Newsletter Week 3 Term 4 2022
St Joseph's Catholic School Morrinsville - November 1st
Principal's Message
Nau mai, haere mai St Joseph’s Whanau
The warmer weather is upon us, smiles come more freely, and children are enjoying getting out and being more active in their playground. This term is the time for one last push for the year in learning. I encourage you all help your child(ren) keep this learning focus to the fore.
Summer School Uniform: All students should now be in full regulation summer uniform, which includes a regulation sun hat. Any student without a sun hat will be asked to stay under the shade cloth during break times. We also ask that you please take the time to put suntan lotion on your children before they head off to school. We all have to be SunSmart.
Award of Certificates and Cups: it was a privilege to present "Most Improved" and "Most Valued Player" certificates to players in our Miniball teams.
A special congratulations also to the cup recipients - to Bailey Horan recipient of the Craig and Colebourn Families Netball Cup for the Best All Round Member of the Senior Netball Squad, and to Finn Wilson recipient of the basketball's Millar Family Cup for Most Valuable Player for 2022.
National Shake Out Day: On Thursday 27th at 9:30 St Josephs joined other schools around the country participating in the National Shake Out Day to help our students feel prepared and know what to do in the event of an earthquake. Children responded very well and the phrase "Drop, Cover, Hold" guided all to be safe in this important exercise.
Group Day: was a successful day for all involved and congratulations to the 28 St Joseph's students who participated on the day with their animals. A special thank you to all the adults who contributed to make this yet another successful event.
Scrap Metal Fund Raising: Congratulations and again a huge thank you to all involved in the scrap metal fund raising. I understand that there has been a very good result of over $27,000 raised and considering the current fiscal climate across the country this is an excellent result.
Property Development: The Catholic Education Property Office has informed the school that work on insulating the hall will commence during this term, as well as the upgrading of the school alarm system. Interruptions to children's learning will be kept to a minimum. We will advise you when further details are available.
Youth Town Bicycles: Last week Youth Town came into the school and gave children in Years 5 - 8 training in how to keep up their bicycle maintenance, in safe riding, and provided opportunities each day of the week to develop their riding skills. It was great to see children grow in their confidence to ride a bike safely and there were a number of children who learnt to ride a bike for the first time.
This Week
The Mission Day: The Mission Day is tomorrow, Wednesday this week, and parents are welcome to join us for Mission Day 11:30am to 1:30pm. This is a popular event and will raise funds for mission overseas.
A prayer for the coming week:
Dear Lord
We thank you for the gift of emotions and feelings
Help us we pray to see the good around us,
Help us to be encouraging to others
Help us to speak kindly to others
Help us we pray to be your witness,
And to be a positive role model in all these things
Every blessing and have a great week.
Paul Cooper
Relieving Principal
A Special Thank You
This year saw our school as Duty School for Morrinsville Children's Livestock Group Day, which is a large event held at the Recreation Grounds for students and their animals from schools in the district. This role included co-ordinating gear, providing catering and setting up the recreation grounds on the day.
We would like to sincerely thank the team behind the scenes for all the hard work to make this day happen. Special thanks to Richard Scott (main man), Meredith Vowles, Paddy O'Shea, Bruce McRobbie, Wayne Sowman, Seth Loveridge LEB team, Simone Campbell and Carolyn Findson.
Plus food providers St Josephs School PFC, Westpac Bank, Little White Coffee Van and Community Food Van.
Additional support from Morrinsville Hire Centre and McLarens Rural Services.
The day could not have been the success it was without you, and I would like to personally thank you so much for your support.
Cheers Robyn
Well Done Group Day
Well done everyone and thank you for supporting this event. Final results to come.
School Photo Orders 2022
This years photographs will be available for you to view and order
On Line with PhotoLife Studios.
To place an order for class/ individual / sport photos please follow the instructions on the unique Access Key Card sent home last Friday.
Free Delivery to school for orders placed and paid for on line by Sunday, November 13th 2022.
Any orders placed after this date will be sent direct to you at a charge.
Happy Viewing Everyone
Congratulations to our CORE value certificate recipients
Reflection shared from Jemma Van Eijk, DRS
Te Rongopai (Gospel) Focus - Week 3 : Luke 19 : 1-10
Zacchaeus was a very short tax collector and not a popular man, but he desperately wanted to see Jesus - he found his own way by climbing a tree. Jesus saw the effort that Zacchaeus made and he knew that Zacchaeus needed him so he called Zacchaeus by name, asked him to come down from the tree and to go and stay at his home. The others in the crowd were angry that Jesus would eat with a sinner, but Zacchaeus promised to become a better person.
The love that Jesus showed, caused Zacchaeus to change his ways and become better. Zacchaeus’s changed his life, and the lives of the people around him as Zacchaeus chose to be better.
Our Gospel Challenge this week
● Jesus was kind to people even when they were not popular and we should be too.
● We need to make an effort to connect with Jesus in whatever way we can.
● We must remember that when we show love to others, it can change many lives.
Dear Jesus,
Help us never to be afraid to look for you
and do things differently so we can find you.
Help us to say sorry and start fresh
when we have done wrong.
Then we can live the way you want us to.
Thank you for the love you give us
that helps us to be our best selves.
Thank you, Lord!
Have a safe and blessed week. Aroha Mai - Mrs Van Eijk
Upcoming Events
- Mission Day - Wednesday, Nov 2nd
- Seniors Camp - November 8th 9th
- Junior Trip - November 8th
- Scripture Reading Festival - Wednesday, Nov 16th
- School Athletics Day- Thursday, Nov 17th
- Whole School Mass - Sunday, Nov 20th
Proudly Sponsored by
Contact Us
Location: St Joseph's Catholic School - Morrinsville 11 Linden Street, Morrinsville, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 8895306