Week at a Glance
January 13-17, 2025
O bless the Lord, my soul. (Psalm 104)
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, January 13
- No Secrets Presentation - Kinder, Grades 2, & 4
Tuesday, January 14
- No Secrets Presentation - Kinder, Grades 2 & 4
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend.
Wednesday, January 15
- Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Thursday, January 16
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend
Friday, January 17
- T/TH Kindergarten attend
- Hot lunch for those that ordered - Panago
Upcoming Events:
- January 21 - Deadline to order February hot lunch.
- January 27 - Theme Day - Book Character Day
- January 27 - School Council Meeting - 6:00 pm
- January 27 - School Council Workshop (ASCA Training) - 7:00 pm
- January 29 - What Would Jesus Do Awards -- M/W Kinder, Grades 3, and 4 - 9:00 am
- January 30 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - T/TH kinder, Grades 1 and 2 - 9:00 am
- January 31 - PD Day - No School for Students
- February 7 - Mr. Mike's hot lunch for those that ordered
- February 14 - Happy Valentine's Day
- February 14 - Red and White Theme Day
- February 17 - Family Day - No School
- February 20 - Teacher Convention - No school for students
- February 21 - Teacher Convention - No school for students
- February 24 - School Council meeting - 1:30 pm
- February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
- February 26 - What Would Jesus Do Awards M/W Kindergarten, Grades 1, and 2 - 9:00 am
- February 27 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - T/TH Kindergarten, Grades 3, and 4 - 9:00 am
- February 28 - Burger Parlour hot lunch for those that ordered
School News
Kindergarten Registration
Registration is now open for the Kindergarten and Pre-K 2025-2026 school year. Please click below to view the Parent User Guide, and register.
2024-2025 Class Photos
We have received several inquiries about the Edge Imaging class photos. We reached out to Edge Imaging, and they informed us that although the class photos were taken in the fall, their primary focus has been on processing the individual student photos. As a result, the class pictures will be available in the spring. Thank you for your patience!
Attention Grade 3 Parent/Guardians - We value your voice and feedback!
Each year, Red Deer Catholic School Division circulates surveys to parents of students in designated grades. The results of these surveys are used to help guide programs at our school, to celebrate the great things we do, and to address school needs.
This year, our grade 3 parents/guardians have the opportunity to complete the "Schollie" survey. Please be sure to check your email for details regarding the Grade 3 Survey which will be sent out January 13th. Your grade 3 child will also be completing a similar survey this week in class.
Because this survey only takes approximately 5 minutes to complete, we are hopeful to have a strong response rate.
We greatly value your feedback, and appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. The deadline for completion is January 31st. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Grade 4 Bottle Drive
Each year, our School Council kindly supports the Grade 4 swimming lessons. In an effort to help offset these expenses, the Grade 4 team will be organizing a bottle drive in the new year. We kindly ask that you retain your bottles and further details regarding drop-off dates and locations will be shared in the coming weeks.
Emergency Response Plan: All Things "Hour Zero"
Schools are considered to one of the safest places in our community. However, in reality, emergencies do happen. Red Deer Catholic Schools have developed a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan called "Hour Zero." In the coming weeks, we will be using this space to help parents understand our Hour Zero procedures better, so that you are prepared in the event of an emergency situation. This week, we are focusing on SHELTER IN PLACE.
Generally, Shelter-in-Place is used during an environmental emergency, such as severe storms or chemical spills. During a Shelter-in-Place, students and staff retreat to safe zones to seek shelter. This includes having students or staff who are outdoors come back into the school. Each school’s emergency response plan identifies the safest location for its occupants and how to seal a room from hazardous conditions. Students will not be released or dismissed until the situation has been resolved.
To learn more about Hour Zero and our emergency protocols, please review the following resources:
2024-2025 Student Information Update Form
The RDCRS 2024-2025 Student Information Update Forms are now past due. If you have a student in grades 1-4, and have not yet completed their student information update form please do so as soon as possible. This documentation is required by Alberta Education, and used to verify your child's school enrolment.
