Principal's Weekly Update
November 23, 2024
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):
We wrapped up the first Trimester on Friday. We hope that our students are pleased with their performance to this point and that they look forward to some new Unified Arts offerings in Trimester 2 (they have to bear in mind that not everyone can get the cooking class). Speaking of Unified Arts, our Madison Musicians are preparing for the upcoming concert season. This Tuesday, 11/26 is the "String Fling" which brings together students from Madison, Hillcrest and THS for a combined performance. Our Band, Chorus and Strings concerts will follow in December. One more Unified Arts highlight-- the insert photo on the right is from a recent PE class-- at first glance you might think it's Cirque du Soleil, but it's really just another example of the creativity which our teachers have brought to bear in the realm of physical education.
In the "final photo" below, you see students in Amy Oman's class playing "Habitat Kahoot" with some "peer models". I think the picture instantly qualifies as one of my favorites from this year to date.
Trimester 2 Schedules and Reports Cards
Please click here for instructions on how Trimester 2 schedules can be accessed in Infinite Campus. Trimester 2 will start on Monday, November 25th with a Day 2. Report Cards will be posted to Infinite Campus Backpack by the end of the school day on Friday, December 6th. Click here for directions on how to access report cards in Infinite Campus.
Clubs & Activities:
The Model Club will meet in Room 203 on Monday, November 25th. After these dates, the club will resume in the Spring. Bring a model and join the fun.
Crochet Club will meet Monday, November 25th.
Madison Make-Over Club will meet on Monday, November 25th, in Room 220. Only those working on Stairwell C and the upstairs can stay. Please check Google Classroom for an announcement.
The next Sports Club activity is Basketball. Sign ups are underway in all PE classes. The permission slip deadline is Wednesday, November 27th.
Announcements/ Reminders:
Come out this Saturday, November 23rd and support the Trumbull Rangers 7th Grade Team as they will play for the league championship at Fairfield Warde High School at 1:00 They are currently undefeated this season!
The Trumbull String Fling Winter Concert will be held at Trumbull High School on Tuesday, November 26th at 6:30PM.
The PTA sponsored MMS Ski/Snowboard Club is looking for interested students to join the trips on the following Fridays - 1/24, 1/31, 2/07, 2/21, and 2/28. Please review the information in THIS LINK and sign up starting at 6AM on Saturday, November 23rd.
Attention 8th Grade NJHS Members: Completed Trimester 1 Service Logs should be turned in in Google Classroom by 2:30 PM on Tuesday, November 26th.
Yearbooks are on sale for $38. Also, we are now offering Yearbook Recognition Ads which are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones. The revenues from Recognition Ads help our school create a better yearbook. Go to jostens.com to order today.
Madison Middle School is happy to once again support the Mittens for Many initiative. You can donate gloves or mittens from now until 11/27. You will find the donation boxes in the front foyer entrance.
The Trumbull Auxiliary, VFW, and Trumbull Rotary are collecting items for our active military soldiers. A box during the holiday season means the world to our service members who are away from their families and friends. Please consider donating an item (or two) to bring some joy to those who sacrifice so much!See Mrs. Cranston or Mrs. Cerulli if you have questions. Drop off items to Mrs. Cranston’s office or the Guidance Suite by Monday, November 18th. What to Send to Our Deployed Soldiers:
My final reminder is that Wednesday is a Legal Day (half day) schedule. We we have our monthly Advisory period scheduled for that day. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on both the notion of "gratitude" and how they can express it in their day to day lives. It will be an especially appropriate brdige to the Thanksgiving holiday. Please know that I am grateful to all who take the time to read these letters every week, and for all that you do to support us in the education of your child. Safe travels to all who celebrate further from home, and I hope that everyone enjoys their time with family and friends.
Take care,
Peter Sullivan