Special Education News

And just like that, we are well into the new school year, and summer is already a distant memory! Our programming, unified activities, and classes are off to a great start, and I couldn't be more excited for the months ahead.
With every new school year comes a fresh opportunity to reflect, revamp, and refine our processes and systems. Whether it’s improving IEP development, enhancing communication with families, or expanding our support strategies, we’re committed to ensuring every student has the resources and support they need to succeed.
This year, we are continuing to focus on creating supportive and inclusive environments throughout the learning spaces that our students access. Additionally, we’re implementing new tools and strategies to support student growth, both academically and socially. We have onboarded a new IEP documentation system - Power Schools Special Programs - which has refined our work in documenting each student’s education plan. This also means that our paperwork will look just a little bit different this year.
I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible dedication of our staff—teachers, paraprofessionals, service providers, and support teams. Your hard work and passion are the heartbeat of our program. Together, we will continue to foster a community where all students are empowered to achieve their full potential.
Emily Scott
Director of Special Education
SVVSD is Utilizing a New IEP Management System
St. Vrain Valley School District is using a new Individualized Education Plan (IEP) management system called PowerSchool Special Programs; therefore, documents will look different this year. Special Education Teachers and Related Service Providers use PowerSchool Special Programs to view, manage, and create all documents related to a student's evaluation, eligibility, IEP, and other special education related forms and processes.
On August 24, some of the Special Education Leadership team participated in the "Plane Pull" for Special Olympics Colorado at Denver International Airport. The goal was for teams of up to 25 participants to pull a United Airlines airplane 12 feet across the tarmac in the fastest time. The event raised more than $360K to support the athletes and programs of Special Olympics Colorado.
Northridge Elementary is Engaging Students With Their New Interactive Sensory Wall
Activating one's sense of touch through a sensory wall can be an impactful tool used to help students learn how to recognize, understand, and regulate their emotions at school. Read more>>>
Erie HS Students Are Gaining "Real World" Experience Through Their Tiger Cafe
From Caramel Macchiatos to English Toffee Cappuccinos, students in the Significant Support Needs (SSN) classroom at Erie High School are whipping up concoctions that will satisfy any coffee lover's heart. Read more>>>
SVVSD Adds Another Pathway to Teaching for Aspiring Educators
In its inaugural year, seven aspiring teachers are taking advantage of St. Vrain Valley School District’s new Alternative Licensure Pathway to Special Education (ALPSE) teaching program. Read more>>>
SVVSD Unified Teams Participated in the Public Education Parade
Staff and students across St. Vrain Valley Schools came together on September 7 for the Public Education Parade to celebrate the outstanding teachers, students, and schools in our community. SVVSD Unified Teams were proudly representing the power of inclusion at the parade.
Unified Bowlers Are Gearing up for a Great Season
Save the Date for St. Vrain Band Night
All Unified Percussion Ensembles will come together for a combined performance at this year's St. Vrain Band Night, which will take place on October 9 at Everly Montgomery Field (Longmont High School) starting at 6pm. St. Vrain Band Night provides an opportunity for students to showcase their marching band skills to a live audience, but also to learn from the other programs throughout the district and state. Hope to see you there!
Ticket Prices
Adults - $6, Students - $5
Children 6 & Under / Senior Citizens - FREE
8th grade students get in FREE with Student ID
Transition Readiness Toolkit (TRT): This year SWAP is implementing the TRT with students to gather data on the Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) SWAP provides in order to gain feedback and improve service delivery. Students complete a pre-test and a post-test survey as they work with their Swap provider on one of the Pre-ETS the student is developing to identify student strengths and areas of growth.
Bring Your A Game Anywhere: SWAP is piloting the new Bring Your A Game Anywhere (Workplace Readiness Curriculum) platform at Frederick and Niwot High Schools. Students learn the 7 A's they need to master to be successful at any job including: Attitude, Attendance, Appearance, etc.
Junior Achievement (JA): Swap continues to partner with JA. This fall students at Silver Creek are learning Workplace Readiness skills through a series of Personal Success presentations that target: My Personal Brand, Professional Profiles & Networking, Resumes & Cover Letters, and Interview Skills.
Work Based Learning Opportunities: SWAP is expanding the Work Based Learning Opportunities for students during Spring and Summer Breaks. This fall, SWAP will be surveying students on their top volunteer interests to inform programming for Spring and Summer Breaks. Once the WBL interests are determined, SWAP will identify the skills students will be gaining from each opportunity and provide feedback to the student on skill development after the experience.
Questions? Contact Ryan Burch, School to Work Alliance Program Coordinator
burch_ryan@svvsd.org, 303-772-7700 x57894
SVVSD Virtual Parent Education Series
- When: October, 2 from 5-6:30pm
- Click Here to RSVP / en español
- Click here to download flyer
Youth & Therapeutic Recreation Opportunities at Erie Community Center
- Email Ronja Vaitaitis at youthandtr@erieco.gov for questions about these programs
- Registration available online at www.erieco.gov/Amilia
- Click here to download flyer