Raider Nation Newsletter
Week of December 13, 2021
Preparing for Next Year…
Dear Atholton Families,
This week there will be a 3-hour early dismissal on Wednesday, December 15. This additional half-day was approved by the Board of Education in recognition of the heavy load of both teachers and students. Therefore, this day is a time reserved for enrichment and/or intervention. Students and teachers are to use the day as a resource for additional support or to “catch up” on work assignments.
Midterm exams are fast approaching and will be here before you know it. The midterm exam schedule has been posted and may be found below. Please remember that midterm exams and final exams will count 5% each toward the course final grade.
As we begin preparations for registration for next year, please save the date – January 6, 2022. This will be the Scheduling Night for registration for courses next year. Come hear about the myriad of elective courses available to students and take advantage of the opportunity to speak with content team leaders regarding any questions you may have about course sequences or differentiated levels (honors, GT, AP, etc.). The event will take place from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Additionally, counselors will meet with ALL students to discuss course registration for next year. These counselor–student meetings will take place from January 10 - February 16.
Preparations are underway for the Class of 2022. An email was sent to senior parents regarding the release of the graduation window (May 19 - June 3). All HCPSS graduations will take place during this time period. The link to HCPSS graduation page may be found here. More importantly, we have scheduled our first two RaiderTime Class of 2022 graduation meetings for January 12 and January 26. Please make sure your seniors are aware of these dates. We will make several announcements leading up to the dates at school.
Lastly, as we enter our winter sports season, we want to make sure everyone is clear on the expectations for students. The following message was shared with students via email and during the morning announcements:
Winter Sports Guidelines:
Students may not stay after school in the hallways to wait for games to begin. Doors will be open approximately 20 minutes before each game.
Admission is $3 for students and $5 for adults.
Masks must be worn at all times. If students/spectators refuse to wear masks properly they will be asked to leave the event and may lose privileges to attend future athletic events.
No Food or Drinks allowed in the gym.
No taunting other players, coaches and fans. Spectators will be asked to leave if they do not exhibit positive sportsmanship behavior.
Backpacks will not be permitted. A designated area near the gym will be available for spectators to leave their bags. The school and administration are not responsible for any missing items. We recommend putting backpacks in lockers.
Once you leave the event, you will not be permitted to return
Students/spectators must vacate the gym immediately after the game is concluded and must have a ride home within 20 minutes of the conclusion of the game.
We are excited for our first winter sports season in over a year. We ask that you follow the guidelines and support your Raiders!!!
Have a wonderful week!
Warmest regards,
Robert A. Motley
Midterm Exam Schedule
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Period 1 Exam; Bell Schedule #1
Full day of school
No extracurricular activities, including practices, rehearsals, events, etc.
AM & PM ARL Classes in Session
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Periods 2 & 3 Exams; Bell Schedule #2
All schools close 3 hours early
No extracurricular activities, other than 90 minute conditioning practices which may begin at 2:45 p.m.
No PM ARL Students
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Periods 4A & 4B Exams; Bell Schedule #2
High schools close 3 hours early
No extracurricular activities, other than 90 minute conditioning practices which may begin at 2:45 p.m.
No AM ARL Students
Friday, January 21, 2022
Periods 5 & 6 Exams; Bell Schedule #2
High schools close 3 hours early
All extracurricular activities resume at 2:45pm
No AM ARL Students
Midterm Exam Schedule
School Counselor Assignments
Ms. Wade -- 9th Grade ONLY (Kim_Wade@hcpss.org)
Mr. Cohen -- Last Name A - E / Grades 10 - 12 (Phillip_Cohen@hcpss.org)
Ms. Meledick -- Last Name F - Kj / Grades 10 - 12 (Dana_Meledick@hcpss.org)
Ms. Clearfield -- Last Name Kk - P / Grades 10 - 12 (Lisa_Clearfield@hcpss.org)
Ms. Wright -- Last Name Q - Z / Grades 10 - 12 (Keturah_Wright@hcpss.org)
Mark Your Calendar
December 15 -- NEW DATE -- School Closes 3hrs Early
December 23 - 31 -- WINTER BREAK
January 3 -- School Reopens
January 6 — Scheduling Night
Atholton High School
Click Below for Boosters' Organization News
Email: Robert_Motley@hcpss.org
Website: www.ahs.hcpss.org
Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065