How to Access the RDCRS 2024-2025 Student Information Update Form:
Log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal from a PC, Mac, or Chromebook: https://rdcrs.powerschool.com/public/home.html
If you are unsure of your password, use the "Forgot Username or Password?" link to reset it, or feel free to contact your child's school for assistance.
In PowerSchool, select the "School Engage" button (scroll down to the last button on the left-hand side)
In School Engage, click the Students tab, then select your child’s name.
Look for the Student Information Update Form on the right-hand side of the screen.
To open the form, click the blue, "Open" button under {RDCRS 2024-2025 Student Information Update Form}.
After opening the form, navigate through the form by clicking the right arrow button on the top right of the form. Please fill in the mandatory fields highlighted in red and check or update other information shown on the form.
Complete the process by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the last page
Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns regarding the form.
School Council News
School Council
Please join us on January 27th at 6:00 PM for our monthly School Council Meeting. We will also enjoy an information and training session put on by the ASCA afterwards from 7:00-9:00 PM. Join for one or join for both! All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you. Come learn about the important work that we do and why the parent voice and involvement is so important.
The Work of School Council: It’s NOT About the Meeting
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
School Councils often struggle with identifying the types of activities and work they should be doing in order to truly fulfil their legislated role. In this workshop, school councils are encouraged to examine what they are doing in relation to the Assurance Framework, their intended purpose and the intended result of their work, and then consider strategies to enhance the school council’s role in the school community, supporting the expectations of legislation and the Assurance Framework.
Hot Lunch
February's Hot Lunch order form on PowerSchool is open for ordering! Please place your order on or before January 21st. We're sorry but no late orders can be accepted.
On February's menu:
Feb 7 Mr. Mike's Steakhouse - Pastas and soup to choose from!
Feb 28 Burger Parlor - Cheeseburgers and more!
Instructions to order:
Log-in to your PowerSchool account (https://rdcrs.powerschool.com/public/home.html)
School Fees and Forms (the Left hand menu, scroll to near bottom)
Choose your student
Click on Hot Lunch
Add your menu items to the Cart
CHECK-OUT and provide payment (Top-Right) *Your hot lunch order is not received or processed until you have checked out and completed payment.
For all upcoming school and faith events, please see our school calendar:
For all up to date school news, please see our school website:
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish News
Bible Study
The Parish Pastoral Priorities Committee of Our Lady of the Assumption Church would like to invite you to a “Biblical Walk Through the Mass” - Bible Study by Dr. Edward Sri. The study will start on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, and run each Monday at 7 p.m. for 5 weeks. Each session will be approximately 2 hours long including a video of 30 minutes. The Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it we encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we hear Him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and as we receive Him, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. This fascinating tour of the Mass will renew your faith and deepen your love for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist. The cost of the study is $37.95 which will include a text book and a workbook. Please register by emailing the church office at office@ccsylvanlake.ca or by calling Marie Jensen at 403-887-2245
Community News
2025 Player Registration is OPEN!!
Sylvan Lake Minor Ball Association offers programs for those aged 5-18:
Rally Cap – 2020, 2019, 2018
9U Baseball – 2017, 2016
‘A’ Baseball – 11U, 13U, 15U, 18U
‘AA’ Baseball – *13U, 15U, 18U
Community Softball – U9, U11, U13, U15, U17
REP Softball – U11, U13, U15, U17
*Please note 11U AA Tryouts were held in September | Team has been selected*
*NEW this Season, the introduction of U9 Softball*
Coaching Applications are now being accepted for 9U Baseball, ‘A’ Baseball, REP Softball and Community Softball!
Tryouts Coming Soon! For players interested in Rep Softball and AA Baseball , please note there is an additional fee if interested in trying out, this will be applied at checkout. Stay tuned for official tryout dates, which will be announced shortly after registration closes.
Mark Your Calendars
Registration Opens: November 14
Tryout Dates >> Rep Softball — AA Baseball
SLMBA AGM is to be held Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025 from 7pm- 8pm, @ Strategis Room #1 (NexSource Centre)
Let’s Play Ball!