The Primary Connection
November 22, 2024
Notes from the Office
Our students were thrilled to experience the first snow of the school year this week! There were many large snow balls created on the playground and there was a lot of joy as students were attempting to catch snowflakes on their tongues.
As you can imagine, it takes a lot of work to get our little Eddies ready to go outside during the snowy season. It is important for you to practice with your child getting ready to go outside with snowgear on. They need to be able to zip their coats, put on snowpants and put on their gloves and mittens. Once again, I need to remind you to LABEL EVERYTHING!! Many of our students have the same boots, snowpants and gloves. Without items being labeled it is difficult to know who they belong to.
Thank you for your help!
Calendar Updates
November 25th - Board of Education Meeting, 7:00PM
November 27th - Early Dismissal, 11:50
November 28th-29th - No school, Thanksgiving Holiday Break
December 3rd - Holiday Shop at the Intermediate
December 11th - Late Start, 10:05 drop off
Holiday Shop
It is time for the annual Holiday Shop where are students have the opportunity to but gifts for their family members. Student information went home this week and we are happy to take our students who bring money to shop for their family members.
If you have an hour our more to spare, the PTO could use help working at the shop during the school day. See the sign-up sheet below.
Fundraiser Items
If you have not picked up your items from the PTO Fundraiser items the items have been delivered to the Primary and you can pick it up from our office.
Band Booster Fundraiser
PTO Shop
Edwardsburg Primary School
Office Hours: 7:30 - 4:15 PM
(Regular office hours begin September 3, 2024)
Location: 69100 Section Street, Edwardsburg, MI, USA
Phone: 269-663-1037
Elementary Principal at Edwardsburg Primary School