District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
In this issue...
- Covid-19 Update
- Self-Certification Reminder
- Food Program Continues
- Supporting IEPs and 504s
- Consider Joining SSPAC
- Staffing Adjustments Possible for Remote ESL Instruction
- Thermometer and Hand Sanitizer Drive
- Sign Up for Text Messaging
- Get the D41 App
The District 41 Pandemic Response Advisory Team (PRAT) provides weekly updates to the District 41 community. Here is the update for the week of 10/19.
School Status: School is in session for both blended (Pre-K-2) and all remote students the week of 10/19-10/23.
DuPage County COVID-19 School Metrics Category for Community Transmission: Red/Substantial
This warrants re-evaluation and continued monitoring of community transmission trends affecting school metrics along with public health guidance from the DuPage County Health Department on Friday 10/23 when Week 42 data is released.
Notable DuPage County metric data for Week 41 (10/4-10/10):
● There were 119 new cases per 100,000 people, up from 79 the previous week. The target established by the state is less than 50 cases per 100,000 people per week. Moving beyond the 100 per 100,000 case threshold places the county in substantial transmission on the DuPage County COVID-19 School Metrics Guidance.
● Test positivity increased to 6% up from 4.5% the previous week. This is with a stable number of tests respectively: 22,019 (Week 41) and 21,489 (Week 40).
● The primary age group that continues to see a rise in cases remains 20-29.
● Youth cases have increased by 13.2% from Week 40-41.
● Deaths this week were 15, increased from 6 the week before.
Notable Regional metric data for Week 41 (10/4-10/10):
● Two of our neighboring counties have been put on warning for this week by the state: Kane and Will. Kane is our partner county in State Region 8.
● A rise in percent positive cases and increased hospitalizations in Region 8 are trends to be aware of, as we have crossed the 8% positivity threshold for 3 days in a row as of 10/15 and tiered mitigation will be in effect starting 10/23. The mitigation measures do not affect schools.
For more detailed information, please view PRAT's full State of the Metrics report
Please Stay Safe D41: Wear a mask, watch your distance, avoid crowds, wash your hands, and stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone else who has COVID-19.
Important Covid-Related Resources:
Click here for an updated D41 Reopening Plan. Please use this document as your main resource for the transition to in-person learning and for staying in the full remote model.
Self Certify Before Going to School
There are some new processes and procedures that go along with the transition back to in-person learning. In addition to wearing masks and keeping 6ft socially distanced, students who will be attending school in person will be required to self certify prior to arriving to school or boarding the bus every day.
AM Session
Login to Skyward (app or desktop)
Answer wellness check questions for each child before 7:45 a.m.
If a child is not self certified upon arrival at school, staff will do the check and call parents.
PM Session
Login to Skyward (app or desktop)
Answer wellness check questions for each child before 12:15 p.m.
If a child is not self certified upon arrival at school, staff will do the check and call parents.
How do I self certify?
Click here for a video tutorial about how to self certify in Skyward. Please self certify for each of your children who attend a District 41 school (click here for the tutorials in multiple languages)
What if we answer yes to any of the self certification questions?
If you answer yes to any of the questions presented in the self-certification wellness check, please do not send your child to school. Call the school office and inform them that your child is experiencing symptoms on the list. They will work with you and the school nurse to determine next steps. We appreciate your partnership in keeping the entire District 41 community safe and in school.
Food Program Continues Every Wednesday at Hadley
District 41 continues to provide FREE meal service for all students enrolled at each of our schools as we would normally under the USDA National School Lunch and Breakfast programs.
Distribution of all meals take place EVERY WEDNESDAY at Hadley Junior High. Meals are not distributed at the elementary schools. Parents/guardians have the option of picking up food at one of two designated times, 6:30 - 7:45 am OR 11:30 - 12:30 pm, in a drive thru format in the front of Hadley.
Children do not need to be present for pick up. Children will be provided with 5 days of breakfasts and lunches to take with them wherever they may be learning.
For the latest updates visit www.d41foodandnutrition.org. If you are unable to come to pick up at either of these times, please contact Tess Ngo at tngo@d41.orgSupporting IEPs and 504 Plans
Prioritizing student needs and supporting students with IEPs and 504 plans is a continued focus of our Student Services Department. Unfortunately, delivery of special education and related services including accommodations is currently impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under our present circumstances, the District must observe requirements regarding the opening of school issued by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), the DuPage County Health Department (DCDH) and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) even for students with special learning needs. As such, the provision of in-person service must be aligned with practices that match the current metrics on COVID-19 case positivity and other criteria established by the IDPH .
Under our current conditions, limited space in our D41 buildings, strict maintenance of social distancing, preventing cohorts of teachers and students from mixing, and strict adherence to cleaning protocols does not allow us to bring students into school who are not a part of the cohort currently in in-person attendance. All of these precautions have been deemed necessary to protect the health of everyone in the school community under the Return to School Framework issued by the DCDH. Click here for more.
Consider Joining SSPAC
Staffing Adjustments Possible for Remote ESL Instruction
Thermometer and Hand Sanitizer Drive
Receive Text Messages from District 41
District 41 will use text messaging to share timely information and emergency communications. You can now opt in to receive these important text messages from District 41. Text Y or Yes to 67587.
Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41