration is OPEN now!
Check out the CREST website for details regarding 2022 Summer Camps at CREST.
If you have any questions, please contact Vickie Lee at or 503-673-7010.
Reducing Food Waste
This school year breakfast and lunch is available free for any student who needs it. We all know how important it is that every child starts their day nourished and ready to learn and have a nutritious meal at lunchtime. We see many students taking proper advantage of this.
It has also become clear, though, that a number of students are getting breakfast and/or lunch here even though they have already had a full meal at home in the morning and a full meal packed for them for lunchtime. That usually results in the student eating one desired item and throwing away the rest of the meal. This is leading to a lot of food waste in our school.
Please speak with your student(s) about school breakfast and lunch. Of course, we want to encourage any student who relies on school meals to continue receiving them. If your student eats breakfast at home and/or brings a full lunch, please help them to understand and avoid the waste involved.
Registration for 2022-23 School Year
All West Linn-Wilsonville schools are accepting 2022-23 school year registration for new students beginning January 31, 2022. Registration is for students entering grades K-12 and new to the West Linn-Wilsonville School District. Preschool registration will also open on a limited basis.
Prospective students and families can learn about school options and complete their online registration on the district website.
Las inscripciones de nuevos estudiantes para el Año Escolar 2022-23 se abre el 31 de ener
Todas las escuelas de West Linn-Wilsonville estarán aceptando inscripciones para el año escolar 2022-23 para estudiantes nuevos, comenzando el 31 de enero del 2022. Las inscripciones son para estudiantes entrando a los grados K-12 y que son nuevos al Distrito Escolar West Linn-Wilsonville. Las inscripciones para Preescolar también estarán abiertas en una base limitada.
Los estudiantes potenciales y sus familias pueden aprender acerca de opciones escolares y completar su inscripción en línea en el sitio web del distrito.
Update/download the Flashalert App
FlashAlert is the system that we use to notify you of school closures, delays, and other similar events. The system is routinely pruned of untouched accounts so even if you had previously subscribed, you should verify your subscriptions at Please note that this is not a West Linn-Wilsonville system and we can provide only limited help.
Families should consider getting the free FlashAlert Messenger app from the Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore. Announcements will also be displayed on the local TV channels. During an event, we will also post an announcement on district and school website homepages.
Weather updates will also be posted on the district's Facebook and Twitter pages in the event of a school closure or delay.
Sunset Primary School
Location: 2351 Oxford Street, West Linn, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7200