APRIL 21, 2023
International Day is today, April 21st
Your children will have the amazing opportunity to "visit" countries from around the world all on the CAS blacktop today. CAS families are happy to share their heritage and cultures with our students.
Please encourage your children to wear any clothes from where they have traveled or any country. Soccer jerseys are always popular!
Upcoming Dates
CAS Clean and Green team Prep and Prune tomorrow, Saturday, April 22
Spring is about to pounce on Central Avenue School and we need your help! There are two Green and Clean, formerly known as May Day, events at CAS and we need your help!
- Preparation of the school grounds April 22, 9am to 11. We will be cutting back, pruning, weeding, raking and edging. No green thumb required!
- Green and Clean day April 29, 9am to noon. This coincides with the Borough wide Green and Clean event. We need your help to spread mulch and weed flower beds all over campus.
Sign up your family! Your team! Your club! Your community group! What if you can’t come but have tools to lend? There is a spot on the sign up form for you too! Questions? GreenAndCleanCAS@gmail.com
Reminder: Take Your Child to Work Day
Taste of Madison - coming up on Monday, April 24th
Did you buy a ticket for this year’s Taste of Madison?? If you did, please email caspto@gmail.com with your name and number of tickets purchased to get credit for our fundraiser. The Madison Downtown Development Committee has generously offered to give back to the CAS PTO for every ticket purchased using our name.
Spring Flower pick up will be Monday, 4/24
We apologize for the change in pickup date. Please pick up your spring pansies on Monday, 4/24.
School store - Friday, May 3
Our last school store of the year is coming up on Friday, May 3, 2023. Don’t forget to send in coins or dollar bills!! Check out the awesome items for sale!
Assembly Recap: Bash the Trash
On Wednesday, April 19, the students had an assembly highlighting Earth Day. Bash the Trash came to CAS with their instruments made from recycled materials. The 3R’s were discussed (Reduce, Reuse and Recylcle)
Word on the street is that the assembly was a blast! Ask your kids about it today. Check out these photos!
SIGN-UP! Lunch with the Principal
The students who have participated in this cannot stop talking about it. There are still spaces available so be sure to sign up your child!
Kindergarten through 3rd grade students will have an opportunity to have lunch with Mr. Liss and friends! The goal of these lunches is for students to share what they love about CAS, what we can bring to CAS, and general fun conversation about interests. This is also an opportunity for Mr. Liss to get to know your child even better! Please understand that this is not mandatory.
Children will be able to pack or buy his/her individual lunch.
Click on the signup genius to get a spot for your child. Please only sign up for one spot per student.
Family Fun Fest is May 19!
Everyone’s favorite afternoon at CAS is May 19 - Registration for Family Fun Fest is NOW OPEN!!! Tickets can be purchased for pre-registration on our website at www.caspto.com. We need volunteers to help run games, sales and more! Check out the volunteer opportunities section for the sign-up genius and more details.
DunkTank Sign-Up - NOTE this is for 5th graders ONLY!
SIGN-UPS ARE FULL!! However, if you are still interested, please email liz.madio@gmail.com to be added to the waitlist. If you are signed up and are not at the dunk tank at your scheduled arrival time, we will ask someone from the wait list to take your place. Click here for Dunk Tank Sign Up Genius
Volunteering for Fun Fest!
Want to help but can't be there in person? Water and Gatorade donations are needed. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D4FAFAB2AA6F85-casfunfest
Spirit Wear Sale - featuring Limited edition FunFest Shirt!
Get ready for the CAS Fun Fest with a Limited-Edition “Life is Sweet at CAS” t-shirt! All shirts are $15 and proceeds benefit the PTO. Pre-ordered shirts will be delivered in time to wear at the CAS Fun Fest. Also be sure to check out our Fall Preview t-shirts. Be the first to get one of our new styles at www.caspto.com. Don’t miss out! Deadline to order is Wednesday, April 26!!
COURTYARD READING GARDEN - Committee members needed!!
Things are happening! We received district approval for our plan and are ready to start our fundraising paver sale and finalize details with our landscaper. Are you interested in joining a committee to help fundraise, finalize our plan and help with ongoing maintenance for the courtyard garden? Please reach out to caspto@gmail.com
Avenues in Motion Bookmark Contest
Avenues in Motion is excited to announce its annual Earth Day bookmark contest. The theme challenges students to design a bookmark showcasing how they can safely and sustainably walk and bike to reduce air pollution. See flyers below to participate!
Help CAS - Volunteers Needed!!
We need your help!!!! Interested in becoming more involved at your child’s school? Consider volunteering for a position on the PTO. We have open board positions and quick opportunities to get involved.
FunFest is May 19
We need volunteers to help run games, sales and more. Get 5 tickets for games with each volunteer shift. Click here to sign up to volunteer!
Want to help but can’t be there in person? Sign up here to donate water and gatorade!
Book Tasting
There are a few spots still open to sign up for Book Tasting on Friday, April 28th! Mr Paradiso is hosting our 2nd Annual Book Tasting at CAS for grades 2-5. Children will briefly review new books and make notes of the books they like! We need a few parent volunteers to make sure books continue to get passed around the room. Click link below to sign-up:
PTO Vice Presidents
This role is a 2-year commitment, as you will be Vice President for the 2023-2024 school year and President for the 2024-2025 year. This role works best with 2 people, so grab a buddy and sign up! The Vice Presidents shadow and assist the Presidents in a variety of activities, including managing emails, scheduling events, organizing volunteers, overseeing the budget for events and fundraisers, fulfilling teacher requests, after school enrichment, teacher appreciation and more. This is a very FUN and rewarding role and is a great opportunity to expand your network, make new friends and get valuable insights into the inner workings of CAS. If you are interested in learning more, please email CASPTO@gmail.com to let us know. Please click here for a full description of the position.
Spirit Wear Co-Chairs
The CAS PTO is looking for two new spirit wear coordinators. This job involves ordering and selling shirts at the CAS Ice Cream Social as well as Back to School Night. The coordinators will also work with Alfred’s in early October for the online fall spirit wear sale. Spring duties are light, with a small PTO Sale. If you are interested, please contact the PTO at caspto@gmail.com
CAS International Parents Group Chair
This role supports the integration of international families in CAS and creates community through social events. Responsibilities include: participate in the Welcome Coffee for New Families in late September; host three meetings during the school year; invite and encourage international families to participate in the CAS International Day; and send flyers for group meetings to the PTO for inclusion in the CAS PTO newsletter.
Lunch Volunteers Needed for Spring!
Thank you to all who have volunteered for lunch this year! Volunteering during lunch is a great way to see your children in their school day habitat! Parent volunteers assist in opening up lunch items, keeping the lunch lines moving, and ensuring the students clean up after themselves. Lunch begins at 11:15am and ends at 12:45pm. Very few slots are available - sign up now!
Contact Danielle Carreon (danielle.asuncion@gmail.com) or Rachel Cushing (CushingFamily37@outlook.com) with any questions.
We are pleased to announce the Madison STEAM Academy is returning in 2023 for another summer of excitement and fun!
Please visit www.madisonpublicschools.org/steam academy for details and an FAQ about the program. Enrollment Now!
MEF Events Pickleball & 5k Run/Walk
Registration is open for the 3rd Annual MEF Pickleball Tournament on Saturday, June 3rd! Paddle up for a great cause... our schools! Registration is also ongoing for another MEF event---the 20th Annual MEF Madison 5K Run/Walk. Join us on May 7th for a 1-mile run/walk, 5K run/walk, and Kids Fun Run. All funds raised help MEF award teacher grants in Madison Public Schools. Visit the MEF website to learn more.
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