STEM Elementary Newsletter
December 6, 2024
📣 Mark Your Calendars!
December 9-20: Holiday Home Stretch Spirit Days (See Below)
December 23-January 1: WINTER BREAK NO SCHOOL (School resumes January 2nd)
Click here for the 2024-25 School District of Waukesha Calendar
NEW Click here for the 2025-26 School District of Waukesha Calendar
🙌 STEMShare Needs for the Holidays
We are pleased to offer our STEMShare program to families who need it. STEMShare provides healthy, kid-friendly foods to participating students at the end of each school week. We are in need of the of the following items to prepare supplies for the holiday break:
Chicken salad snack packs
Bumblebee lunch on the go
Individual dry cereal cups/packs
Protein bars
Breakfast drinks (Carnation breakfast essentials)
Chef boyardee individual cups
Beef sticks
Cereal/fruit and grain bars
If you can help, please drop items inside the main entrance by Monday, December 16th.
If your family would benefit from a supplemental food bag each Friday, please click here and complete the request form (this information is kept strictly confidential).
📆 Holiday Home Stretch Spirit Days!
Monday December 9: Grinch Day (Wear Green)
Tuesday December 10: Twinkle Tuesday (Add some lights, tinsel, or glitter to your apparel!)
Wednesday December 11: Hunt for the Perfect Tree (Wear Orange/Camo)
Thursday December 12: Holiday Headwear/Hair (Wear a holiday hairband, or your favorite hat/crazy hair)
Friday December 13: Holidays Past (Dress as a previous decade)
Monday December 16: Twas the week before Winter Break (PJ/Comfy clothes)
Tuesday December 17: Two feet Tuesday (Wear your favorite holiday socks or fun shoes)
Wednesday December 18: Candy Cane Day (dress in red and white)
Thursday December 19: Tacky Sweater Day (wear your best 'ugly' sweater)
Friday December 20: Holiday Vacation/Disney Day (wear your favorite Disney or vacation attire-- remember to keep it school appropriate, no flip flops, swimwear, etc)
📝 Student Portfolios
Last year STEM Elementary took the next step in enhancing our Student Portfolios with Seesaw by introducing Learner Profiles. These personalized learner profiles will offer detailed insights into your child's progress towards grade-level standards, providing a comprehensive overview of their academic journey. We are committed to showcasing the growth and success of each student, and to achieve this, updated learner profiles will be shared with you at the beginning of each month via email. Understand that this is still new for everyone, and as we continue this journey, we are in the testing phase to determine the best ways to utilize this tool effectively.
Your feedback and support during this process will be invaluable, and we look forward to refining and optimizing this new feature for the benefit of our students. Thank you for your ongoing partnership in fostering a rich learning environment at STEM Elementary.
Check out the video & pdf below to learn how to read the learner profile and understand more about your learner.
🙌 Lost and Found 12-6-24
🗣 Nothing Bundt Cake Fundraiser is Underway!
Just in time for the Holidays! Forms and information were sent home on 11/25.
Sales will end December 11, 2024 and product will be delivered to school on December 18 (stay tuned for times/pickup details. We cannot store product, so make sure you are available for pickup before participating)
Click here for more information.
🙌 Do You Have a Small Business?
We would love to support each other and build your business. If you are interested in sharing your business information please fill out this form and we will share your information to our family community.
🗣 Waukesha North Open House Dec. 10 6-8 pm
School District of Waukesha 4K Programs
Message from the School District of Waukesha (Note STEM is not a 4K site)
All applications received between December 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025 will be included
in the 4K lottery process in February.
Please see the School District of Waukesha Enrollment 4K website for more Information!!
Elementary Campus (K-5)
Location: 1103 South East Avenue, Waukesha, WI, USA
Phone: 262.970.2305
Facebook: h
X: @WaukeshaSTEM
Secondary (Saratoga) Campus (6-8)
Location: 130 Walton Avenue, Waukesha, WI, USA
Phone: 262.970.2500